But not both java

Java’s If Condition: Not Equivalent

To invert your test conditions and test again, you can either use De Morgan’s Laws or simply change «unless I’m missing something» to «if.» Solution 1 involves checking for duplicate values in a set of variables and can be implemented using the provided sample code. Additionally, the first and following conditions are identical and can be simplified. Solution 2 involves working with double data types and knowing that bin1Length is 2 and bin2Length is 3.

Check Equal and Not Equal conditons for double values

When utilizing a primitive type double , it is imperative that the values of a and b are not the same.

double a = 1.0; double b = 1.0; System.out.println(a == b); 

In case .equals() is functional, it is likely that you are utilizing the object wrapper Double . Additionally, .equals() is the substitute for != when used together.

It might be the case that something is escaping my attention, but it seems like it should simply be.

If you want to test your conditions in reverse and retest them, you can do so.

 !a.equals(b) || !c.equals(d) || !e.equals(f) 

By utilizing the double data type, it is possible to make use of.

 ==,!= (you should try to use these first.. ) 

Java Not Greater than Or Equal to Operator for Char Type, Basically if the user does not input a letter between A and C, a while loop will run until A,B,C,a,b,c is inputted. It should be in the form of. while (letter <'a' && letter >‘c’) but it didn’t work apparently because if I inputted F, is it greater than ‘C’, but it is less than ‘c’, since char uses ACSII. java while-loop char operators …

Can you connect multiple «not equals to» conditions together in one condition in java?

The ultimate goal is to determine if there are any duplicate values present in your variable set. To achieve this, a straightforward approach is provided below.

static boolean allUnique(Object. values) < return new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(values)).size() == values.length; > 

You can call it like this:

if (allUnique(variable1, variable2, variable3, variable4)) break loop; 
 if (new HashSet(variable1, variable2, variable3, variable4).size == 4) . 

Utilize the logical operator && in order to proceed. Additional information can be found in this answer on SO.

You will essentially make use of something similar to:

if (variable1 != variable2 && variable1 != variable3 && variable1 != variable4) 

This will verify that variable 1 is unequal to either 2, 3, or 4.

Java not equals with OR, First condition will always return true as both the operands contradict each other. If name does not equal A or does not equal B — it can’t equal both at once, so is always true. — Reverse of «name equals A or B» — clearly a more sensible condition.

Java operator to check if either conditions are false, but not both or none

The conditions are met when a and b are both satisfied.

public class Test < public static void main(String[] args) < xnor(false, false); xnor(false, true); xnor(true, false); xnor(true, true); >private static void xnor(boolean a, boolean b) < System.out.printf("xnor(%b, %b) = %b\n", a, b, a == b); >> 

Produces this truth table;

xnor(false, false) = true xnor(false, true) = false xnor(true, false) = false xnor(true, true) = true 

If with multiple &&, || conditions Evaluation in java, Note that Java conditional operators short-circuit. This means that once the end result of the expression is known, evaluation stops. For example, if a and b were both true, meaning the overall expression must evaluate to true, then c, d and e are not evaluated. For the second part of your question, we can apply …

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Why the if condition is always false?

The initial if and subsequent else if have identical conditions.

have a better look on this:

 if(bin1Length > bin2Length) < length = bin1Length; >else if (bin2Length

It’s obvious that bin2Length is not less than bin1Length if bin1Length is not greater than bin2Length .

 if(bin1Length > bin2Length) < length = bin1Length; >else if (bin1Length < bin2Length)< length = bin2Length; >else if (bin1Length == bin2Length)

The if condition will never be true because bin1Length is 2 and bin2Length is 3.

Also, optimized code would be:

length = bin1Length; if (bin2Length > bin1Length) length = bin2Length; 

Java — Checking if condition for ‘null’, AFAIK,among the last 3 methods,middle one contains little overhead task to calculate the exact lengh before comparing it with 0.and that isn’t your goal,your goal is to just check whether it’s empty or not.and sometimes it may happen that your string is very large.so why to do overhead of calculating …


Java operator to check if either conditions are false, but not both or none

Exception handlers should preserve the original exceptions The spec feature was resolved 2018-11-02 with version 5.9, implementation for Java fixed 2019-02-15 with version 5.11. ⚠️ Partial fix only : The marked duplicate and obourgain’s answer do not solve the two-fold case here completely: they fix RSPEC-1166 but not RSPEC-2139 Similar questions coping with RSPEC-1166: SONAR complaining about logging and rethrowing an Exception, asked 2016 Solution: Let us start with the second part of the question, how can I use for error handling? can hold one of two values, for error handling you can declare a method to return an that will hold a valid computation result or an Exception.

Java operator to check if either conditions are false, but not both or none

Is there an operator in Java that will give a result of false if either conditions are false, but if both are true or both false the result will be true?

I have some code that relies on a user entering some values for a process to run. As the user should only be able to enter x or y but not both or none I would like to show an error message in this case.

where a and b are the conditions.

public class Test < public static void main(String[] args) < xnor(false, false); xnor(false, true); xnor(true, false); xnor(true, true); >private static void xnor(boolean a, boolean b) < System.out.printf("xnor(%b, %b) = %b\n", a, b, a == b); >> 

Produces this truth table;

xnor(false, false) = true xnor(false, true) = false xnor(true, false) = false xnor(true, true) = true 

Either for error handling in java, To name one: Every api call (which returns an Either) inside a method, must first check if the returned Either is an error or not before continuing to the next line. If it is an error, it is propogated back in the stack of method calls in an a form of an Either.

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Either Usage & Error Handling in Java

My goal is to use the Either class alongside my Human, Weapon, and Magazine classes.

These are the different Human declarations I want to test. (No weapon, no mag, and has all)

Human noWeapon = new Human(null); Human noMag = new Human(new Weapon(null)); Human hasAll = new Human(new Weapon(new Magazine(2))); 

Currently, I’m creating an Either in the following way:

Human noWeapon = new Human(null); Either either2 = new Right (noWeapon); Right either2_right = (Right) either2; 

I’m struggling to understand the inner workings of the Either class and the ways for which I can use it for error handling. I want to be able to catch these errors when they occur so I can know when the error is happening


Currently, this is throwing a NullPointerException error for obvious reasons — but my goal is to instead catch the error and know when it occured.

My Either class is as follows:

abstract class Either  < >class Left extends Either  < public A left_value; public Left(A a) < left_value = a; >public A getLeft() < return this.left_value; >public Either flatMap(final Function f)< return (Either)this; > public Either map(final Function f)< return (Either)this; > > class Right extends Either  < public B right_value; public Right(B b) < right_value = b; >public B getRight() < return this.right_value; >public Either flatMap(final Function f) < return f.apply(right_value); >public Either map(final Function f) < return new Right(f.apply(right_value)); >> 

I’m using Either for my following 3 classes: Human

class Human < Weapon w; public Human(Weapon w) < this.w = w; >public Weapon getWeapon() < return w; >> 
class Weapon < Magazine m; public Weapon(Magazine m) < this.m = m; >public Magazine getMag() < return m; >> 
class Magazine < private int count; public Magazine(int c) < count = c; >public int getCount() < return count; >> 

Thank you for any help I’m able to get!

I’m struggling to understand the inner workings of the Either class and the ways for which I can use it for error handling.

Let us start with the second part of the question, how can I use Either for error handling? Either can hold one of two values, for error handling you can declare a method to return an Either that will hold a valid computation result or an Exception. For example:

public Either divide (Double x, Double y) < try < return new Right(x/y); > catch (ArithmeticException e) < return new Left(e); > > 

The caller will not get an arithmeticexception if he try to divide by zero, he will receive an Either holding the exception, in this example he will get a Left . The convention is to hold valid return results in a Right and the other results in a Left .

The implementation you provided doesn’t make it easy for the caller to check if he got a Right or a Left or make it easy to process the result regardless of it is a Right or a ‘ Left a more complete implementation of Either here provides that convenience (for instance getOrThrow to get a Right value or throw an exception if the Either is not a Right ).

Logic — Java operator to check if either conditions are, Java operator to check if either conditions are false, but not both or none. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 5 months ago. Modified 10 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 10k times 6 2. Is there an operator in Java that will give a result of false if either conditions are false, but if both are true or both false the result will be … Code samplexnor(false, false) = truexnor(false, true) = falsexnor(true, false) = falsexnor(true, true) = trueFeedback

How can I split a given String using either + or -?

I want to split a polynomial like:

Into each one of its terms (2x^7, x^2, 3x, 9)

I’ve thought about using String.split(), but how can I make it take more than one paramether?

split takes a regular expression, so you can do:

String[] terms = myString.split("[-+]"); 

and it will split when it encounters either + or -.

Edit: Note that as Michael Borgwardt said, when you split like this you cannot tell which operator (+ or -) was the delimiter. If that’s important for your use, you should use a StringTokenizer as he suggested. (If you’re trying to write a math expression parser, neither of these will be of much help, though.)

This sounds like a perfect application for the stringtokenizer class :

StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("2x^7+x^2+3x-9", "+-", true); 

Will return the tokens («2x^7», «+», «x^2», «+», «3x», «-«, «9») — you do need the signs to have the full information about the polynomial. If not, leave off the laster constructor parameter.

String.split accepts regular expressions, so try split(«[-+]») .

Java 8 method reference to: either `equals` or, java 8 method reference to: either `equals` or `equalsIgnoreCase` Ask Question Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Modified 5 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 14k times Basically, if either of the two is true then the other must also be true. – Ousmane D

Either log this exception and handle it, or rethrow it with some contextual information

Can some one help me why SonarLint is showing this:

Either log this exception and handle it, or rethrow it with some contextual information.

public static T getObjectFromJson(final Object jsonString, final Class valueType) < T object = null; if (jsonString != null) < try < object = MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.toString(), valueType); >catch (IOException io) < log.error(ERROR_LOG_STR + " in method getObjectFromJson(). Exception Message=<>, Exception Stack =<>", io.getMessage(), io); throw new ServiceException(ErrorMessages.JSON_SERIALIZATION_ERROR, io.getCause()); > > return object; > 

It’s about the either . or , see Sonar’s Rule spec RSPEC-2139:

Exceptions should be either logged or rethrown but not both

To be compliant with the rule, decide for one:

 try < object = MAPPER.readValue(jsonString.toString(), valueType); >catch (IOException io) < log.error(ERROR_LOG_STR + " in method getObjectFromJson(). Exception Message=<>, Exception Stack =<>", io.getMessage(), io); > 
Bonus: How to achieve both and simplify

You can log additionally in a global or local error-handling interceptor like Spring’s @ControllerAdvice annotated error-handler.

Most loggers allow to pass a Throwable when logging at error-level. For example using Slf4j: log.error(ERROR_LOG_STR + » in method getObjectFromJson(): » + io.getMessage(), io)

Related Rules

RSPEC-1166: Exception handlers should preserve the original exceptions

The spec feature was resolved 2018-11-02 with version 5.9, implementation for Java fixed 2019-02-15 with version 5.11.

⚠️ Partial fix only : The marked duplicate and obourgain’s answer do not solve the two-fold case here completely:

Similar questions coping with RSPEC-1166:

  • SONAR complaining about logging and rethrowing an exception , asked 2016
  • Either log or rethrow this exception , asked 2015
  • Sonar complaining about logging and rethrowing the exception, asked 2015

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