Check your java plugin

How to check your Java dependencies for OWASP vulnerabilities and security issues

The OWASP dependency-check provides monitoring of the libraries you use in your Java project to identify the use of known vulnerable components.

It produces an individual analysis report for the issue of “Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities” which is listed in the OWASP Top Ten 2017.

Gradle plugin

The gradle plugin can create a report of known vulnerable components that are included in the build of your project. You include it in your build.gradle:

buildscript  repositories  mavenCentral() > dependencies  classpath 'org.owasp:dependency-check-gradle:3.1.2' > > apply plugin: 'org.owasp.dependencycheck' 

Afterwards you should integrate the check into your build system by using the command:

./gradlew dependencyCheckAnalyze 

Integration with Gitlab CI

If you are using Gitlab CI and you do not want to execute the check on every CI build, because your dependencies do not change that often and the check itself can take a few minutes depending on the libraries you are using, you can schedule a pipeline in your project and restrict the task’s execution to that scheduled (nightly) build. Here is an excerpt for your .gitlab-ci.yml file that you place in your project root folder:

stages: - dependencyCheck # etc. dependencyCheck: stage: dependencyCheck only: - schedules script: - ./gradlew dependencyCheckAnalyze artifacts: name: "$_$" when: always expire_in: 30 day paths: - build/reports/dependency-check-report.html 

When executed, the plugin will create the dependency check HTML report and Gitlab will archive it for 30 days.


You can configure the gradle plugin by applying a closure in your build.gradle like the one below that will fail the build when a CVSS score equal to or above a level 5 is identified:

dependencyCheck  failBuildOnCVSS = 5 failOnError = true suppressionFile = 'config/dependencyCheck/suppressions.xml' analyzers  experimentalEnabled = true archiveEnabled = true jarEnabled = true centralEnabled = true nexusEnabled = true pyDistributionEnabled = false pyPackageEnabled = false rubygemsEnabled = false opensslEnabled = false nuspecEnabled = false assemblyEnabled = false cmakeEnabled = false autoconfEnabled = true composerEnabled = false nodeEnabled = true nspEnabled = false cocoapodsEnabled = false swiftEnabled = false > > 

Personally, I like to put configurations like this one in separate files (e.g. in gradle/plugins) and apply their contents to the build.gradle like this:

apply from: "gradle/plugins/dependency-check.gradle" 


In the configuration example above I defined my path to a suppression file relative to the build.gradle:

dependencyCheck  suppressionFile = 'config/dependencyCheck/suppressions.xml' > 

In config/dependencyCheck/suppressions.xml I can define which warnings should be ignored. This way I can define False Positives or known (minor) issues I want or have to ignore until a dependency update. Example:

xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"> suppressions xmlns=""> suppress> notes> notes> gav regex="true">^org\.asynchttpclient:async-http-client-netty-utils:.*$gav> cve>CVE-2014-3488cve> suppress> suppressions> 

You can also create hints for False Negatives.


16.1 Configuration Problems

This following sections describes a number of problems concerning various configuration parameters and settings and suggests troubleshooting techniques for configuring Applets and Java Web Start applications.

16.1.1 Validation

If your application does not run, perform the following checks:

  1. Verify that the Java Plugin is working.
    • Go to Verify Java and Find Versions.
    • Click Verify Java version.
    • If you see that the expected Java technology version is reported, then the plugin is enabled and found.
  2. Check that your browser knows about the Java plugin.
    • Chrome: Type about: plugins in the address bar.
    • Firefox: On the Tools menu, select Addons and click Plugins.
    • Internet Explorer: On the Tools menu, select Manage Addons.
  3. Make sure the Java runtime environment is installed. On Windows, check the list of installed programs in the Control Panel.

16.1.2 Common Configuration Problems

The following are troubleshooting techniques for common configuration problems.

  • Install Java runtime: It is not sufficient to install the Java Developer Kit. A JRE is required to be able to run an applet or webstart. Note: If you use a 64-bit browser, then the 64-bit version of the JRE is required. Similarly, the 32-bit JRE is necessary for 32-bit browsers.
  • Use latest matching plugin/webstart: There could be just one plugin registered in the browser and the JRE will always register plugin from latest JRE on the system as active. The only way to ensure use of an older plugin is to uninstall newer JREs.
  • Restart browser for any change in the Java runtime configuration: Java is not enabled or there are multiple places where Java could be disabled. Check the Java Control Panel and your browser plugins/addons list.
  • Make sure new generation plugin is enabled: Unless you need to run in the legacy mode, make sure New generation plugin is enabled in the Java Control Panel.
  • Enable JavaScript: If JavaScript is disabled, then an attempt to launch a Java applet may fail at very early stage.
  • Java control panel fails to make changes in the Java config: On Windows 7 or Windows Vista systems with UAC on, the Java Control Panel may fail to update global registry settings. To work around this, make sure you launch Java Control Panel as Administrator if you need to alter these settings.

16.1.3 Manage Java Runtime

You can use the Java Control Panel tool to manage the list of installed Java Runtime Environments and their behavior. The Java Control Panel can be launched from the bin directory of the JRE installation folder. On Windows operating systems, you can also access it from Control Panel > Java.

Use Java Control Panel if you need to:

  • see what versions of JRE are installed and active
  • temporarily enable/disable use of particular version of JRE
  • set «global» parameters to be passed to JVM when applet or webstart application is launched
  • enable/disable use of Java Plugin in the particular browser
  • tune behavior of the plugin/webstart by specifying configuration parameters such as location of cache of temporary files or enable tracing as shown in Figure 16-1.

Figure 16-1 The Java Runtime Environment Settings Window

Description of Figure 16-1 follows

Description of «Figure 16-1 The Java Runtime Environment Settings Window»

16.1.4 Pass Parameters to the JRE

Troubleshooting, debugging, profiling and other development activities may require launching JVM with a special set of parameters. One way to accomplish this is to use the Java Control Panel.

Open the Java Control Panel and click View on the Java tab. Select the Runtime Parameters cell for the JRE you wish to change and enter parameters into this cell.

To pass parameters to a specific JVM used with Java Web Start or an applet, use one of the following techniques:

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