Call html with parameters

how to call php function with parameters in href html tag

I want to call sendEmail($email) function with it’s parameters in the href tag when I click on the link I get a page wrote in it FORBIDDEN «you don’t have permission to access the root folder on this server»

actually I don’t know how can I use AJEX !, would you tell me how can I use it with example :)) thank u

2 Answers 2

You’re mixing server-side code and client-side code. They run at completely different times in completely different contexts on (usually) completely different computers.

It’s not clear exactly what your code is going to do, but it’s likely that you are executing the sendEmail() function immediately when the page is requested. Then since you’re not echoing any result, the a tag looks like this:

  1. The email has already been sent.
  2. An empty href will try to load the current page or some default directory listing or something. It definitely won’t invoke server-side code.

What you’re trying to do is a little more involved than you think. The simplest approach, given what you have so far, would be to move all of the email functionality to another page. Something like sendMail.php . Then the page you have here would simply link to that other one:

When the user clicks that link, they’d invoke the second page which itself would call sendEmail() internally and then display a result to the user. Something like:


The email has been sent. Thank you!

So the request to send the email comes from one page, the action of actually sending it is on another.

You can make this increasingly feature-rich in various ways:

  1. Instead of a link, use a form which posts values to sendEmail.php so it can use those values when composing the email.
  2. Instead of linking to the page, have a button with some JavaScript code which creates an AJAX request to sendEmail.php to send the mail without leaving the current page.
  3. etc.

But the basic idea is that your server-side code and client-side code can’t interact directly. They are separated by HTTP requests. If the client-side code wants to invoke some server-side functionality, it needs to make an HTTP request to a server-side resource (a «page» in this case) which performs that action.


Passing HTML Input Values as JavaScript Function Parameter: Best Practices and Code Examples

Learn how to pass HTML input values as parameters in your JavaScript functions with this comprehensive guide. Discover best practices, code examples, and tips for sanitizing user input.

  • Accessing HTML input value in JavaScript
  • Using onclick attribute to call a function and pass value
  • Passing HTML input value as a JavaScript Function Parameter
  • Pass multiple parameters to a function using comma separation
  • Using concatenation operator to store HTML code in JavaScript variable
  • Setting default parameter values for JavaScript functions
  • Passing form object as a parameter to a function
  • Using external JavaScript files to call a function with parameters in HTML
  • Additional Code Examples for Passing HTML Input Values as JavaScript Function Parameter
  • Conclusion
  • How to pass HTML in JavaScript function?
  • How to call HTML input value in JavaScript?
  • How to call JavaScript function with parameter in HTML?
  • How to pass value in HTML input?
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passing html input values as parameters to JavaScript functions is an essential aspect of web development. It enables web developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages that can respond to user input. In this article, we will explore the best practices and code examples for passing HTML input values as JavaScript function parameters .

Accessing HTML input value in JavaScript

Before we can pass HTML input values as parameters to JavaScript functions, we need to know how to access those values in JavaScript. One common way to access HTML input values is by using the document.getElementById() method.

const inputElement = document.getElementById("inputId"); const inputValue = inputElement.value; 

In the code above, we first use the document.getElementById() method to select the input element using its id attribute. We then access the value property of the input element to retrieve its current value.

It is important to sanitize user input to prevent security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. We can use a library like DOMPurify to sanitize user input.

Using onclick attribute to call a function and pass value

One way to pass HTML input values as parameters to JavaScript functions is by using the onclick attribute. The onclick attribute can be added to an HTML element to specify the JavaScript code that should be executed when the element is clicked.

In the code above, we add the onclick attribute to a button element and specify the myFunction() function to be executed when the button is clicked. The myFunction() function retrieves the input value and logs it to the console.

When using the onclick attribute, it is important to follow best practices such as separating the HTML and JavaScript code and avoiding inline JavaScript.

Passing HTML input value as a JavaScript Function Parameter

Pass multiple parameters to a function using comma separation

JavaScript functions can accept multiple parameters separated by commas. We can use this feature to pass multiple HTML input values as parameters to a function.

In the code above, we define the myFunction() function to accept two parameters input1 and input2 . We retrieve the values of the two input elements and pass them as arguments to the function.

Passing multiple parameters allows us to create more complex and dynamic functions that can perform multiple operations.

Using concatenation operator to store HTML code in JavaScript variable

Sometimes we need to store a block of HTML code in a JavaScript variable and pass it as a parameter to a function. We can achieve this by using the concatenation operator + .

const htmlCode = "

Input value:

"; function myFunction()

In the code above, we define a variable htmlCode that contains a block of HTML code. We retrieve the input value and concatenate it with the HTML code to form a new HTML block.

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Using the concatenation operator allows us to create more dynamic and flexible functions that can accept HTML code as input.

Setting default parameter values for JavaScript functions

Sometimes we need to handle missing arguments in JavaScript functions. We can achieve this by Setting default parameter values.

function myFunction(inputValue = "default value")

In the code above, we define the myFunction() function to accept one parameter inputValue , with a default value of «default value» . If no argument is passed to the function, it will use the default value.

Setting default parameter values allows us to create more robust and error-resistant functions that can handle missing arguments.

Passing form object as a parameter to a function

In some cases, we need to pass an entire form object as a parameter to a JavaScript function. We can achieve this by passing the this keyword as a parameter.

In the code above, we define a form with two input fields and a submit button. We add the onsubmit attribute to the form and specify the submitForm() function to be executed when the form is submitted. The submitForm() function accepts the form object as a parameter and retrieves the values of the input fields.

Passing the form object as a parameter allows us to create more flexible and reusable functions that can handle multiple form submissions.

Using external JavaScript files to call a function with parameters in HTML

In some cases, we need to call a JavaScript function with parameters from an external JavaScript file. We can achieve this by defining the function in the external file and adding a reference to the file in the HTML code.

function externalFunction(inputValue)

In the code above, we define a function externalFunction() in the external JavaScript file external.js . We retrieve the input value in the myFunction() function and pass it as an argument to the externalFunction() function.

Using external JavaScript files allows us to separate the JavaScript code from the HTML code and create more modular and maintainable code.

Additional Code Examples for Passing HTML Input Values as JavaScript Function Parameter

In javascript, passing html vlaues to Javascript function code example


Adding 'a' and 'b'

a: Add function add(a,b)

In javascript, javascript function with input value code example


In this article, we have explored the best practices and code examples for passing HTML input values as JavaScript Function Parameter s. We have learned how to access HTML input values in javascript , how to use the onclick attribute to call a function and pass value, how to pass multiple parameters to a function using comma separation, how to use concatenation operator to store HTML code in JavaScript variable, how to set default parameter values for JavaScript functions, how to pass form object as a parameter to a function, and how to use external JavaScript files to call a function with parameters in HTML.

By following these best practices and using these code examples, web developers can create more dynamic and interactive web pages that can respond to user input.

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how to call javascript function from html and pass parameter through it

I am adding ca, part_a, part_b number and directly writing the total in total field and calculating gpa through javascript. In my first row i am getting the Total and GPA value through javascript but in my second and next rows i am not getting the Total and GPA value how can i solve this ?

Please update your question with reasons why the answers presented did NOT assist you here so that we may get you an answer that does.

2 Answers 2

For the first part of your question, you can do this by using event method for calling your function.

Click the button to trigger a function that will output "Hello World" in a p element with .

Or use javascript event listener.

document.getElementById("myBtn").addEventListener("click", displayDate); function displayDate()

This example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a click event to a button.

Or use jquery event listener.

For the second part of your question you can send parameters by passing them when you call your function, or getting them when you are using your function.

Example for sending parameters when calling the function:

Example for getting when you are in the function (JS):

First Name: 

Click the button to display the value of the value attribute of the text field.

Example for getting when you are in the function (Jquery):


First Name:

Last Name:


If you want a server-side variable you can use this form. In your function js use this var x = ; . This works when you have your PHP in the same page that you have your JS.

This pattern var x = ; while valid as an option from my observation tends to lead to fragile and/or more difficult to maintain code. Not sure the OP sees that the code presented has more issues than the questions posted so that is not really on you here.

It looks like you have many elements (i.e. one per row) with ID’s like total\[\] . Appart from not being particularely attractive IDs (I would personally not put symbols in IDs) they are not unique, which IDs must be! I would probably rename them to something like total- if that makes sense.

Finally, your copy_text function is being defined multiple times (once for each PHP loop, check the output from PHP), which is also causing things to go wrong. I would make it a one-parameter function, i.e. copy_text(id) and only define it once outside the loop, but if you think that is complicated you might just keep it the way it is, but name each function copy_text_ .


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