Client server connection in php

Tournas Dimitrios

Basic explanation of socket server – socket client in PHP October 19, 2010

Certainly PHP is not the proper language to implement production socket-based server applications . A plethora of very robust and well-tested/supported socket servers exist (FMS3 , RED5 ,WOWZA ) . Do a google and you’ll come across a dozen of possible solutions for your needs . This article will demostrate how to set-up a basic PHP socket server/client , just to demystify the concept of sockets . Firstly I’ll show you the code and explain line by line the basic functionality .

A basic socket server with PHP :

$host = ""; $port = "8888"; set_time_limit(0); print "Starting Socket Server. \n"; $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); socket_bind($sock, $host, $port); socket_listen($sock, 4); $childSocket = socket_accept($sock); do < // look for new messages $incomingData = socket_read($childSocket, 2048); if(trim($incomingData) == "are you hungry?") < $response = "Server Response >I could eat!\n"; socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response)); > else if(trim($incomingData) == "exit") < $response = "Goodbye!\n"; socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response)); socket_close($childSocket); break; >else < $response = strtoupper(trim($incomingData)) . "\n"; $writeResp = socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response)); if($writeResp === FALSE) < socket_close($childSocket); break; >> > while(true); socket_close($sock); ?>

Explanation in 6 steps :

1..Of course, a first step in using sockets, is creating it, this is done by :
$sock = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP);

Since this is a server, it’s also a good idea to use the set_time_limit() function to ensure that PHP doesn’t time out and die() while waiting for incoming client connections .

With the preliminaries out of the way, it’s time to create a socket with the socket_create() function – this function returns a socket handle that must be used in all subsequent function calls. The first parameter you see in the brackets, AF_INET is the domain. The PHP Manual states the following regarding domains, there are 2 domains:

  • AF_INET – IPv4 Internet based protocols. TCP and UDP are common protocols of this protocol family.
  • AF_UNIX – Local communication protocol family. High efficiency and low overhead make it a great form of IPC (Interprocess Communication).

AF_INET is the domain that is used for internet_based sockets, so you’ll most likely be using this most often.The second parameter in the brackets, SOCK_STREAM is the type of socket, SOCK_STREAM is full duplex, meaning you can read ánd write to the socket.The last parameter in the brackets, SOL_TCP is the protocol, PHP knows 3 major protocols, icmp, udp and tcp[i], SOL_TCP is a constant protocol of TCP. NOTE: You can also use getprotobyname(“TCP”), or simply “0” instead of SOL_TCP,whatever rocks your boat.

The $sock variable now contains an active socket resource id .

2..The next step is to bind the socket to the resource-id , listening IP-address and port :

socket_bind($sock, $host, $port);

3..After the socket is bound to the port , you can start listening for connections.:

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socket_listen($sock, 4);

The first argument is the $sock variable , which holds the socket resource-id .The second argument is a backlog variable that tells PHP how many messages to queue up before an error is passed to the client. This variable is a suggestion because some systems will define or override this value. For example, Windows sets this based on the underlying provider and basically ignores any user-submitted value.

Now that you’ve bound your socket to your computer, let’s listen from incoming connections, in this tutorial the way we’re using the listen function can only accept 4 connections at a time.

At this point , you have built a socket server that doesn’t do anything. This basically means the server starts and waits for incomming connections but does not handle them in any way . The next step is to set up the portion of the server that handles the incomng connections.

4..Create another socket that handles the incoming connections:

You need to create another socket that handles the incoming connections by making a call to socket_accept passing in the $sock resource id .

$childSocket = socket_accept($sock);

From this point the $shildSocket variable is used to handle all client communications .

5..The data sent from a connection is read using the socket_read function

$incomingData = socket_read($childSocket, 2048);

This function takes two arguments. The first argument is the client socket handler-id ,and the second argument is the number of bytes to read from the client . This can be useful when trying to run a more efficient socket server .It is also a good idea to limit the output on the client side (if possible) .The socket_read function continues to load information into the $incomingData variable until the data limit is hit or one of the following characters is found : carriage return(\n) ,tab(\t) or . PHP treats those as end-of-input characters and moves to the next line in the script when one is found.

6.. Sending back a message to the client .
socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response) ;

PHP does not offer an asynchronous system (event based ) like you would find in Actionscript ,to be notified when a new message arrives on the socket server .So we have to create a loop to achieve the event-like behaviour .The key to allowing the user to send more than one message , at will ,(asynchronous) at each connection is to wrap the socket_read calls that are responsible for checking for new messages in a loop . Well it sounds more complicated that it actually is ,see the code below and you’ll get the “picture”

do < // look for new messages $incomingData = socket_read($childSocket, 2048); if(trim($incomingData) == "are you hungry?") < $response = "Server Response >I could eat!\n"; socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response)); > else if(trim($incomingData) == "exit") < $response = "Goodbye!\n"; socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response)); socket_close($childSocket); break; >else < $response = strtoupper(trim($incomingData)) . "\n"; $writeResp = socket_write($childSocket, $response, strlen($response)); if($writeResp === FALSE) < socket_close($childSocket); break; >> > while(true); socket_close($sock);

And that’s it – socket creation, in six easy steps!
The connection stays active until you either close the prompt or you type “exit” when connected to the socket-server via your socket client application . You should now understand how sockets work in PHP as well how to impement them . See also How to create a socket server in PHP .

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Putting It All Together

Now, how about seeing it in action? Since this script generates an “always-on” socket, it isn’t a good idea to run it via your Web server; instead, you might prefer to run it from the command line via the PHP binary:

//*NIX users $ /usr/local/bin/php -q server.php //Windows users C:\ php -q server.php

In case you don’t have a PHP binary, it’s fairly easy to compile one – just follow the installation instructions for compiling a static Apache module (these instructions are available in the PHP distribution), but omit the “–with-apache” parameter to the “configure” script.

Note the additional -q parameter to PHP – this tells the program to suppress the “Content-Type: text/html” header that it usually adds when executing a script (I don’t need this header here because the output of this script isn’t going to a browser).

Once the script has been executed and the socket server is active, you can simply telnet to it using any standard telnet application, and send it a string of characters as input. The server should respond to the client , and terminate the connection , if a “exit” message is received from a client connection . Here’s what it looks like:

$ telnet 8888 Trying Connected to medusa. Escape character is '^]'. ?"are you hungry?" Server Response > I could eat! ?exit Goodbye! Connection closed by foreign host.

A basic socket client with PHP :
Thus far, I’ve been using a standard telnet client to connect to my socket server and interact with it. However, it’s just as easy to write a simple socket client in PHP. Consider the following example, which requests user input through an HTML form and creates a client connection to the server demonstrated a few pages back. The user’s input is sent from the client to the server via this newly-minted socket connection, and the return value from the server is displayed to the user on an HTML page.

   " method="post"> Enter some text: 
else < // form submitted // where is the socket server? $host=""; $port = 8888; // open a client connection $fp = fsockopen ($host, $port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$fp) < $result = "Error: could not open socket connection"; >else < // get the welcome message fgets ($fp, 1024); // write the user string to the socket fputs ($fp, $message); // get the result $result .= fgets ($fp, 1024); // close the connection fputs ($fp, "exit"); fclose ($fp); // trim the result and remove the starting ? $result = trim($result); $result = substr($result, 2); // now print it to the browser >?> Server said: ?>

Different Strokes

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If you’d prefer to, there’s also an alternative, somewhat longer approach to constructing a client. Most of the time, you won’t need to use this – fsockopen() is more than sufficient for most requirements – but it’s included here for reference purposes. Take a look at this next script, which replicates the functionality of the previous example:

   " method="post"> Enter some text: 
else < // form submitted // where is the socket server? $host=""; $port = 8888; // create socket $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die("Could not create socket\n"); // connect to server $result = socket_connect($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not connect to server\n"); socket_read ($socket, 1024) or die("Could not read server response\n"); // send string to server socket_write($socket, $message, strlen($message)) or die("Could not send data to server\n"); // get server response $result = socket_read ($socket, 1024) or die("Could not read server response\n"); // end session socket_write($socket, "exit", 3) or die("Could not end session\n"); // close socket socket_close($socket); // clean up result $result = trim($result); $result = substr($result, 0, strlen($result)-1); // print result to browser ?>Server said: ?>

In this case, the socket_connect() function is used to open a connection to the server, with the familiar socket_read() and socket_write() functions used to receive and transmit data over the socket connection. Once the result string has been obtained from the server, the socket connection is closed with socket_close() and the output is printed to the browser.

Again, this is an alternative implementation – it’s unlikely that you’ll find much use for it, as the fsockopen() function provides a much simpler (and shorter) way to accomplish the same thing.


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