Config yml spigot java

How to Modify Spigot Configuration (spigot.yml)

The Spigot Config file has many options and settings that can be modified to change the behavior of your Minecraft server running the Spigot server type. You may directly modify the spigot.yml file that’s in your server directory. However, through Multicraft, this can easily be found under the Config Files menu, labeled as Spigot Config. The file works in conjunction with the Bukkit configuration file (bukkit.yml).

Note: You should only change configuration options for your server if you know what you are doing. If you are not sure what something does, it is best to leave it at its default setting.

In this guide, we will discuss how to configure your server’s Spigot Config and some of the configuration options available to you in the server control panel, without needing to directly and manually modify the spigot.yml file!


Spigot Config - Navigate to Config Files

  1. On your Multicraft Panel (, navigate to Files >Config Files.

Spigot Config - Server Settings

  • On the Config Files page, select Spigot Config .
  • Now that you have accessed your server’s Spigot Config, you may modify this to your preference. The following table describes some of the options you can customize. You can find the complete list and detailed discussion on all configurable options in the SpigotMC Wiki.


    An Example Code for Spigot: Creating a Custom Configuration File in Java

    Refer to the Bukkit wiki page on the Configuration API Reference to understand how to mirror the JavaPlugin implementation, especially the Reloading implementation. You can modify it to suit your needs and call the method in your main class. Another solution is to use the code snippet provided in the main class to read from and write to the file. Hopefully, this information is helpful to you despite any language barriers.

    How to make a custom config in Spigot

    To clarify, your intention is to generate a personalized Yaml configuration file, which can be effortlessly accomplished.

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    By simply creating a config.yml file in your project, you can customize it with any desired content while ensuring the syntax remains accurate. This Yaml file will then be saved and loaded accordingly. saveDefaultConfig();

    I use this in my main Class:

     File locations = new File("plugins/GlobalSystem", "locations.yml"); if (!locations.exists()) < try < locations.createNewFile(); >catch (IOException e) < e.printStackTrace(); >FileConfiguration loc = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(locations); loc.set("spawn.Welt", "Welt"); loc.set("spawn.X", 0); loc.set("spawn.Y", 100); loc.set("spawn.Z", 0); loc.set("spawn.Yaw", 0); loc.set("spawn.Pitch", 0); loc.set("reallife.Welt", "Welt"); loc.set("reallife.X", 0); loc.set("reallife.Y", 100); loc.set("reallife.Z", 0); loc.set("reallife.Yaw", 0); loc.set("reallife.Pitch", 0); loc.set("acidisland.Welt", "Welt"); loc.set("acidisland.X", 0); loc.set("acidisland.Y", 100); loc.set("acidisland.Z", 0); loc.set("acidisland.Yaw", 0); loc.set("acidisland.Pitch", 0); loc.set("skypvp.Welt", "Welt"); loc.set("skypvp.X", 0); loc.set("skypvp.Y", 100); loc.set("skypvp.Z", 0); loc.set("skypvp.Yaw", 0); loc.set("skypvp.Pitch", 0); loc.set("spiele.Welt", "Welt"); loc.set("spiele.X", 0); loc.set("spiele.Y", 100); loc.set("spiele.Z", 0); loc.set("spiele.Yaw", 0); loc.set("spiele.Pitch", 0); loc.set("silenthub.Welt", "Welt"); loc.set("silenthub.X", 0); loc.set("silenthub.Y", 100); loc.set("silenthub.Z", 0); loc.set("silenthub.Yaw", 0); loc.set("silenthub.Pitch", 0); try <; >catch (IOException e) < e.printStackTrace(); >> 

    In case you wish to read aloud, you may utilize this as an example.

     FileConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File("plugins/GlobalSystem", "locations.yml")); Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(cfg.getString("spawn.Welt")), cfg.getDouble("spawn.X"), cfg.getDouble("spawn.Y"), cfg.getDouble("spawn.Z")); loc.setYaw((float) cfg.getDouble("spawn.Yaw")); loc.setPitch((float) cfg.getDouble("spawn.Pitch")); 
     File file = new File("plugins/GlobalSystem", "locations.yml"); FileConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); Location loc = Player.getLocation(); cfg.set("spawn.Welt", loc.getWorld().getName()); cfg.set("spawn.X", loc.getX()); cfg.set("spawn.Y", loc.getY()); cfg.set("spawn.Z", loc.getZ()); cfg.set("spawn.Yaw", (double) loc.getYaw()); cfg.set("spawn.Pitch", (double) loc.getYaw()); try <; >catch (IOException e)

    I trust this information is useful and please forgive me for any shortcomings in my English proficiency 😉

    Java — How to make a custom config in Spigot, In short, to create a cusom config you will have to use the YAMLConfiguration API comming with Bukkit and furthermore spigot to parse a blank text file into a YAML file, then you can edit/add/remove values as you please and then save them on the file. All that excpet the file creation is done through the YAML apit. – fill͡pant͡.

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    How to make a Spigot 1.15+ plugin (Ep12) Custom

    Custom config files ! Woo, save that data!P.S I always pronounce «parser» wrong :(—— Links ——Download Eclipse:

    Spigot Coding Tutorial Ep#10

    Check out this plugin featured in the video here: all our plugins here:

    Spigot Plugin Development

    In this episode, I show you how to create custom configuration files for your plugins. This means that you can use other files to store data other than the t

    Custom config file copy defaults like config.yml

    My suggestion would be to adhere to the Java Naming Conventions.

    All instance, class, and class constants, with the exception of variables, should have a lowercase first letter and be written in mixed case. Any internal words should begin with capital letters. Variable and names should not start with underscore _ or dollar sign $ characters, although they are technically permitted. These guidelines can be found at

    public File BadWordsFile = new File(getDataFolder()+"/Data/badwords.yml"); public FileConfiguration badwordsdata = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(BadWordsFile); 
    public File badWordsFile = new File(getDataFolder()+"/Data/badwords.yml"); public FileConfiguration badWordsData = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(badWordsFile); 

    To address your issue, simply verify its existence. If it is not present, create it and then duplicate the default ‘badwords’.

    if (!badWordsFile.exists()) < badWordsFile.createNewFile(); //copy in default 'badwords' ListlistOfBadWords = Arrays.asList("BadWord", "AnotherBadWord", "AlsoABadWord"); badWordsData.set("badwords", listOfBadWords); > 

    In addition, I would execute the previously mentioned code and set up the badWordsFile and badwordsdata within the onEnable() function.

    Take a look at the Configuration API Reference on the Bukkit Wiki for more information. Specifically, focus on the JavaPlugin implementation and the Reloading Implementation.

    public void reloadCustomConfig() < if (customConfigFile == null) < customConfigFile = new File(getDataFolder(), "customConfig.yml"); >customConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(customConfigFile); // Look for defaults in the jar Reader defConfigStream = new InputStreamReader(this.class.getResource("customConfig.yml"), "UTF-8"); if (defConfigStream != null) < YamlConfiguration defConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(defConfigStream); customConfig.setDefaults(defConfig); >> 

    You could adapt it as follows

    public File badWordsFile; public FileConfiguration badWordsData; public void saveDefaultConfigValues() < badWordsFile = new File(getDataFolder() + "/Data/badwords.yml"); badWordsData = YAMLConfiguration.loadConfiguration(badWordsFile); //Defaults in jar Reader defConfigStream; try < defConfigStream = new InputStreamReader(this.class.getResource("badwords.yml"), "UTF-8"); >catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) < e.printStackTrace(); >if (defConfigStream != null) < YamlConfiguration defConfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(defConfigStream); badWordsData.setDefaults(defConfig); //Copy default values badWordsData.options().copyDefaults(true); this.saveConfig(); //OR use this to copy default values //this.saveDefaultConfig(); >> 

    You can simply invoke this method within the onEnable() function.

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    How to make a Spigot 1.15+ plugin (Ep12) Custom, Custom config files ! Woo, save that data!P.S I always pronounce «parser» wrong :(—— Links ——Download Eclipse:

    Creating custom YML file in minecraft plugin

    In order to resolve this issue, it is necessary to generate the Datafolder initially.

    Generating a folder for data.

    if (!this.getDatafolder().exists())

    Once completed, you can proceed with assigning or retrieving data from the YML File.

    myFileConfig.set("user.monchao", 1); int value = myFileConfig.getInt("user.monchao"); 

    This instance is also valid for all other basic data types.

    Spigot Coding Tutorial Ep#10, Check out this plugin featured in the video here: all our plugins here:

    Spigot config file nested list

    bungeecord plugin add configs

    // Load config Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getProvider(YamlConfiguration.class).load(new File(getDataFolder(), "config.yml")); // Sets a string config.set('test', 'This is a test'); // Loads a string config.getString('test'); // test // Save config ConfigurationProvider.getProvider(YamlConfiguration.class).save(config, new File(getDataFolder(), "config.yml"));

    Spigot Plugin Development, In this episode, I show you how to create custom configuration files for your plugins. This means that you can use other files to store data other than the t


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