Что значит python core

python-core 0.1.2

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Source Distribution

Uploaded 10 февр. 2021 г. source

Built Distribution

Uploaded 10 февр. 2021 г. py3

Хеши для python-core-0.1.2.tar.gz

Хеши для python-core-0.1.2.tar.gz
Алгоритм Хеш-дайджест
SHA256 cb5c9d7548cf4e0a31837d6acabb953ac2e5739ad3a087182aa0131f6c9cc0f6 Копировать
MD5 5277e95792fc476bb5fd5ef427ec1cfd Копировать
BLAKE2b-256 760a480739e2fa06cd6c84d395d45f5f4ff31cf394a0afa60affcac3902e3067 Копировать

Хеши для python_core-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl

Хеши для python_core-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
Алгоритм Хеш-дайджест
SHA256 024c6caee8dcb3413b98d63c880608dfd76d8a79d9febafe2f29251f5c8bae6d Копировать
MD5 7e009c8b5818668660eb8c608d84d680 Копировать
BLAKE2b-256 2f27c7bcd22cf12b4341c6f2d178800cc9b0e8fa1b1e2c9f63d21ff5beb61a6e Копировать



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About Core Python

Core Python encompasses projects that affect the core infrastructure, libraries and CPython.

Getting Started

The website to help you get started in Core Python development is http://pythonmentors.com/.

Contact info

To chat with the Core Python mentors, please use the core-mentorship@python.org mailing list. Sign up


Core Python is still getting its ideas page together, please ask on the mailing list if you need more information!

1. FAT Python

  • Project description: FAT Python is a new static optimizer for CPython 3.6. It specializes functions using guards. Specialization is a new feature (PEP 510) which allows to implement new kinds of optimizations like loop unrolling and function inlining. The goal of the GSoC is to implement new optimizations in fatoptimizer to prove that the design allows to really make CPython faster. Then maybe also help on the low-level parts like fat (guards implemened in C) and help to finish the work on PEPs 509 (dict version), PEP 510 (specialization) and PEP 511 (API for AST optimizers).
  • Skills: know how a compiler works, know compiler optimizations especially static optimizations
  • Difficulty level: Hard
  • Related Readings/Links: http://fatoptimizer.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gsoc.html
  • Potential mentors: Victor Stinner

2. Roundup

  • Project description: Work on Roundup, http://bugs.python.org/ to improve github integration, etc.
  • Skills: python, git
  • Difficulty level: Intermediate
  • Related Readings/Links: https://mail.python.org/mailman/private/core-mentorship/2016-February/003422.html
  • Potential mentors: Terry, David, Stephen
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3. A gui (tkinter) front end for pip

  • Project description: Many users are not familiar with the command line and thus find difficulties using and accessing PIP. This project would involve creating interactive menus to help guide new users through the process of installing packages using PIP. https://bugs.python.org/issue23551 contains preliminary design ideas.
  • Skills: python, usability, pip
  • Difficulty level: Intermediate
  • Related Readings/Links: https://bugs.python.org/issue23551
  • Potential mentors: Terry, ??

SummerOfCode/2016/python-core (last edited 2016-03-23 05:06:32 by TerriOda )



The “Python library” contains several different kinds of components.

It contains data types that would normally be considered part of the “core” of a language, such as numbers and lists. For these types, the Python language core defines the form of literals and places some constraints on their semantics, but does not fully define the semantics. (On the other hand, the language core does define syntactic properties like the spelling and priorities of operators.)

The library also contains built-in functions and exceptions — objects that can be used by all Python code without the need of an import statement. Some of these are defined by the core language, but many are not essential for the core semantics and are only described here.

The bulk of the library, however, consists of a collection of modules. There are many ways to dissect this collection. Some modules are written in C and built in to the Python interpreter; others are written in Python and imported in source form. Some modules provide interfaces that are highly specific to Python, like printing a stack trace; some provide interfaces that are specific to particular operating systems, such as access to specific hardware; others provide interfaces that are specific to a particular application domain, like the World Wide Web. Some modules are available in all versions and ports of Python; others are only available when the underlying system supports or requires them; yet others are available only when a particular configuration option was chosen at the time when Python was compiled and installed.

This manual is organized “from the inside out:” it first describes the built-in functions, data types and exceptions, and finally the modules, grouped in chapters of related modules.

This means that if you start reading this manual from the start, and skip to the next chapter when you get bored, you will get a reasonable overview of the available modules and application areas that are supported by the Python library. Of course, you don’t have to read it like a novel — you can also browse the table of contents (in front of the manual), or look for a specific function, module or term in the index (in the back). And finally, if you enjoy learning about random subjects, you choose a random page number (see module random ) and read a section or two. Regardless of the order in which you read the sections of this manual, it helps to start with chapter Built-in Functions , as the remainder of the manual assumes familiarity with this material.

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Notes on availability¶

  • An “Availability: Unix” note means that this function is commonly found on Unix systems. It does not make any claims about its existence on a specific operating system.
  • If not separately noted, all functions that claim “Availability: Unix” are supported on macOS, which builds on a Unix core.
  • If an availability note contains both a minimum Kernel version and a minimum libc version, then both conditions must hold. For example a feature with note Availability: Linux >= 3.17 with glibc >= 2.27 requires both Linux 3.17 or newer and glibc 2.27 or newer.

WebAssembly platforms¶

The WebAssembly platforms wasm32-emscripten (Emscripten) and wasm32-wasi (WASI) provide a subset of POSIX APIs. WebAssembly runtimes and browsers are sandboxed and have limited access to the host and external resources. Any Python standard library module that uses processes, threading, networking, signals, or other forms of inter-process communication (IPC), is either not available or may not work as on other Unix-like systems. File I/O, file system, and Unix permission-related functions are restricted, too. Emscripten does not permit blocking I/O. Other blocking operations like sleep() block the browser event loop.

The properties and behavior of Python on WebAssembly platforms depend on the Emscripten-SDK or WASI-SDK version, WASM runtimes (browser, NodeJS, wasmtime), and Python build time flags. WebAssembly, Emscripten, and WASI are evolving standards; some features like networking may be supported in the future.

For Python in the browser, users should consider Pyodide or PyScript. PyScript is built on top of Pyodide, which itself is built on top of CPython and Emscripten. Pyodide provides access to browsers’ JavaScript and DOM APIs as well as limited networking capabilities with JavaScript’s XMLHttpRequest and Fetch APIs.

  • Process-related APIs are not available or always fail with an error. That includes APIs that spawn new processes ( fork() , execve() ), wait for processes ( waitpid() ), send signals ( kill() ), or otherwise interact with processes. The subprocess is importable but does not work.
  • The socket module is available, but is limited and behaves differently from other platforms. On Emscripten, sockets are always non-blocking and require additional JavaScript code and helpers on the server to proxy TCP through WebSockets; see Emscripten Networking for more information. WASI snapshot preview 1 only permits sockets from an existing file descriptor.
  • Some functions are stubs that either don’t do anything and always return hardcoded values.
  • Functions related to file descriptors, file permissions, file ownership, and links are limited and don’t support some operations. For example, WASI does not permit symlinks with absolute file names.
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For more information about how to use this package see README


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Further analysis of the maintenance status of python-core based on released PyPI versions cadence, the repository activity, and other data points determined that its maintenance is Inactive.

An important project maintenance signal to consider for python-core is that it hasn’t seen any new versions released to PyPI in the past 12 months, and could be considered as a discontinued project, or that which receives low attention from its maintainers.

In the past month we didn’t find any pull request activity or change in issues status has been detected for the GitHub repository.


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package core

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python-core dependencies


What is python-core?

. Visit Snyk Advisor to see a full health score report for python-core, including popularity, security, maintenance & community analysis.

The python package python-core receives a total of 855 weekly downloads. As such, python-core popularity was classified as limited. Visit the popularity section on Snyk Advisor to see the full health analysis.

Is python-core safe to use?

While scanning the latest version of python-core, we found that a security review is needed. A total of 7 vulnerabilities or license issues were detected. See the full security scan results.


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