Can an os be written in java

Operating system in Java Language (JVM) [duplicate]

Tipically, you would write the kernel (or microkernel) as an extended Java virtual machine, with all the rest of the system (which could include process management, network stack, etc.) being written in pure Java. Managing memory is very low level, and Java was consciously designed to hide exactly this kind of unsafe low level meddling.

Operating system in Java Language (JVM) [duplicate]

Just a simple Q. It is possible to code OS in Java? If yes, how I can i run Java via Assembly? Or how exactly it works.

Of course it is possible, and has been done. Tipically, you would write the kernel (or microkernel) as an extended Java virtual machine, with all the rest of the system (which could include process management, network stack, etc.) being written in pure Java.

Among the many pros of this approach there is the so called language-based protection: Java is a type-safe system, hence (ideally, at least) you don’t need to use hardware memory protection to provide isolation between processes.

Take a look, for example, at the JX Project.

Yes, Its possible.
Please check JOS a free and open Java(tm) based Operating System (JOS).
You can take a help from

How to create operating system using Java?, Short answer: no. First, Java using the OS to run your java code. A lot of the windows are using the OS to render. Second, you should note that most, if not all, OS are started with machine/assembly code. If you have the goal of making an OS yourself and completely from scratch, you will need to learn assembly and …

Java OS — JX — the Java Operating System (OS)

In this video I explore the following questions and more:* What exactly is the «JX the Java Operating System » ?* Is an entire Operating System written in Jav

Operating System in Java

We a team of 10 people are set out to build an Operating System for mobiles/tablet from scratch.

I then came by this link awesome-link which has a load of OS briefed. But we would like to build the OS in Java on top of linux kernel(possible?) .

I would like to know whether the project is feasible and if yes, from where should I start ? And with all the knowledge and right resources(assume), will it be possible to build an OS with all the mobile functionalities within 6 months?

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

But we would like to build the OS in Java on top of linux kernel(possible?)

Yes, what do you think Android is made of (of course it’s not just Java + Linux kernel, but both are inside Android)?

I would like to know whether the project is feasible and if yes, from where should I start ?

Ever written an OS? How well do you know Linux kernel APIs? Do you know what’s missing from Linux kernel to build a full featured OS? Answer those, they’re your starting point.

And with all the knowledge and right resources(assume), will it be possible to build an OS with all the mobile functionalities within 6 months?

«All mobile functionalities» is biased, what is «all»? Be specific.

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Please make enough research and planning before you are set out to start such a difficult, yet excellent journey.

Make sure you know what you should do, right from the technologies you are gonna use, the architecture you are planning to establish upon, the pros and cons of all the approach, the issues with the current OS and your idea of correcting those issues.

With a site like SO for your help, it is never a question of feasibility, but you would require the determination and the Perseverance to achieve it.

You have Android build on scaled down Linux Kernel and apk is build through java & sdk manager. So you have the things in your hand, similarly ubuntu touch is also coming. What you can do is to customize things as per your requirements as per your architecture.

For ubuntu touch :-
For Your own customized Android:-

Thanks & Regards,
Alok Thaker

Operating system in Java Language (JVM), Of course it is possible, and has been done. Tipically, you would write the kernel (or microkernel) as an extended Java virtual machine, with all the rest of the system (which could include process management, network stack, etc.) being written in pure Java.

How is a Java operating systems possible?

I heard about OSes written in Java, and the whole thing sounds like magic to me, specifically for one reason- direct memory access. Managing memory is very low level, and Java was consciously designed to hide exactly this kind of unsafe low level meddling. It doesn’t even have pointers. So how do you implement something like Memory Management in Java? How do you handle context switches, which require you to access the system’s registers? How do you do anything low level?

The kernel is not written in Java since it must support the JVM itself. Every other component of the OS can be written in Java. Even device drivers can be written in Java. JNode is an example of this.

Even JVMs running on top of Unix/Windows OSes have some C code to do low level operations. The code is hidden from the JVM’s user and a lot of security restrictions control its execution. So I guess the OSes written in Java you heard of have some internal low level (C ?) code.

Linux — Operating System in Java, Please make enough research and planning before you are set out to start such a difficult, yet excellent journey. Make sure you know what you should do, right from the technologies you are gonna use, the architecture you are planning to establish upon, the pros and cons of all the approach, the issues with the current …

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Do Java GUIs display the same on all operating systems?

Do programs written in Java that use components from Swing to build their GUI display exactly the same on all operating systems?

EDIT: let me ask the question this way: using Java is it possible to design a GUI that is guaranteed to display exactly the same on all platforms?

Used correctly, common Swing components are pleasantly stable across platforms and L&Fs, but there are no guarantees. One should avoid the temptation to violate UI defaults gratuitously. Example of this abound, but common pitfalls regarding size are discussed here and here. Testing is mandatory, but widely available virtual machines mitigate the effort.

Pretty much so. But using the UIManager you can determine a theme based on an operating system’s theme.

UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo looks[] = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(); try< //0-Swing, 1-Mac, 2-?, 3-Windows, 4-Old Windows UIManager.setLookAndFeel(looks[3].getClassName()); >catch(Exception e)

yes they will as long as you use swing and no platform specific code.

That said: They will not feel ‘natural’ then. SWT is a tad better there

Saying shortly it will look differently by default, because swing uses system look & feel, but you can override it (, in this case application will look the same on all platforms with the same look & feel, or you may disable some look & feel features like -Dswing.noxp=true

How is a Java operating systems possible?, You can’t write an entire OS in Java. A so-called «Java OS» will require some amount of native code. In the case of JX, for instance: «A small microkernel, written in C and assembler, contains the functionality that can not be provided at the Java level (system initialization after boot up, saving and restoring CPU state, low-level …


How To Make An Operating System In Java?

Are you a Java beginner and want to learn how to make an operating system? It is not easy, you will have to study hard. But before we get into the hard stuff, let’s start by looking at an overview of what it takes. For the purpose of this example, we’ll be building our own Operating System from scratch. If you’ve ever had experience in programming languages such as C or assembly, then you’re well on your way.

People have been claiming and believing for years that it is impossible to develop an operating system using Java. However, few people are aware that a group of researchers was successful in developing a Java-based operating system.

It’s understandable if you’ve never heard of it. JX was the name given to the operating system. So, in this post, we will take a closer look at the Java-based operating system and try to understand what’s so special about this new system.

What is JX Operating System?

The JX is an experimental operating system developed by Michael Golm in 1996 when Java was terribly slow. The main objective of JX is to experiment with Java programming and observe what happens if someone builds an operating system in Java.

Nonetheless, as previously noted, the JX project was primarily created for research purposes and it was never intended to replace other operating systems such as Windows or Linux. Therefore, you shouldn’t anticipate much from the JX operating system.

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Using the JX Operating System

Before we proceed, make sure that you have Oracle Virtual Box Manager installed on your computer. If not, install it first so that you can run the JX operating system on your device.

Once installed, go to to get the operating system. The most recent version available should be 0.1.1.

Oracle Virtual Box Manager installed

Once the download is finished, use your Explorer to locate the file. The file must then be given the «.img» extension.

Explorer to locate the file

Now let us launch the Oracle Virtual Box Manager. You must now create a new Virtual Machine. You can do so by clicking the «New» button at the top of the window.

You will be prompted to name the new Virtual Machine. It is critical that you select the «Other» and «Other/Unknown» options for «Type» and «Version.»

You select the Other

When asked how much space you want to provide for the Virtual Machine, choose «512 MB» to be safe. And, before you click «Create», don’t forget to choose the «Use an existing virtual hard disk file» option. This is important because we don’t use a virtual hard disk here.

Use an existing virtual hard disk file

Voila! You’ve now created a new Virtual Machine that will run the JX operating system. Your new Virtual Machine should be visible on the left side of the screen. To start the Virtual Machine, press the «Power» button.

press the Power button

Before you can use the JX operating system, you must first make some basic adjustments to your virtual computer. Go to your Virtual Machine’s «Settings» section.

Under the “Settings” section, you’ll see the “Storage” option. Select it and choose the “Add Floppy Disk” icon on the bottom part of the screen. In the drop-down menu, select the “Floppy” option.

Now you should see a new “Floppy Disk Selector” window. Click «Add» and then choose the JX operating system’s IMG file.

Floppy Disk Selector

After you’ve made all of the necessary changes to your Virtual Machine, you should see something like this on your screen. Check that every section has been properly adjusted so that the JX operating system can run on your system:

At this point, you can start using your JX operating system. On your virtual machine, press the «Power» button. If everything works smoothly, you should see the JX operating system on your screen like this.

JX operating system

Summary: Make An Operating System In Java

  • Get JDK
  • Make the Folder for your Operating System
  • Make the Project and File
  • Write The Code


Congratulations, you can now run the Java-based operating system on your computer! It will only take a few hours for you to explore the entire system. Essentially, the operating system provides certain fundamental functions to its users.

So, back to the important question: «Can an operating system be written in Java?» The answer is definitely YES! Will it, however, be helpful to develop one? It depends, but if it’s for educational purposes, the answer is yes.


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