Button to next page html

How TO — Next and Previous Buttons

Learn how to create «next» and «previous» buttons with CSS.

Next and Previous Buttons

How To Create Next and Previous Buttons

Step 1) Add HTML:


Step 2) Add CSS:


a <
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
padding: 8px 16px;

a:hover background-color: #ddd;
color: black;

.previous background-color: #f1f1f1;
color: black;

.next background-color: #04AA6D;
color: white;

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How to Redirect from One page to Another in HTML on Button Click?

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

Let’s say you are designing an e-commerce website. A user lands on the log-in screen and fills in their details. What do you think will happen once the system verifies their credentials? You need to redirect them to their dashboard screen.

Redirect means changing the URL and web page. For example, let’s say you are currently browsing a current page of a website having URL example.com/page-a. Now, let’s say you click a link or button and transfer to another web page of the same website having URL example.com/page-b. This is called redirecting. It is widely used on a website.

Rediret JavaScript

Add an Image depicting redirecting in HTML from one page to another. Sample Image

There are several ways in which you can redirect a user:

  • The user can initiate redirecting in several ways.
  • They can be redirected by clicking on a button or clicking on a link.

In this article, we will explore several ways on who to redirect from one page to another in HTML on a button click.

Redirect using HTML Form Tag

The first way through which you can redirect from one page to another is by clicking a button. You can use a form for this purpose. The form tag in HTML has an attribute action where you can give the URL of the webpage where you want the form button to redirect. The form tag also has another attribute method. Just set the method attribute to POST , which means you are sending the data, and mention the URL in the action attribute. Once you submit the form, it will redirect you to the particular URL and webpage corresponding to that URL.

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Form tags are widely used when you wish to submit user data to the backend, such as during sign-up or log-in.

Redirect using HTML Anchor Tags

If you wish to redirect the user, then you can use the good old anchor tags in HTML. All you need to do is provide the reference or URL of the webpage you need the user to redirect.



Using location.href and location.replace

Apart from using HTML, you can also use Javascript to redirect users to your website. Javascript provides pre-built functions that one can use for redirecting. You can use location.href and location.replace to redirect the user from one page to another.


You can add an event listener such as onClick to simulate a button click for redirecting. The location.replace function replaces the current URL with the one you provide, while the location.href creates a link between two pages. This means that once you click on a button that redirects using replace function, you cannot navigate back to the original document using the back button.


Redirect to Another Page after Form Submit HTML

If you want the user to be redirected after they have submitted their details, then you can use form tags. The attributes of form tags action and method can be used to achieve this. The action attribute specifies the path to which the URL will be redirected once the form is submitted. The method attribute specifies the HTTP method that needs to be used when submitting the form.

After you have filled out the form and clicked submit, then you will be redirected to the dashboard section of the website.

How to Redirect to Another Web Page Using jQuery or JavaScript?

The window.location.href and window.location.replace functions can be used in JQuery as well. You can add an event listener to an element in HTML. Then, you can use the location.href or location.replace method for redirecting.


In the above code, you have added the event Listener click that will activate when you click on the button. It will activate the function redirectFunction that will use location.href function to redirect to another page.


  • Redirecting refers to changing the URL of a website and the webpage associated with it when the user interacts with the website.
  • This article explains how to redirect from one page to another in HTML on a button click.
  • You can use form tags in HTML for redirecting. The action and method attributes can be used for redirecting to another page.
  • Anchor tags can also be used for redirecting. You can specify the URL in the href attribute of anchor tags in HTML.
  • Javascript and JQuery also provide support methods for redirecting. You can add event listener functions and call these methods to redirect the user to another page on the website.


HTML is known as Hypertext Markup Language which gathers data from different servers in one place by linking them. When we create a website in HTML that website is actually a combination of text and links. We can make links to images, buttons, texts, etc.

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The link binding is used to navigate to pages inside the website or the web-pages of other websites. This article aims to guide you on various methods on creating a button link to another page in HTML.

Additionally, this guide serves the following outcomes:

In HTML, the tag and the tag are used to create a button link. Mostly, the tag is utilized to make a link on a button. Moreover, the href =”” attribute specifies the path to another page.

The button link can be created by using the , , and tag. Each tag refers to a specific attribute to create a link to another page. For instance, the href attribute of tag serves the purpose.

This segment provides a detailed synopsis of all the methods to make button links to another page in HTML.

To create a button link to another page in HTML,just add tag and wrap it around the simple Html button. Inside a tag simply use href=”” attribute to give the path of the desired page.

Example Below:

In the above example, we have created a button and the tag creates a link to another page (www.google.com)

Output of code:

The output shows that, after clicking the Click button, you will be navigated to Google instantly.

We can create a button with a link to another page with the help of the tag. To do so, we need tag and onclick=”” attribute to specify the link.

The following code makes use of the tag to create a button with a link to another page.

Example Below:

In the code, the tag is used with type, onclick, class, and value attributes. A link is pasted in the onclick attribute of HTML.

Output of code:

The output shows that, after clicking the Click button, you will be navigated to the Instagram login page instantly.

We can create a button with a link to another page with the help of the tag. To do that we need the tag with action attribute to specify the page path. The following code represents the functionality of tag to make a button link to another page:

Example Below:

In this example we use tag with action attribute to specify the path. A button is created using tag.

Output of code:

The output shows that, after clicking the Click button, you will be navigated to the twitter login page instantly.


In HTML, a button link to another page can be by using the tag, tag, and the tag. A link on a button is get by href=”” attribute of tag. The type=button and onclick=link attributes are used to create a link on the button. The action=link attribute of the tag can also be used to make a button link to another page. You have learned a detailed usage of all these tags and attributes to make a button link.


How to Make Submit button redirect to another page in HTML

If you are Wondering about, How to Make Submit button redirect to another page in HTML. Then this Tutorial is for You.
Because In this Tutorial, we are performing some methods to Make Submit button redirect another page using HTML.
We can use HTML Form, Anchor or JavaScript inside HTML to Redirect our users by HTML Submit button.

Redirect using HTML Forms

To make Submit button redirect to another page we can use HTML Form Tags.
Which will allow us to Redirect or Open another Webpage using Submit button Click.
We just need to Write our Webpage path under the HTML Form’s Action attribute (We we want to Redirect). It will redirect our user to given Path/Webpage.

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How to Make Submit button redirect to another page in HTML

Linking Submit buttons using Anchor Tag is Easy and Reliable method in HTML. We need to Write/Declare Submit button between Anchor tag’s Starting and Closing tags.
By using Anchor tag’s HREF attribute we can give a Path where we want to Link our Submit Button.

If you don’t need to use Form tag or Anchor tags to Link Submit button to a different page in HTML then we can use JavaScript for such cases. In JavaScript, we design a Function which will manage all the Data like Page Path where we want to Connect our Submit Button. The function name, By using that Function name we can call that function within HTML onClick attribute. Which we call the assigned function and we can redirect our users from one page to another by clicking on the Submit Button.

JavaScript button to another site

Using JavaScript OnClick Event you can redirect users to Another page on a Single click.
So if you want do JavaScript button to another site Redirect thing.
Then use this Code Given Below.

submit button redirect to another page HTML

To redirect users to another page using Submit button we can use HTML’s Ancher tag or Form tags for that.
In Anchor tags and Form Tags, we need to Write/Declare our Submit button between Anchor tags or Form Tags.
Which will make our Submit button Clickable. And by using Anchor and Form tag’s href attribute we can Specify the Path where we want our users to redirect after clicking the Submit Button.
Redirect using HTML Form Tags

index.html [Redirect using HTML Anchor Tags]

how to handle multiple submit buttons in HTML forms

In HTML Forms all the Buttons inside Form Tags will work like a Submit button. Which will redirect users to the same page (Which we have declared inside HTML form’s action attribute) If you want to Handle multiple Submit buttons then you can use Multiple Form tags with multiple Page Path. or you can use Anchor tags instead of Form tags to redirect Users using multiple submit buttons in HTML link submit button to another page using JavaScript.

   document.getElementById("submitBtn").addEventListener("click", myFunction); function myFunction() < window.location.href="http://programminghead.com"; >  

JavaScript windows.location allows us to redirect our users to another page on a single click. We just need to add a Click event inside our JavaScript. Which will run when user Invoke the Click Event by clicking the Submit button.

a href Submit form onclick

Yes you can Link / Open another page using HTML Anchor Tags / A Href Method. For that you have to provide your Another page’s Link inside Anchor tags href attribute. Which will open your Linked page on a Single Click.

redirect to another page after form submit HTML

If you want to redirect to another page after form submit html, Then you have to provide/Sign the Other pages path inside HTML Form tag’s ACTION Attribute. Which will POST/Send your Form data to that Location and Open/Redirect your Users to That Given Web Page.


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