Convert bytearray to string python

Convert Bytearray to String in Python

In this blog, we will learn how to convert a bytearray to a string in Python using various methods such as decode(), struct module, base64 module, and manual byte-to-character conversion. Understand the pros and cons of each method and choose the best approach for your specific use case.


Bytearray is a mutable sequence of bytes in Python, which can be used to store binary data such as images, audio files, or network packets. Often, there is a need to convert a bytearray to a string in order to process or display the data in a human-readable format. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore different methods to convert a bytearray to a string in Python, along with detailed explanations and example programs.

We will cover the following methods for converting bytearray to string in Python:

Method 1: Using the decode() method

The decode() method is a built-in method in Python that can be used to convert a bytearray to a string. It takes an optional encoding parameter, which specifies the character encoding to be used for the conversion. If the encoding parameter is not provided, it defaults to «utf-8», which is a widely used encoding for text data.

Here’s an example program that demonstrates how to use the decode() method to convert a bytearray to a string:

# Example program for using the decode() method byte_arr = bytearray(b'Hello, world!') # Create a bytearray str_val = byte_arr.decode() # Convert bytearray to string print(str_val) 


In the above example, we first create a bytearray with the value «Hello, world!». Then, we use the decode() method on the bytearray object to convert it to a string. Since the encoding parameter is not provided, it defaults to «utf-8», which is the correct encoding for the given text data. The resulting string is then printed, which is the expected output «Hello, world!».

Method 2: Using the bytes() method with the decode() method

Another way to convert a bytearray to a string is by using the bytes() method in combination with the decode() method. The bytes() method can be used to create a bytes object from a bytearray, and then the decode() method can be called on the bytes object to convert it to a string.

Here’s an example program that demonstrates how to use the bytes() method with the decode() method to convert a bytearray to a string:

# Example program for using the bytes() method with the decode() method byte_arr = bytearray(b'Hello, world!') # Create a bytearray bytes_obj = bytes(byte_arr) # Create a bytes object from the bytearray str_val = bytes_obj.decode() # Convert bytes object to string print(str_val) 


In the above example, we first create a bytearray with the value «Hello, world!«. Then, we use the bytes() method to create a bytes object from the bytearray. Finally, we call the decode() method on the bytes object to convert it to a string. The resulting string is then printed, which is the expected output «Hello, world!».

Method 3: Using the struct.unpack() method

The struct module in Python provides methods for packing and unpacking binary data, which can also be used to convert a bytearray to a string. The struct. unpack() method in particular can be used to unpack binary data from a bytearray into a tuple of values, which can then be converted to a string using the appropriate format.

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Here’s an example program that demonstrates how to use the struct.unpack() method to convert a bytearray to a string:

# Example program for using the struct.unpack() method import struct byte_arr = bytearray(b'48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421') # Create a bytearray with hexadecimal values format_str = '12s' # Format string to specify the size of the string str_val = struct.unpack(format_str, byte_arr)[0].decode() # Convert bytearray to string print(str_val) 


In the above example, we first create a bytearray with the hexadecimal values «48656c6c6f2c20776f726c6421«, which represents the string «Hello, world!» in ASCII. Then, we define a format string «12s» using the struct module, which specifies the size of the string to be extracted from the bytearray as 12 bytes. We pass the format string and the bytearray to the struct.unpack() method, which returns a tuple of values. Since we are only interested in the string value, we access the first element of the tuple using indexing [0]. Finally, we call the decode() method on the resulting bytes object to convert it to a string. The resulting string is then printed, which is the expected output «Hello, world!«.

Method 4: Using the base64 module

The base64 module in Python provides methods for encoding and decoding binary data using the Base64 encoding scheme. The Base64 encoding is a common way to represent binary data as ASCII text, which can be easily converted to a string. Therefore, the base64 module can also be used to convert a bytearray to a string by encoding the bytearray using Base64 and then decoding it to a string.

Here’s an example program that demonstrates how to use the base64 module to convert a bytearray to a string:

# Example program for using the base64 module import base64 byte_arr = bytearray(b'Hello, world!') # Create a bytearray base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(byte_arr) # Encode bytearray to Base64 str_val = base64_bytes.decode() # Convert Base64 bytes to string print(str_val) 


In the above example, we first create a bytearray with the value «Hello, world!«. Then, we use the base64.b64encode() method from the base64 module to encode the bytearray to Base64, which returns a bytes object. We then call the decode() method on the bytes object to convert it to a string. The resulting string is then printed, which is the expected output «SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==» in Base64 encoding.

Method 5: Manually converting each byte to a character

In some cases, you may need to manually convert each byte in a bytearray to a character in order to create a string. This method involves iterating through each byte in the bytearray and converting it to a character using the chr() function, and then concatenating the characters to form a string.

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Here’s an example program that demonstrates how to manually convert each byte in a bytearray to a character:

# Example program for manually converting each byte to a character byte_arr = bytearray(b'Hello, world!') # Create a bytearray str_val = '' for byte in byte_arr: str_val += chr(byte) # Convert each byte to a character and append to the string print(str_val) 


In the above example, we first create a bytearray with the value «Hello, world!«. Then, we initialize an empty string ` str_val ` to store the converted string. Next, we iterate through each byte in the bytearray using a for loop, and for each byte, we use the chr() function to convert it to a character. We then append the converted character to the `str_val` string. Finally, we print the ` str_val ` string, which is the expected output «Hello, world!».


In this blog, we discussed various methods to convert a bytearray to a string in Python. We started with the simple method of using the bytearray’s decode() method with an appropriate encoding, such as ‘utf-8‘, ‘ascii‘, or ‘latin-1‘. Then, we explored the struct module, which can be used to unpack binary data from a bytearray into a tuple of values, and then convert it to a string using the appropriate format. We also looked at using the base64 module to encode the bytearray to Base64 and then decode it to a string. Lastly, we discussed the manual method of converting each byte in the bytearray to a character using the chr() function and concatenating them to form a string.

In conclusion, depending on the specific use case and requirements, any of these methods can be used to convert a bytearray to a string in Python. It is important to consider factors such as encoding, performance, and data integrity when choosing the appropriate method for your application.

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Convert Bytearray to String in Python

Convert Bytearray to String in Python

  1. Convert bytearray to string With the bytes() Function in Python
  2. Convert bytearray to string With the bytearray.decode() Function in Python

You can use two primary methods to convert a bytearray into a String in Python: bytes() and bytearray.decode() . In this tutorial, we’ll show you how you can use these functions as methods for this special conversion.

Convert bytearray to string With the bytes() Function in Python

If we have a bytearray containing string characters with the utf-8 encoding and want to convert that array into a string variable, we can use the built-in bytes() function in Python.

The bytes() function returns an immutable bytes object that can then be stored inside a string variable. The following code snippet demonstrates how we can convert a bytearray to a string with the bytes() function.

b = bytearray("test", encoding="utf-8") str1 = bytes(b) print(str1) 

We converted the bytearray object b into a string variable str1 with the bytes() function in the code above. First, we encoded the text test with a utf-8 encoding inside an object of bytearray . We then converted the bytearray to string with the bytes() function and stored the result inside the string variable str1 .

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In the end, we printed the data inside the str1 variable. The output shows that this process adds a b object at the start of our original data and then encloses the data inside single quotes. This problem is addressed in the method discussed next.

Convert bytearray to string With the bytearray.decode() Function in Python

As we can see, the bytes() function converts a bytearray to a string but adds additional data to the original string. This problem can be solved by string manipulation, but it is a cumbersome process. The bytearray.decode() function automatically does that for us. This method decodes the data originally encoded inside the bytearray .

The following code snippet demonstrates how we can convert a bytearray to string with the bytearray.decode() function.

b = bytearray("test", encoding="utf-8") str1 = b.decode() print(str1) 

We converted the bytearray object b into a string variable str1 with the b.decode() function in the code above. First, we encoded the text test with a utf-8 encoding inside an object of bytearray . We then converted the bytearray to string with the b.decode() function and stored the result inside the string variable str1 . In the end, we printed the data inside the str1 variable. The output shows that this process does not add any additional data to our originally encoded data.

From the demonstrations above, it is clear that the bytearray.decode() method is far superior to the byte() method for converting a bytearray object into a string variable.

Maisam is a highly skilled and motivated Data Scientist. He has over 4 years of experience with Python programming language. He loves solving complex problems and sharing his results on the internet.

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Convert Bytearray to String in Python

Convert Bytearray to String in Python

Python supports different types of sequence objects to store data. One such object is a bytearray object. As the name suggests, a bytearray object is an array of bytes or a sequence of bytes. In this article, we will discuss different ways to convert bytearray to string in Python.

How to create a bytearray from a string?

Before converting a bytearray to a string, let us first discuss how we can convert a string into a bytearray. After creating a bytearray object from a string, we will learn how to convert a bytearray to a string in the subsequent sections.

To convert a string to a bytearray we use the bytearray() constructor. The syntax for the bytearray() constructor is as follows.

byteArrayObject=bytearray(input_string, encoding_format, error_message)

  • The byteArrayObject is the output given by the bytearray() constructor.
  • input_string is the string that has to be converted into a bytearray.
  • ‘ encoding_format ’ is the encoding format that we follow while converting a string to bytearray. Generally, it is ‘ utf-8 ’ or ‘ utf-16 ’.
  • error_message is the message that is displayed when any error occurs during the execution of the bytearray() constructor. It is an optional argument.

To convert a string to a bytearray object, we can pass the input string and the encoding format to the bytearray constructor as follows.


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