Comment line in php file

PHP Comments

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use PHP comments to document your code.

Comments are important parts of the code. Comments provide useful information that will help you and other developers understand the meaning of the code more quickly later.

PHP supports two types of comments:

One-line comments

The one-line comment is placed at the end of the line or at the current block.

A one-line comment starts with the pound ( # ) or double forward-slash ( // ). The rest of the text after the (//) is ignored by the PHP interpreter.

The following example uses the // for a one-line comment:

 $rate = 100; $hours = 173; $payout = $hours * $rate; // payout calculationCode language: HTML, XML (xml)

And the following example uses the # for a one-line comment:

 $title = 'PHP comment'; # set default titleCode language: HTML, XML (xml)

Multi-line comments

A Multi-line comment start with /* and end with */ . For example:

 /* This is an example of a multi-line comment, which can span multiple lines. */Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

In practice, you use the multi-line comment when you need to span comments multiple lines.

Writing meaningful comments

To document your code effectively, you use the following guidelines:

1) Making the code speak for itself without using comments by naming meaningful identifiers. For example, you can use the following:

$is_completed = true;Code language: PHP (php)

Instead of using a cryptic name with a comment:

$ic = true; // is completedCode language: PHP (php)

The code itself can be good comments.

2) Don’t write a comment to explain what code does, instead, explain why it does so. For example:

// complete the task $is_completed = trueCode language: PHP (php)

3) When writing a comment, make it as concise as possible.


  • Comments are important parts of the code because they explain why code does what it is supposed to do.
  • PHP supports both one-line and multi-line comments.
  • A one-line comment starts with the # or // .
  • A multi-line comment starts with /* and end with */ .


How to Add Comments in PHP Files: Syntax, Best Practices, and Examples

Learn how to add comments in PHP files using single-line and multi-line syntaxes. Discover the importance of comments, best practices, and examples for commenting out HTML code and creating a commenting system in PHP.

  • Syntax for Adding Comments in PHP Files
  • Importance of Comments in PHP Files
  • Learn How To Comment PHP Code
  • Commenting Out HTML Code Using PHP
  • Creating a Commenting System with PHP, MySQL, and AJAX
  • Create a custom comment section using PHP
  • Best Practices for Commenting Code in PHP
  • Additional Helpful Code Examples for Adding Comments in PHP Files
  • Conclusion
  • How do I comment an entire PHP code?
  • How comments are used in PHP?

As a developer, writing code is one thing, but ensuring that the code is readable and understandable is another. One of the ways of improving the readability of your PHP code is by adding comments. Comments are used to explain the functionality of the code, making it easier for other developers to understand what the code does. In this article, we’ll explore the syntax, best practices, and examples of adding comments to PHP files.

Syntax for Adding Comments in PHP Files

There are two syntaxes used for adding comments in PHP files: single-line comments and multi-line comments.

Single-line Comments Syntax

Single-line comments are used to add comments to a single line of code. To add a single-line comment in PHP, use “// text” or “#” at the beginning of the line.

// This is a single-line comment # This is also a single-line comment 

Multi-line Comments Syntax

Multi-line comments are used to add comments to multiple lines of code. To add a multi-line comment in PHP, use “/* text */”.

/* This is a multi-line comment */ 

It’s essential to note that multi-line comments are not used to comment out blocks of code. Instead, they are used to add descriptive comments to the code.

Best Practices for Using Comments to Improve Code Readability

Adding comments to your code can improve its readability, but it’s essential to follow some best practices. Here are some best practices for using comments to Improve Code Readability :

  • Use comments to explain the purpose of the code, not what the code is doing. The code should be self-explanatory.
  • Avoid adding comments to every line of code. Only add comments when necessary.
  • Keep the comments concise and to the point.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation in your comments.

Importance of Comments in PHP Files

Adding comments to your PHP code has several advantages, including:

  • Improving the readability of the code.
  • Helping other developers understand what the code does.
  • Making it easier to maintain the code.
  • Saving time when debugging the code.

However, adding comments to your PHP code also has some disadvantages, including:

  • Making the code longer.
  • Comments can become outdated and misleading.
  • Comments can be used to hide bad code.

Tips for Writing Effective Comments in PHP Files

Writing Effective Comments in PHP is essential to ensure that your code is easy to read and maintain. Here are some tips for writing effective comments in PHP files:

  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Write comments in English, which is the most widely used programming language.
  • Avoid using technical jargon that other developers may not understand.
  • Place comments above the code to make them more visible.
  • Use comments to explain why the code is written in a particular way, not how it works.

Tricks for Using Comments in PHP to Improve Code Readability

Here are some tricks for using comments to improve the readability of your PHP code:

  • Use comments to divide your code into sections and make it easier to navigate.
  • Comment out sections of code that you don’t need to run temporarily.
  • Use comments to explain complex code .

Common Issues When Using Comments in PHP Files

While adding comments to your PHP code can improve its readability, there are some common issues you should be aware of, including:

  • Over-commenting your code can make it harder to read.
  • Comments can become outdated over time and may not reflect the current state of the code.
  • Comments can be used to hide bad code.

Learn How To Comment PHP Code

Missing: files | Must include:

Commenting Out HTML Code Using PHP

Sometimes, you may need to comment out HTML code in your PHP files. To do this, you can use PHP to comment out the HTML code.

 echo "This is visible"; /* echo "

This is commented out

"; */
echo "This is also visible"; ?>

In the example above, the HTML code is commented out using a multi-line comment.

Creating a Commenting System with PHP, MySQL, and AJAX

In some cases, you may need to create a commenting system for your PHP website. Here’s how to create a commenting system using PHP, MySQL, and AJAX:

  1. Create a database to store the comments.
  2. Create a form for users to add comments.
  3. Use PHP to store the comments in the database.
  4. Use AJAX to display the comments without reloading the page.

Real-life Examples of How This Can Be Done in PHP Files

Here are some real-life examples of how to create a commenting system using PHP, MySQL, and AJAX:

Create a custom comment section using PHP

Create a custom comment section using PHP — Learn PHP backend programming. Today we
Duration: 18:26

Best Practices for Commenting Code in PHP

  • Use comments to explain the purpose of the code, not what the code is doing.
  • Avoid over-commenting your code.
  • Keep the comments concise and to the point.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation in your comments.
  • Use comments to explain complex code.

Additional Helpful Code Examples for Adding Comments in PHP Files

In php, Ways to write comments in PHP code example

/*There are two types of comments: 1) Spans over multiple lines - Multiple-line comment 2) Spans over one line only - Sinlge-line comment *//* There are two ways to write a single-line comment: 1) Using double slash 2) Using the hash tag */// This is an example of single-line comment using double slash # This is an example of single-line comment using hash tag/*There is only one way of using multiple line comments, startin with the slash and asterisk respectively, and ending with asterisk and slash respectively */ 

In php, comments in php code example

//For a single line comment use //: //this is a comment too //for multi-line comments use /* and */: /* */

In php, comments in php code example

In php, comment php code example

// This is a single-line comment # This is also a single-line comment /* This is a multiple-lines comment block that spans over multiple lines */

In php, how to make a comment in php code example

// single line comment /* multi line comment hello */
 Answer: Use the Syntax "// text" (single line) and "/* text */" (multi-line)


Adding comments to your PHP code is an essential part of writing readable and maintainable code. In this article, we explored the syntax, best practices, and examples of adding comments to PHP files. We also discussed the importance of comments, commenting out html code , creating a commenting system with PHP, MySQL, and AJAX, and best practices for commenting code in PHP. By following these best practices, you can improve the readability and maintainability of your PHP code.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What are comments in PHP and why are they important?

Comments in PHP are lines of code that are not executed by the server but serve as notes to explain the functionality of the code. They are important as they improve code readability and efficiency, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the codebase.

What is the syntax for adding comments in PHP files?

There are two syntaxes for adding comments in PHP files: single-line and multi-line. Single-line comments start with «//» or «#» and continue until the end of the line, while multi-line comments start with «/*» and end with «*/».

What are the best practices for using comments in PHP files?

The best practices for using comments in PHP files include being concise, using clear language, and avoiding unnecessary comments. Comments should also be updated regularly to reflect changes in the code.

How can PHP be used to comment out HTML code?

PHP can be used to comment out HTML code by using the single-line comment syntax to wrap the code in HTML tags.

How can I create a commenting system with PHP, MySQL, and AJAX?

To create a commenting system with PHP, MySQL, and AJAX, you will need to create a database table for comments, write PHP code to insert and retrieve comments from the database, and use AJAX to update the comments section of the webpage without refreshing the page.

What are some common issues when using comments in PHP files?

Common issues when using comments in PHP files include over-commenting, comments that are out of date or incorrect, and comments that are difficult to read or understand. To avoid these issues, it is important to follow best practices and keep comments up to date.


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