Breaking line in javascript

Various methods for a Javascript new line

In this short tutorial, we look at multiple javascript new line methods and how you can use line break while dealing with strings.

Table of Contents — Javascript new line

What is JavaScript new line?

Manipulating strings in JavaScript can be a hassle. Although string manipulation is easy to learn, implementing them is tricky and one similar area is adding new lines.

There are many ways in JavaScript for new lines, however, they are not as simple as the paragraph or break tag we use in HTML.

Nonetheless, let’s look at the most commonly used JavaScript new line methods.

Breaking strings using Escape sequence:

Escape sequences are a commonly used method to create a new line in JavaScript.

The escape sequence used to create a new line in Windows and Linux is \n , but for a few older macs \r is used. The implementation of escape sequences is quite straightforward.

let flexiple = "Hire the top 1% freelance talent"; let newstring = "Hire the \ntop 1% \nfreelance talent"; console.log(flexiple); //Output: "Hire the top 1% freelance talent" console.log(newstring); //Output: "Hire the //top 1% //freelance talent" 

Note: Do not add spaces after the new line escape sequence as JavaScript would consider that to be a space and add it to the output.

New Line using Template Literals:

Template literals sound quite fancy, but underneath the jargon, they are just string literals that allow embedded expressions.

They make it easier to use multi-line strings. Template literals are enclosed within the backtick (` `) .

let flexiple = "Hire the \ntop 1% \nfreelance talent"; let newstring = `Hire the top 1% freelance talent`; console.log(flexiple); //Output: "Hire the //top 1% //freelance talent" console.log(newstring); //Output: "Hire the //top 1% //freelance talent" 

In both cases, the same output is returned. but as you can see Template Literals make it easier to write multi-line strings.

HTML Break element

Adding HTML line break elements to your string is another method to add a JavaScript new line.

Note that break elements must be used only where the division of a line needs to be significant. But since this method is quite common we look at it as well.

   let flexiple = "Hire the" + "
" + "top 1% "+ "
" + "freelance talent"; document.getElementById("newline").innerHTML = flexiple;

Note: Remember to use the .innerHTML and not .innerText as you would with other text content.


Line Break in JavaScript

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

While developing any web page or website, we may encounter various situations where we have to create a line break in JavaScript. So, for that, there are many methods that can be used to complete the task.

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What Is JavaScript New Line?

We can encounter many cases when we have to create a new line using JavaScript. It may seem tricky, but in actuality, these approaches are pretty simple and can be implemented easily. There are other ways to insert new lines with JavaScript. Let’s take a look at the most popular ways of creating new lines with JavaScript.

Breaking Strings Using Escape Sequence :

The Escape Sequence used for creating a new line is \n . While displaying some text to the JavaScript console, you can add a new line by using the \n symbol, which stands for a new line. We can add \n with the string of which we want to break the line. Let’s See an example of how \n works :

Example : 1

In this example, we will make a string that we want to break. And will print that in the console.

Example : 2

We can also use \n Escape sequence with template literals syntax and can get the same results.

New Line Using Template Literals :

For creating a new line in the console, you can also insert a new line break by pressing Enter while using the template literals. Let’s take a look at an example of the same.

Example : 1

Here we are following the template literals syntax to Make our approach possible.

Example : 2

We can also use the combination of entering and \n within the template literal syntax.

HTML Break Element :

If we want to add a new line to the Webpage by JavaScript only, then Adding HTML line break elements to your string can do the work for you. By using the break element in the string, we have to use the innerHTML property to render the string as HTML and not the text.

Example : 1

In this example, we are using br tag to break to a new line, this approach reflects the changes in HTML of the page.

Example : 2

We can also use the template literal syntax with the JavaScript variable and the result will be the same.

Accessibility concerns :

Creating line breaks or separate paragraphs using
is a bad practice. It’s also a difficulty for people who use screen reading tools to navigate. The presence of the
element may be indicated by screen readers which can be confusing for users and is called not a good practice.

Specifications :

Attributes :

Break element’s attributes include the global attributes.

Styling with CSS :

The Break element serves a single function it creates a line break in a piece of text. So there is very little you can do to style a line break. You can just add some margin to break elements to increase or decrease space between the lines.

Browser compatibility of break element in HTML :

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Edge


  • There are many methods that can be used to create a line break in JavaScript :
    • Breaking strings using Escape sequence
    • New Line using Template Literals
    • HTML Break element


    How to break line in javascript?

    In JavaScript, the newline character is represented by «line feed» (LF) and «carriage return» (CR) characters, both of which can be represented as ‘\n’ in string literals. However, when rendering HTML, a newline character alone will not cause a line break in the display. To achieve line breaks in the display of text, there are several methods that can be used, depending on the desired outcome and the context in which the text is being displayed.

    Method 1: Using the HTML «br» Element

    To break a line in JavaScript using the HTML «br» element, you can simply insert the tag into your string. Here’s an example:

    let myString = "This is the first line.
    This is the second line."
    This is the first line. This is the second line.

    You can also use the document.createElement method to create a new «br» element and append it to an existing HTML element. Here’s an example:

    let myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv"); let br = document.createElement("br"); myDiv.appendChild(br);

    This will add a line break after the content of the «myDiv» element.

    Another way to add a line break in JavaScript is to use the Unicode character for line break, which is «\u000A». Here’s an example:

    let myString = "This is the first line.\u000AThis is the second line.";

    This will output the same result as the first example.

    That’s it! These are the ways to break a line in JavaScript using the HTML «br» element.

    Method 2: Using CSS «white-space: pre-wrap»

    To break a line in JavaScript, you can use the escape sequence «\n» or the HTML tag «
    «. However, if you want to break lines in a block element without using any of these methods, you can use the CSS property «white-space» with the value «pre-wrap». This will preserve white spaces, including line breaks, in the element.

    div class="break-lines"> This text will break into multiple lines div>
    .break-lines  white-space: pre-wrap; >

    In the above example, the text inside the div element will break into multiple lines without using the «\n» or «
    » methods.

    You can also use this method on other block elements like paragraphs, headings, and lists.

    p class="break-lines"> This is a long paragraph that will break into multiple lines without using the "\n" or "br>" methods. p>
    .break-lines  white-space: pre-wrap; >

    This will break the paragraph into multiple lines.

    In summary, to break lines in a block element without using «\n» or «
    «, you can use the CSS property «white-space» with the value «pre-wrap». This method preserves white spaces, including line breaks, in the element.

    Method 3: Using JavaScript String Concatenation with HTML line break tag

    To break a line in JavaScript, you can use the HTML line break tag
    . One way to do this is by using JavaScript string concatenation with the line break tag.

    let message = "Hello world!
    ; message += "This is a new line";

    In this example, we first create a string with the message «Hello world!» and add the line break tag
    at the end. Then, we concatenate another string «This is a new line» to the message variable.

    Hello world! This is a new line

    You can also use template literals to achieve the same result:

    let message = `Hello world! This is a new line`;

    In this example, we use backticks to create a template literal. The line break is added directly in the string by pressing the Enter key.

    The result will be the same as the previous example.

    These are the steps to break a line in JavaScript using the HTML line break tag:

    1. Create a string variable.
    2. Add the line break tag
      at the end of the string.
    3. Concatenate another string to the variable, if needed.

    That’s it! With these simple steps, you can easily break a line in JavaScript using the HTML line break tag.

    Method 4: Using JavaScript String Concatenation with «escape» sequences

    To break a line in JavaScript, you can use the escape sequence «\n» within a string. This escape sequence represents a new line character. Here is an example of how to use it with string concatenation:

    let message = "Hello,\nworld!"; console.log(message);

    You can also use multiple escape sequences to create multiple line breaks:

    let message = "Hello,\n\n\nworld!"; console.log(message);

    If you want to include the escape sequence within a template literal, you can use the backtick character (`) to enclose the string and use $<> to include the escape sequence:

    let message = `Hello, world!`; console.log(message);

    You can also use the escape sequence within a variable assignment:

    let message = "Hello,\nworld!"; let newMessage = message.replace("\n", " "); console.log(newMessage);

    In summary, to break a line in JavaScript, you can use the escape sequence «\n» within a string. You can use it with string concatenation, template literals, and variable assignments.


    How to create a line break with JavaScript?

    To create a line break in JavaScript, use “
    ”. With this, we can add more than one line break also.


    Let’s see it in the below example:

    Giri Raju

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