Combine css files online

CSS Minifier

CSS Minifier is a free online tool for minifying and compressing CSS code. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used for defining the display properties of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) codes in browsers. All colors, sizes, fonts, alignments, positionings, animations and many different properties of a webpage are defined by CSS.

There are 3 types of CSS; inline, internal or external CSS. Inline CSS is the one which is written directly in an HTML tag. They are generally short and minification is not critical for this type. HTML minification is also handle these types of styles. Internal CSS is the type where you put your styles between tags directly in the HTML. This type is a lot longer and it is either handled by CSS Minifiers or HTML minifiers. Third type is external CSS and it is the one where you put your code into a separate file with .css extension. This is the most common way to use CSS in HTML. These files are included to the webpages with a property and it is suggested to add these files to your projects after minified.

It is suggested to use minified/compressed versions of CSS in your webpages. When you minified your CSS, the size will be decreased, and it has a positive impact on page load time and performance. By reducing CSS file size, you can improve user experience by reducing first meaningful paint time.

If you use webpack or other bundlers in your projects, generally they handle these types of minifications. If you make a small webpage without any bundler, you must handle it on your own and you need a CSS minifier/compressor. This tool will work as a CSS compressor and perform these operations automatically for you.

Here is a basic comparison for before and after CSS minification. You can see the size reduction with your bare eyes.

Before vs. After CSS Minification

When you compress your CSS code, you will see an info box which shows the estimated percentage for size reduction. It will give you an idea about your performance increase for the time you saved when your file is fetched by the browsers.

How to use Online CSS Minifier?

CSS styles can be minified / compressed by following the steps below.

  1. Put your CSS styles to the input textbox which you want to minify.
  2. Click «Minify» button.
  3. You will see the result in output textbox. If there is a validation error in your CSS and compression is somehow failed, you will see a warning about validation. If your CSS is valid, you can either copy the minified code into your clipboard or download it as style.min.css file.
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Minify CSS Online

Did you know that minifying css is one of the basic optimization you need to do in order to make your web site or app search engine and user-friendly? A research found out that if a website takes more than three seconds to load, 60% of the time the visitor bail on it and move on to another website? So making your website or app load faster is a crucial thing. To do that you need to follow few steps, one of the things is compressing and minifying your css code. That’s not only for end users, search engines also give priority to a website that is well optimized and takes less time to render. This is where css minify tool comes in.

We offer few css tools to make your css code less messier and compress to minimum codes so it would load faster. You can minify, beautify, compile LESS and compile SCSS.

This is a free tool and does the job in a few seconds so you don’t have to do it manually. Feel free to use this tool for your css codes and make your website or app load as quickly as possible.

CSS Minify Tool

Minifying CSS takes the beautified, well formed CSS code that you have written and removes whitespace, eliminates new lines, strips comments, combines files, and optimizes/shortens a few common programming patterns. These elements are not required for CSS to be used successfully. It also makes the CSS more difficult to read.

The ‘best practice’ of many developers is to maintain a ‘beautified’ version, and when rolling out their project will run the styles through a minification program. They will also combine their many style files into one file.

A Minify Example

#lione < font-size: 2em; color: steelblue; >#first < font-size: 1em; color: red; >#linext < font-size: 2em; color: black; >#next < font-size: 1em; color: orange; >#lithird < font-size: 2em; color: blue; >#third < font-size: 1em; color: pink; >#lilast < font-size: 2em; color: brown; >#one

Why use CSS Minifier?

The purpose of minification is to increase the speed of a website. Minimisation can make a script up to 20% smaller, resulting in a faster download time. Some developers will also use it to ‘obfuscate’ their code. This makes it difficult for the code to be read, thereby making it more difficult to reverse engineer or copy.

It is also common practice to combine all the CSS files for a single website into one file. This has a number of benefits. It reduces the number of HTTP request that need to be made to get all the elements of a website. It also makes minification and gzip compression more effective.


CSS Compressor

This online CSS compressor can take your CSS scripts and automatically detect and remove older CSS scripts that modern web pages do not use to display your web pages. It also minifies unnecessary large CSS rules into much smaller code. The actual style and layout of a web page will not be affected by using this compressor.

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How does this speed my website up?

By removing or minifying all the unneeded code it reduces the file size of your CSS scripts. Having a smaller sized CSS script means your visitors can load your website faster because they need to download less kilobytes.

Can I upload and compress CSS files?

Yes, click on the UPLOAD & COMPRESS FILE(S) tab and choose the CSS file you want to compress. Click on the red Select More Files link to upload more than one file. If you choose to upload and compress multiple CSS files they will be combined into one bigger script. You can upload up to 10 CSS files at a time.

Is my code still readable after using your tool?

That is up to you to decide. If you click the ADD LINE BREAK AFTER EVERY < >RULE option you can make it readable by forcing the compressor to add a line break after every CSS rule. Even though the size difference is minimal, keep in mind that if you want the smallest of the smallest CSS script you should not use this option because the new lines add to the file size of the script.

Want To Have The Maximum Page Speed Possible For Your Website?

We can help with that! We have professionally optimized the speed of thousands of websites. Because of this we know how to get the best results quickly while keeping our prices low. Get an instant price quote for our services here.


How do you minify a CSS file?

You can minify the CSS code, either using the online tools, plugins, or do it by rewriting the code.
In the case of re-writing the code, there is always a chance of human error. So it is better to use plugins or online tools to perform that function.
Even you can also un-minify or beautify CSS code again.

What does minification mean?

In a programming language, minification is the process of removing unnecessary elements, like spaces, commas, comments, the line breaks from the source code like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. To make them lighter, that result in better page speed and accessibility, which results in shaping a better user experience.

Why you need the minification?

Minification of the source code is considered one of the essential methods in improving the page speed and reducing bandwidth usage.
With the minification/compression process, you can reduce the size of the code up to 50%. But that minification does not affect the working of the code.

Does minification improve performance?

There are several comments, line breaks, spaces that are in the code. That is helpful to humans to read the code. But in the eye of the browser, computer machines, that is unnecessary.
When the browser receives the code from the server, it has to read all the comments, line breaks, spaces in the code, whether they are unnecessary or not in use. Those extra elements also take space in the file, make it bigger. Since computer devices, browsers do not need those additional elements in reading the code. So minification does not affect the working of the code. But it reduces the load on the server, which helps in getting better page speed, accessibility and user experience.

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Does minification affect SEO ranking?

The statistics show that 50% of the website users expect the page to be load within 2 seconds. And 53% of the users will probably leave the web page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
No doubt, minification plays an essential role in reducing the size of the source code and considers one of the crucial factors in improving page speed. From the statistics mentioned above, you can quickly get the answer; the better page speed leads to a better user experience, which leads to a better conversion rate and SEO ranking.

Minification VS Gzipping

As talked above, minification is the removal of unnecessary elements, like spaces, commas, comments, the line breaks from the source code like HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Whereas your server directly does gzip. It is a lossless method of shrinking filesize, which means that the original must be restored perfectly.

What is CSS minification?

The CSS minification is the removal of unnecessary or additional elements like comments, line breaks, spaces, commas from the CSS code. To reduce the size of the code.

Is it worth minifying the CSS file?

Reducing the size of the code helps in reducing the load on the server, which results in better page loading speed and better user experience. If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1-second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year. So eventually, minifying the CSS file is worth considering a decision.

How to use the load sample data option in CSS Minification/Compression Online Tool?

Coding is crucial. A little mistake sometimes gives devastating results. It is always better to have the backup of the code file before going into the minification process.
The load sample data option is quite helpful in this way. So that you can check the results that minify can give.
For that, -Click on the «load sample data» button.
— A sample data will be shown on the upper portion.
-Click on the «minify» button. The result will be displayed in the «Result» section.
Do we keep a copy of your CSS code?
Protecting user trust is our top priority. We do not keep a copy of the CSS code that the user uploads for the minification process.

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