Chrome extension chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall onetab html

How can I open a non-http URL (Chrome extension) in Google Chrome from the terminal in OS X?

I’m trying to add a shortcut to open Chrome with a non-http url from a bash script. This is what I’ve got:

/usr/bin/open -a "/Applications/Google" 'chrome-extension://hgmloofddfasdfasdffgcellkdadsfadsfbjeloo/RestClient.html#RequestPlace:saved/2' 

Since the argument doesn’t start with «http» Chrome tries to open it as a file, which of course doesn’t exist, nor is it what I want. Is there a way to make Chrome treat that as a url? Edit: @mjb — that’s almost working. Thank you. The extension (Advanced Rest Client) is installed locally. However, there’s something different about loading it as a file and loading it with «chrome-extension://». When I load it as a file, I don’t get the data (my rest requests) that has been saved as part of the app. Without that, it’s useless. Here’s what I’m running from bash:

/usr/bin/open -a /Applications/Google\ /Users/me/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/hgmloofdphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo/3.1.7_0/RestClient.html 

It loads my app, and it comes up — just without my context/data. When I click the extension in Chrome, it uses the following url:


Note that the hash on the end makes no difference. The UUID is the same as the local directory. I also tried loading it with: 

That just brings up the Chrome Web Store page for this app. The data I want to use does appear to be in the database file for this extension, which is in:

/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/databases/chrome-extension_extension_hgmloofddffdnphfgcellkdfbfbjeloo_0/5 


Chrome extension chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall onetab html

Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once.

When your tabs are in the OneTab list, you will save up to 95% of memory because you will have reduced the number of tabs open in Google Chrome.

OneTab is designed for privacy. Your tab URLs are never transmitted or disclosed to either the OneTab developers or any other party, and icons for tab URL domains are generated by Google. The only exception to this is if you intentionally click on our ‘share as a web page’ feature that allows you to upload your list of tabs into a web page in order to share them with others. Tabs are never shared unless you specifically use the ‘share as a web page’ button.

OneTab now supports the Chrome/Edge «tab groups» feature, which allows tabs within a browser window to be grouped together. Please note that you may be asked to approve the new «tab groups» permission for the new version of OneTab to work. When you send tabs to OneTab, this permission is required so we can determine the color and label of the tab group that we need to store. This allows us to restore the tabs as a browser tab group, instead of just as regular tabs. Please note that we have a very strong privacy guarantee, and your browsing history and stored tabs are never disclosed to us.

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OneTab is free of charge and is not designed to make money. It was created because we badly *needed* it for our own use, and we wanted to share it with the world.

Depending on how many scripts are running inside your tabs, moving them to OneTab can also speed up your computer by reducing the CPU load. We have also had reports that this also contributes to your computer resuming from sleep more quickly.

OneTab lets you easily export and import your tabs as a list of URLs. You can also create a web page from your list of tabs, so that you can easily share your tabs with other people, other computers, or with your smartphone or tablet.

You can drag and drop tabs in your OneTab list to reorder them. You can also hold down the Ctrl or Cmd key while restoring tabs and they will remain in your OneTab list (meaning you can use OneTab as a way of quickly launching a set of commonly used tabs). OneTab supports retina displays. Note that OneTab is designed to leave in place any ‘pinned’ tabs you have.

You will not lose your list of tabs if you accidentally close the OneTab window, if your browser crashes, or if restart your computer.

June 2023 Update: We’ve been working like crazy to make OneTab much, much better — including implementing lots of your feature suggestions. We’re full time on it now and have great momentum. Thank you for all of your thoughtful feedback, please keep it coming.

To install OneTab in under 5 seconds, click here

Please note that you need to ‘pin’ the OneTab icon to your browser toolbar, so it is not hidden within the extensions icon.

Simply right click on the OneTab icon in Google Chrome, and click ‘Remove from Chrome’.

If for any reason OneTab does not appear to load, do not attempt to fix the problem by uninstalling and re-installing OneTab. This is because uninstalling OneTab will cause your browser to delete your stored tabs. In most cases, you can solve the problem by quitting and restarting your browser. For more troubleshooting information, please see our help page


Sync OneTab tabs on Chrome across different PC’s

I’m using the OneTab extension for Chrome on all of my PC’s and I’m looking for a solution/workaround to sync all the tabs automatically across my computers. OneTab doesn’t provide any sync capability yet, I even emailed them to ask but I got no answer. So far, I’m using the import/export feature but I don’t like this method as it adds more frustration to the whole experience. Any possible solution to «fix» this? I know I’m not the only one out there with the same request.

We don’t do product recomendations here at Superuser. Xmarks supports this sort of functionality though.

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I’m not looking for a product recommendation, just a workaround of how I can solve this problem. Couldn’t find anything on google and thought that some Superusers might already fix that somehow. 🙂

There isn’t a non-software work around for this problem. The extension you have selected to use does not support what you want, so a different extension, is required to do it.

From OneTab team : «March 2015 Update: We’re currently working on new features including an option for multi-PC cloud sync.»

8 Answers 8

Maybe to complete Anshuman’s answer, in OneTab tab you can share your tabs as a webpage. If you sync your bookmarks, you can bookmark that page and access it from any device.

That’s it ! Very simple. Works with any browser that allows tab sync.

If you want to merge bookmarks from other devices, you load all the tabs in your browser from OneTab and re-send them to OneTab with new tabs.

do you know what is the duration of that webpage? will it stay there «for life» or will it expire soon after creation?

Alternatively, after Share all as web page, the links can be imported as Chrome bookmarks. First save the OneTab shared tabs page as html and then import using Chrome Bookmark Manager. It will create an ‘Imported’ folder containing the links.

Your question was legitimate. Find the local storage for your chrome extension and share that folder via dropbox or other cloud sync solution. Do the same thing on your other PCs. Be careful, your different One Tab bookmarks won’t merge.. So make sure to take what you want from the secondary PCs first, and then remove the One Tab files on them, before syncing with your main PC.. Once you’ve done this, you can save One Tab’s on any PC and they will all sync.

For fellow Linux users: on my system this file is located at /home/me/.config/google-chrome/Default/Local Storage/chrome-extension_XXX_0.localstorage and . -journal

Tying into @JackSenechal’s comment, on Windows, it would be located in /AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Local Storage/ . Additionally, the OneTab website ( makes mention as of October 2015 that they are working on their own syncing solution.

I think the exactly name of the storage is chrome-extension_chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall_0.localstorage

enter image description here

You can easily share one tab as url(see image above) or search for cloud based tab sync solutions. Which I think is TabCloud.

The share as web page feature appears to provide a static one-way data dump, not a dynamic sync across multiple machines.

I think Toby will be a good choose.

Toby, in simple terms, it’s a better tab manager. It’s a better way to manage information, context switching, shared information, and productive focus.

also, it can sync your tabs.

unfortunately, this doesnt allow saving multiple tabs at once, which is my main use of OneTab. see my answer for my strategy.

It’s an easy fix, just download and you’re set to go:

  1. Go to the following folder on your computer: /Users/your-user-name/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Storage
  2. Sync the ‘Local Storage’ folder using the macdropany prog
  3. Set the dropbox location
  4. That’s it, the macdropany will sync the ‘local storage’ folder to your dropbox, inside the ‘local storage’ you’ll find two files that are related to onetab:
    • chrome-extension_chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall_0.localstorage-journal
    • chrome-extension_chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall_0.localstorage
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Whenever you’ll need to restore onetab, just go to your dropbox folder open the synced folder and use dropbox 30 days back of backup files.

Here is my fix / workaround:

  • share as webpage, as above
  • go to History
  • open saved OneTab webpage in a new tab
  • all saved (webpage) tabs are now available

My new goto tool is TabSessionManager. It will sync your tabs automatically periodically to your Google account, and works on both Firefox and Chrome.

I have used OneTab import/export when migrating, because BetterOneTab’s sync is no longer supported. Toby doesnt allow saving of multiple tabs at once. OneTabPlus doenst have syncing and the backup function may be difficult after crashing because of the merged extensions storage in Firefox. Similar problems with TidyTab. save tabs to bookmark folder extension is very useful.

I’m no longer going to use OneTab because of the difficulty of manually restoring from a file in Firefox. The extension storage file has been converted to a Firefox db file. Supposedly it can still be done in Chrome. This problem is so bad, it looks like a paid extension has cropped up.

Using TSM above in combination with the TabMover Firefox extension is working, as it moves multiple tabs to a window, and I can close it to save memory. Then reopen it to add more tabs, and I dont think the other tabs are loaded. If they are there are extensions or even FF prefs to do that. Chrome has a move to specific window function by default.


Chrome extension chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall onetab html

ru EXTENSION CHROME false 2417496 AE,AR,AT,AU,BE,BG,BR,CA,CH,CL CN,CO,CU,CZ,DE,DK,EC,EE,EG,ES FI,FR,GB,GR,HK,HU,ID,IE,IL,IN IT,JP,LT,MA,MX,MY,NL,NO,NZ,PA PE,PH,PL,PT,RO,RU,SA,SE,SG,SK TH,TR,TW,UA,US,VE,VN,ZA,001 free false false false false false true true true false 7_productivity

Чтобы добавить приложение или расширение на рабочий стол, войдите в Chrome и включите синхронизацию либо отправьте себе напоминание.

Всякий раз, когда у вас окажется слишком много вкладок, щелкните значок OneTab, чтобы преобразовать все ваши вкладки в список. Если вам будет необходимо получить доступ к вкладкам еще раз, вы сможете восстановить их по отдельности или все сразу. Когда ваши вкладки находятся в списке OneTab, вы экономите до 95% памяти благодаря сокращению количества открытых вкладок Google Chrome. Гарантия конфиденциальности Информация о вкладках никогда не передается разработчикам OneTab или любой другой стороне. Единственное исключение из этого происходит, когда вы намеренно используете нашу функцию «поделиться на веб-странице’, которая позволяет загрузить ваш список вкладок на веб-страницу, чтобы поделиться ими с другими. Вкладки никогда не публикуются, если вы специально не нажимаете кнопку «поделиться на веб-странице».

Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, Deutsch, English, Français, Nederlands, Norsk, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, dansk, español, español (Latinoamérica), italiano, magyar, polski, português (Brasil), português (Portugal), română, slovenský, suomi, svenska, čeština, русский, עברית, हिन्दी, ไทย, ‫العربية, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體), 日本語, 한국어


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