Bruce eckel thinking in java mindview

Thinking in Java

Appropriate for intermediate to advanced courses in Java.

In Thinking in Java, Third Edition, Bruce Eckel revises his widely-praised Java introduction to fully reflect the power of Java 2 Standard Edition, Version 1.4. This new edition of the book that won the 1999 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award adds thoroughly updated coverage of servlets, JSP, and EJB. As always, Eckel doesn’t just show students what to do, but why. He introduces all the basics of objects as Java uses them; then walks carefully through the fundamentals of Java programming, including program flow, initialization and cleanup, implementation hiding, reusing classes and polymorphism. Using to-the-point examples, he introduces exception handling, Java I/O, run-time type identification, and passing and returning objects. Coverage also includes: database integration, transactions, security, Swing GUI development, Jini, JavaSpaces, and much more. Eckel presents Java one simple step at a time, carefully organizing his material so students can learn new concepts even in short study periods, and thoroughly digest each new idea and technique before moving on. All code examples are simple and short, enabling even beginners to understand every detail. All code examples are on the accompanying CD-ROM, along with electronic copies of the book in several formats, and the complete Thinking in C multimedia course, which introduces crucial concepts every beginning programmer must master before learning Java.


Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel

Large book cover: Thinking in Java

The legendary author Bruce Eckel brings Java to life with this extraordinarily insightful, opinionated and downright funny introduction. Thinking in Java introduces all of the language’s fundamentals, one step at a time, using to-the-point code examples. More than virtually any other book, Thinking in Java helps you understand not just what to do — but why. Eckel introduces all the basics of objects as Java uses them; then walks carefully through the fundamental concepts underlying all Java programming — including program flow, initialization and cleanup, hiding implementations, reusing classes and polymorphism.

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Thinking in Java

» Thinking in Java should be read cover to cover by every Java programmer, then kept close at hand for frequent reference. The exercises are challenging, and the chapter on Collections is superb! Not only did this book help me to pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam; it’s also the first book I turn to whenever I have a Java question.»
—Jim Pleger, Loudoun County (Virginia) Government» Much better than any other Java book I’ve seen. Make that ‘by an order of magnitude’. Very complete, with excellent right-to-the-point examples and intelligent, not dumbed-down, explanations. In contrast to many other Java books I found it to be unusually mature, consistent, intellectually honest, well-written, and precise. IMHO, an ideal book for studying Java.»
—Anatoly Vorobey, Technion University, Haifa, Israel«Absolutely one of the best programming tutorials I’ve seen for any language.»
—Joakim Ziegler, FIX sysop«Thank you again for your awesome book. I was really floundering (being a non-C programmer), but your book has brought me up to speed as fast as I could read it. It’s really cool to be able to understand the underlying principles and concepts from the start, rather than having to try to build that conceptual model through trial and error. Hopefully I will be able to attend your seminar in the not-too-distant future.»
—Randall R. Hawley, automation technician, Eli Lilly & Co. «This is one of the best books I’ve read about a programming language. The best book ever written on Java.»
—Ravindra Pai, Oracle Corporation, SUNOS product line«Bruce, your book is wonderful! Your explanations are clear and direct. Through your fantastic book I have gained a tremendous amount of Java knowledge. The exercises are also fantastic and do an excellent job reinforcing the ideas explained throughout the chapters. I look forward to reading more books written by you. Thank you for the tremendous service that you are providing by writing such great books. My code will be much better after reading Thinking in Java. I thank you and I’m sure any programmers who will have to maintain my code are also grateful to you.»
—Yvonne Watkins, Java artisan, Discover Technologies, Inc. «Other books cover the what of Java (describing the syntax and the libraries) or the how of Java (practical programming examples). Thinking in Java is the only book I know that explains the why of Java: Why it was designed the way it was, why it works the way it does, why it sometimes doesn’t work, why it’s better than C++, why it’s not. Although it also does a good job of teaching the what and how of the language, Thinking in Java is definitely the thinking person’s choice in a Java book.»
—Robert S. Stephenson Awards for Thinking in Java2003 Software Development Magazine Jolt Award for Best Book
2003 Java Developer’s Journal Reader’s Choice Award for Best Book
2001 JavaWorld Editor’s Choice Award for Best Book
2000 JavaWorld Reader’s Choice Award for Best Book
1999 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award
1998 Java Developer’s Journal Editor’s Choice Award for Best Book

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Thinking in Java has earned raves from programmers worldwide for its extraordinary clarity, careful organization, and small, direct programming examples. From the fundamentals of Java syntax to its most advanced features, Thinking in Java is designed to teach, one simple step at a time.

  • The classic object-oriented introduction for beginners and experts alike, fully updated for Java SE5/6 with many new examples and chapters!
  • Test framework shows program output.
  • Design patterns are shown with multiple examples throughout: Adapter, Bridge, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Decorator, Facade, Factory Method, Flyweight, Ite

Отзывы — Написать отзыв

Review: Thinking in Java

Good to beginners, not enough for more advanced techniques. Anyway a good book to start Java Programming Читать весь отзыв

Review: Thinking in Java

«The» place to start with if you want to learn the Java programming language. Bruce does not only teach you a language, but also tries to inculcate the ‘philosophy’ and good practices of Java. Читать весь отзыв

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Об авторе (2006)

Bruce Eckel is president of MindView, Inc. (, which provides public and private training seminars, consulting, mentoring, and design reviews in object-oriented technology and design patterns. He is the author of several books, has written more than fifty articles, and has given lectures and seminars throughout the world for more than twenty years. Bruce has served as a voting member of the C++ Standards Committee. He holds a B.S. in applied physics and an M.S. in computer engineering.

Библиографические данные

Название Thinking in Java
Автор Bruce Eckel
Издание: иллюстрированное, перепечатанное, с примечаниями
Издатель Prentice Hall, 2006
ISBN 0131872486, 9780131872486
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 1482
&nbsp &nbsp
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan
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Thinking in Java

Передняя обложка

Appropriate for intermediate to advanced courses in Java.

In Thinking in Java, Third Edition, Bruce Eckel revises his widely-praised Java introduction to fully reflect the power of Java 2 Standard Edition, Version 1.4. This new edition of the book that won the 1999 Software Development Magazine Productivity Award adds thoroughly updated coverage of servlets, JSP, and EJB. As always, Eckel doesn’t just show students what to do, but why. He introduces all the basics of objects as Java uses them; then walks carefully through the fundamentals of Java programming, including program flow, initialization and cleanup, implementation hiding, reusing classes and polymorphism. Using to-the-point examples, he introduces exception handling, Java I/O, run-time type identification, and passing and returning objects. Coverage also includes: database integration, transactions, security, Swing GUI development, Jini, JavaSpaces, and much more. Eckel presents Java one simple step at a time, carefully organizing his material so students can learn new concepts even in short study periods, and thoroughly digest each new idea and technique before moving on. All code examples are simple and short, enabling even beginners to understand every detail. All code examples are on the accompanying CD-ROM, along with electronic copies of the book in several formats, and the complete Thinking in C multimedia course, which introduces crucial concepts every beginning programmer must master before learning Java.


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