Бомбер на питоне код

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This is a script, written on Python. He SMS Bomber Bot for Telegram.


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This is a script, written on Python. He SMS Bomber Bot for Telegram.

  1. Вам нужно скачать Python3.X (С добавлением Add to Path)
  2. Загрузить файлы в папку
  3. Открыть ее как «Открыть окно команд» (перейти в директорию папки)
  4. Заменить данные bot и aid. (bot — @BotFather создаете бота, aid = @userinfobot ваш id.)
  5. Запустить скрипт командой «python bot.py».

Все остальное написано в боте. И не забудьте написать боту /start.

p.s. Все логи о номерах и пользователях будут приходить вам в бота как админу.


This is a script, written on Python. He SMS Bomber Bot for Telegram.


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Читайте также:  Object class and its method in java

Простой СМС бомбер на python


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PythonSmsBomber by Ernest Litvinenko

Убедиться в установке Python 3.8 и выше

  • Для Linux-систем / Termux:
    • Обновляем пакеты: sudo apt update
    • Добавляем бомбер: git clone https://github.com/ernestlitvinenko/PythonSmsBomber.git
    • Переходим в директорию с бомбером: cd PythonSmsBomber
    • Устанавливаем необходимве пакеты: pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    python3 bomber.py [Номер телефона] -r [Время атаки, по умолчанию — бесконечность] -t [Тип атаки, по умолчанию СМС (Временно доступно только смс)]


    Простой СМС бомбер на python


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    Clean, small and powerful SMS bomber script.



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    • Lots of integrated SMS APIs, and support for custom API configuration!
    • Unlimited number of SMSs (with proxy support for huge bombs!).
    • Faster and lighter than most SMS Bomber apps/scripts.
    • International bombing available.

    NOTE: Windows not supported as some of httpx ‘s http2 libraries can’t be installed on it.

    # Install brew /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" # Install Dependencies brew install git brew install python3 sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install --upgrade pip # Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/sslri/smsbomber.git # Move into working directory. cd smsbomber # Install the requirements. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Open Termux and enter the following commands:

    # Install Dependencies: pkg install git python -y # Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/sslri/smsbomber.git # Move into working directory. cd smsbomber # Install the requirements. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Instructions for iOS/iPadOS(due to the way Apple devices handle ram usage it’s gonna be slow but it works :P)

    Open iSH and enter the following commands:

    # Install Dependencies: apk add git apk add python3 apk add py3-pip # Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/sslri/smsbomber.git # Move into working directory. cd smsbomber # Install the requirements. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Instructions for Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions:

    # Install Dependencies: sudo apt install git python3 python3-pip # Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/sslri/smsbomber.git # Move into working directory. cd smsbomber # Install the requirements. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    You can also read this via python3 bomber.py -h or python3 bomber.py —help

    smsbomber - A clean, small and powerful SMS bomber script. Usage: bomber.py [--config-path/-c] [--num/-N] [--country/-C] [--threads/-T] [--timeout/-t] [--proxy/-P] [--verbose/-v] [--verify/-V] [-h/--help] TARGET Positional arguments: TARGET Target mobile number without country code. Optional arguments: --config-path, -c Path to API config file. (NOTE: the file must be in JSON format!) (default: 'api_config.json') --num, -N Number of SMSs to send to TARGET. (default: 30) --country, -C Country code without (+) sign. (default: 91) --threads, -T Max number of concurrent HTTP(s) requests. (default: 15) --timeout, -t Time (in seconds) to wait for an API request to complete. (default: 10) --proxy, -P Use proxy for bombing. (Recommended for large number of SMSs) --verbose, -v Enables verbose output, for debugging. --verify, -V To verify all providers are working or not. -h, --help Display this message. Use this for fun, not for revenge or bullying! 
    # The default - 25 threads, 50 SMSs, Country Code: +91 python3 bomber.py TARGET> # Custom SMS count and proxy. python3 bomber.py --num 1000 --proxy TARGET> python3 bomber.py -N 1000 -P TARGET> # Custom API config file and proxy. python3 bomber.py --config-path "./config.json" --proxy TARGET> python3 bomber.py -c "./config.json" -P TARGET> # Here's how you use all possible parameters to your taste. python3 bomber.py --proxy --num 500 --country 91 --timeout 20 TARGET> python3 bomber.py -p -N 500 -c 91 -T 30 -t 20 TARGET>
    • Huge kudos to iMro0t for the original source code. Find it here.
    • Thanks botallen for the recent fixes which have been merged from the original repo.
    • SpeedX’s TBomb for some API’s used here.
    • fonic for his awesome formatter for argparse . Check it out in this gist!

    This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0


    Бомбер на питоне код

    • Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • click method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • click_and_hold – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • context_click – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • double_click method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • drag_and_drop – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • key_down method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • key_up method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • move_by_offset – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • move_to_element method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • move_to_element_with_offset method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • release method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • reset_actions method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • send_keys method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
    • add_cookie driver method – Selenium Python
    • back driver method – Selenium Python
    • close driver method – Selenium Python
    • create_web_element driver method – Selenium Python
    • delete_all_cookies driver method – Selenium Python
    • delete_cookie driver method – Selenium Python
    • execute_async_script driver method – Selenium Python
    • execute_script driver method – Selenium Python
    • forward driver method – Selenium Python
    • fullscreen_window driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_cookies driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_log driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_screenshot_as_base64 driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_screenshot_as_file driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_screenshot_as_png driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_window_position driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_window_rect driver method – Selenium Python
    • get_window_size driver method – Selenium Python
    • implicitly_wait driver method – Selenium Python
    • maximize_window driver method – Selenium Python
    • minimize_window driver method – Selenium Python
    • quit driver method – Selenium Python
    • refresh driver method – Selenium Python
    • set_page_load_timeout driver method – Selenium Python
    • set_script_timeout driver method – Selenium Python
    • set_window_position driver method – Selenium Python
    • set_window_rect driver method – Selenium Python
    • current_url driver method – Selenium Python
    • current_window_handle driver method – Selenium Python
    • page_source driver method – Selenium Python
    • title driver method – Selenium Python
    • is_displayed() element method – Selenium Python
    • is_enabled() element method – Selenium Python
    • get_property() element method – Selenium Python
    • get_attribute() element method – Selenium Python
    • send_keys() element method – Selenium Python
    • click() element method – Selenium Python
    • clear() element method – Selenium Python
    • screenshot() element method – Selenium Python
    • submit() element method – Selenium Python
    • value_of_css_property() element method – Selenium Python
    • location element method – Selenium Python
    • screenshot_as_png element method – Selenium Python
    • parent element method – Selenium Python
    • size element method – Selenium Python
    • tag_name element method – Selenium Python
    • text element method – Selenium Python
    • rect element method – Selenium Python
    • screenshot_as_base64 element method – Selenium Python


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