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The min-width CSS property sets the minimum width of an element. It prevents the used value of the width property from becoming smaller than the value specified for min-width .

Try it

The element’s width is set to the value of min-width whenever min-width is larger than max-width or width .


/* value */ min-width: 3.5em; /* value */ min-width: 10%; /* Keyword values */ min-width: max-content; min-width: min-content; min-width: fit-content(20em); /* Global values */ min-width: inherit; min-width: initial; min-width: revert; min-width: revert-layer; min-width: unset; 


Defines the min-width as an absolute value.

Defines the min-width as a percentage of the containing block’s width.

The browser will calculate and select a min-width for the specified element.

The intrinsic preferred min-width .

The intrinsic minimum min-width .

Uses the fit-content formula with the available space replaced by the specified argument, i.e. min(max-content, max(min-content, argument)) .

Formal definition

Initial value auto
Applies to all elements but non-replaced inline elements, table rows, and row groups
Inherited no
Percentages refer to the width of the containing block
Computed value the percentage as specified or the absolute length
Animation type a length, percentage or calc();

Formal syntax

min-width =
auto |
min-content |
max-content |
fit-content( )



Setting minimum element width

table  min-width: 75%; > form  min-width: 0; > 


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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Is there any way to set a minimum width on the viewport HTML

I know this question has been asked before; however, I have not seen any answers that have worked, at least for me. Here’s what I mean: When I write in my document head It is like it has no effect what so ever it always just sizes to the device-width. Same with this javascript solution which sets a minimum width when it sees that the screen width is smaller than the specified minimum width that I have seen as answers for this question.


But still has no effect. So what I have been doing is setting the minimum width on the html and body like this

which I am happy to say works brilliantly but the reason I need the viewport element to have a minimum width of 700px is because I have font-sizes that are based on vw and vh (viewport width and viewport height) so the webpage has a minimum width of 700px but the font sizes continue to shrink according to the device-width . So basically to sum it up at the end I will have a window width of say 400px, a page width of 700px, and a font size that is based off a 400px page width. Please help! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


How to limit max width and height to screen size in CSS?

I’m trying to make a php gallery and thats why I need a good Mask, where the pictures later can be shown. I want the Mask not to be bigger than screen-size. I mean, there must be no scrolling and the whole needs to have just the width and height of the browser windows, so that every child object in is limited to the frame-size of the browser and will be shrunk down if it overflows. I’ve tried with max-width and max-height on the , but it doesn’t work. Here are the contents of my index.html file:

next picture
previous picture

Our Galery

body < max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; >/* mother-container */ div#mother < max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; margin: auto; >/* main-container */ #container-bild < max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; >/* picture in main-container */ #img-bild

6 Answers 6

To set the height and width to be 100% of the window (viewport) size, use:

height: 100vh;//100% view height width: 100vw;// 100% view width 

first of all: thanks for your fast answer. but, sorry, this answer doesn´t help me very much, because your < div >container may be screen size, but the image in it is big to forces an overflow . so that you have again the scrolling I wanted to prevent from. Have you got an idea how to force the < div >container from exceeding the screen windows-size? I mean to make a limit on all objekts in the < div >container that they can’t to exceed and thus they will be shrinked to a fitting size?

If you’re making a gallery, don’t put the image inside the div. Make the div a «cover», and make the image position: absolute . Then position it. Also, if you’re making a gallery, then make the image’s max-height: 90% or something like that.

yes . thank you, I mean . I just mean . if you try to say < div >container is 1920x1080px than there’s no problem . no objekt in it will overflow my limit of 1920x1080px . but what if you say 100% x 100% of screen? Then it doesn’t matter to my browser what screensize my windows has . the < div >will then overflow without limit . do you understand what I meant? And thank you for your idea with 90% max-height ^^ If nothing helps, I think I have to be happy with that XD

You can set the image height of height: 90vh , so it still has a 10% view height marginal room for spacing.

Do you know how many child elements will be in your gallery? If the number of elements is static, you could simply set their dimensions in CSS using vw and vh units. No JavaScript involved, and the elements would never be able to overflow your body.

Thank you too, but your way is also not what I’m looking for, because it’s right, that with your way I can prevent scrolling, but there is still an overflow on the site . I want my website to prevent from such overflows, so that if an object tries to overflow it will be shrinked down to a fitting size that does’t overflow . do you know what I mean?

Edited my answer to suggest sizing child elements with vw and vh. This will work if gallery elements are static. if you’re adding or subtracting elements dynamically, then JavaScript will be the only way.

As a reminder for my future self:

Though this is completely unrelated, for links, you might want to use something like:

This works great. This will keep your image from growing too large width wise and also keep its proportions.

I’m not sure if this is possible with css, it could be. I have solved similar issue with javascript:

gets the available height, excluded menubars etc. of the borwser. See how I did for the height, my issue was that the footer should be at the bottom even if content was empty->

.mnuHorizontal < list-style:none; >.mnuHorizontal li < float:left; >.mnuHorizontal .activemnu a,.mnuHorizontal li a:hover < background:#00B7EF; border-radius:5px; color:white; >.mnuHorizontal li a
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C-Driver Manager is a simple tool that;
  • displays information about your devices
  • identify unrecognized devices by windows
  • Backups your devices driver

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for (i=0;i else < document.getElementsByClassName('mnuHorizontal').item(0).children[i].className = ''; >> resizecontainer(); function resizecontainer()

look for this function inside the example above ->


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