Check whether image is loaded or not

How to check whether image is loaded or not?

To check for an image whether it is loaded or not in order to perform some actions can be done by using JavaScript. In many cases our browser fails to load the image due to large size of image, or poor network connectivity. So our image may sometimes show some errors. So to know whether our image is loaded or not we have certain methods such as onload(), onerror() and complete property.


The syntax to solve the problem are −

  • onload=»function()» − This function is called when the image is loaded successfully. In this any callback function is passed to perform a specific action.
  • onerror=»function()» − This function triggers when the image faces a problem while loading due to any reason.
  • selector.complete − The selector.complete method selects the image with class name, id or by Tag name and then it checks whether the image is loaded completely or not.

To check for the loaded image we have two approaches

Method 1 − In this approach we will use two methods onload() and onerror(). In these two methods, a function will be passed as an argument which will be called on the load of the browser and will check whether an image is loaded or not.


  • Step 1 − Create an image tag in HTML and insert a link or path of an image in src attribute .
  • Step 2 − Access the image tag and store it in variable.
  • Step 3 − Use load() method and error() method in the addEventListener().
  • Step 4 − If on loading the browser the image is loaded successfully the load event will trigger and will return a particular action, otherwise if the image is unable to load then the error event will trigger.


    body < min-height: 90vh; display: flex; flex-direction: column; place-content: center; background-color: #0a0a0a; color: white; text-align: center; >img error 

Which there was no error while loading an image on the web browser. So in the example the load() method in the addEventListener() triggers with the output “Image Loaded Successfully”.

Method 2 − In this approach we call the complete() method of an image object, which checks whether the image is loaded completely and on that behalf it returns true or false. When the image faces any problem in loading it returns false otherwise true.


  • Step 1 − Create an image tag in HTML and insert a link or path of an image in src attribute .
  • Step 2 − Access the image tag and store it in variable.
  • Step 3 − Use complete() method of image object. If the image is loaded in the browser it will alert true on the browser, otherwise it will alert false on the browser.
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    body < min-height: 90vh; display: flex; flex-direction: column; place-content: center; background-color: #0a0a0a; color: white; text-align: center; >img error 

The above code shows the output for which the complete() method returns true.


The return type of complete() method is Boolean as it returns true or false on the basis of current situation. The image cannot be loaded in certain situations such as wrong URL of an image, poor internet connectivity, image is not present in the located directory. The above solution is helpful in many cases as it triggers a particular action when the image is fully loaded. The image object in JavaScript contains many methods that help manipulate the image in the DOM.


Javascript check image loading

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How to Check if All Images are loaded with JavaScript

how to detect if all lazy images loaded with javascript

There are several reasons why you might want to detect if images have finished loading on a webpage. For example, if your page relies on images to display content, it’s important to ensure that the images are loaded before the content is displayed. Or you may want to trigger certain actions on your webpage after all the images have finished loading.

However, detecting when images have finished loading using JavaScript can be somewhat challenging, especially if the images are using lazy loading.

Problem with using Load Event

Normally, to detect when a webpage has finished loading (including all images), you can use the window.onload event. This event is triggered when the entire page, including all assets such as images and stylesheets, has finished loading.

To specifically detect if all images on a webpage have been loaded, you can use the window.Image constructor to create an image object for each image on the page, and then set the src attribute of the image object to the URL of the image. Then, you can use the window.Image object’s onload event to detect when each image has finished loading.

function checkImagesLoaded() < // Get all the images on the page var images = document.querySelectorAll('img'); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) < var img = new window.Image(); img.src = images[i].src; img.onload = function() < imagesLoaded++; >> if (imagesLoaded == images.length) < // If all the images have finished loading, do something console.log('All images have finished loading'); >>

However, if the images on the webpage are using lazy loading, the method described above will not work as expected. This is because the window.Image constructor and the onload event are only triggered when the src attribute of an image is set, and lazy-loaded images do not have their src attribute set until they are scrolled into view.

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Working with Lazy Loading Images

To detect when lazy-loaded images have finished loading, you will need to use a different approach. One option is to use the IntersectionObserver API, which allows you to detect when an element becomes visible in the viewport. You can use the IntersectionObserver to monitor the lazy-loaded images and detect when they become visible, at which point you can increment a counter to track the number of images that have finished loading.

This method is suitable for detecting when both non-lazy-loaded and lazy-loaded images have finished loading.

var observer = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) < entries.forEach(function(entry) < // If the image has become visible in the viewport if (entry.isIntersecting) < imagesLoaded++; // Unobserve the image observer.unobserve(; >>); // Check if the number of images that have finished loading is equal to the total number of images if (imagesLoaded == images.length) < console.log('All images have finished loading'); >>); // Get all the lazy-loaded images on the page var images = document.querySelectorAll('img[data-src]'); // Loop through the images and observe them images.forEach(function(image) < observer.observe(image); >);

That’s all for this tutorial. If you like it, check out our YouTube channel and our Facebook page to stay tune for more dev tips and tutorials

TK Engineer, Web Developer, Ex-Mutual Funds Software Developer. He founded Red Stapler in 2015 to share useful resources for everyone interested in web design, web development and programming. Subscribe his YouTube Channel or Twitter for weekly tips and tutorials.


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