Bit and operation in java

Java Bitwise and Shift Operators

In Java, bitwise operators perform operations on integer data at the individual bit-level. Here, the integer data includes byte , short , int , and long types of data.

There are 7 operators to perform bit-level operations in Java.

1. Java Bitwise OR Operator

The bitwise OR | operator returns 1 if at least one of the operands is 1. Otherwise, it returns 0.

The following truth table demonstrates the working of the bitwise OR operator. Let a and b be two operands that can only take binary values i.e. 1 or 0.

The above table is known as the «Truth Table» for the bitwise OR operator.

Let’s look at the bitwise OR operation of two integers 12 and 25.

12 = 00001100 (In Binary) 25 = 00011001 (In Binary) Bitwise OR Operation of 12 and 25 00001100 | 00011001 ____________ 00011101 = 29 (In Decimal)

Example 1: Bitwise OR

2. Java Bitwise AND Operator

The bitwise AND & operator returns 1 if and only if both the operands are 1. Otherwise, it returns 0.

The following table demonstrates the working of the bitwise AND operator. Let a and b be two operands that can only take binary values i.e. 1 and 0.

Let’s take a look at the bitwise AND operation of two integers 12 and 25.

12 = 00001100 (In Binary) 25 = 00011001 (In Binary) // Bitwise AND Operation of 12 and 25 00001100 & 00011001 ____________ 00001000 = 8 (In Decimal)

Example 2: Bitwise AND

3. Java Bitwise XOR Operator

The bitwise XOR ^ operator returns 1 if and only if one of the operands is 1. However, if both the operands are 0 or if both are 1, then the result is 0.

The following truth table demonstrates the working of the bitwise XOR operator. Let a and b be two operands that can only take binary values i.e. 1 or 0.

Let’s look at the bitwise XOR operation of two integers 12 and 25.

12 = 00001100 (In Binary) 25 = 00011001 (In Binary) // Bitwise XOR Operation of 12 and 25 00001100 ^ 00011001 ____________ 00010101 = 21 (In Decimal)

Example 4: Bitwise XOR

4. Java Bitwise Complement Operator

The bitwise complement operator is a unary operator (works with only one operand). It is denoted by ~ .

It changes binary digits 1 to 0 and 0 to 1.

Java Bitwise complement operator converts 0 to 1 and 1 to 0

It is important to note that the bitwise complement of any integer N is equal to — (N + 1). For example,

Consider an integer 35. As per the rule, the bitwise complement of 35 should be -(35 + 1) = -36. Now let’s see if we get the correct answer or not.

35 = 00100011 (In Binary) // using bitwise complement operator ~ 00100011 __________ 11011100

In the above example, we get that the bitwise complement of 00100011 (35) is 11011100. Here, if we convert the result into decimal we get 220.

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However, it is important to note that we cannot directly convert the result into decimal and get the desired output. This is because the binary result 11011100 is also equivalent to -36.

To understand this we first need to calculate the binary output of -36.

2’s Complement

In binary arithmetic, we can calculate the binary negative of an integer using 2’s complement.

1’s complement changes 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. And, if we add 1 to the result of the 1’s complement, we get the 2’s complement of the original number. For example,

// compute the 2's complement of 36 36 = 00100100 (In Binary) 1's complement = 11011011 2's complement: 11011011 + 1 _________ 11011100

Here, we can see the 2’s complement of 36 (i.e. -36) is 11011100. This value is equivalent to the bitwise complement of 35.

Hence, we can say that the bitwise complement of 35 is -(35 + 1) = -36.

Example 3: Bitwise Complement

Java Shift Operators

There are three types of shift operators in Java:

5. Java Left Shift Operator

The left shift operator shifts all bits towards the left by a certain number of specified bits. It is denoted by

Bits are shifted one position left and 0 is added to the last position

As we can see from the image above, we have a 4-digit number. When we perform a 1 bit left shift operation on it, each individual bit is shifted to the left by 1 bit.

As a result, the left-most bit (most-significant) is discarded and the right-most position(least-significant) remains vacant. This vacancy is filled with 0s.

Example 5: Left Shift Operators

5. Java Signed Right Shift Operator

The signed right shift operator shifts all bits towards the right by a certain number of specified bits. It is denoted by >> .

When we shift any number to the right, the least significant bits (rightmost) are discarded and the most significant position (leftmost) is filled with the sign bit. For example,

// right shift of 8 8 = 1000 (In Binary) // perform 2 bit right shift 8 >> 2: 1000 >> 2 = 0010 (equivalent to 2)

Here, we are performing the right shift of 8 (i.e. sign is positive). Hence, there no sign bit. So the leftmost bits are filled with 0 (represents positive sign).

// right shift of -8 8 = 1000 (In Binary) 1's complement = 0111 2's complement: 0111 + 1 _______ 1000 Signed bit = 1 // perform 2 bit right shift 8 >> 2: 1000 >> 2 = 1110 (equivalent to -2)

Here, we have used the signed bit 1 to fill the leftmost bits.

Example 6: Signed Right Shift Operator

class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < int number1 = 8; int number2 = -8; // 2 bit signed right shift System.out.println(number1 >> 2); // prints 2 System.out.println(number2 >> 2); // prints -2 > >

7. Java Unsigned Right Shift Operator

Java also provides an unsigned right shift. It is denoted by >>> .

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Here, the vacant leftmost position is filled with 0 instead of the sign bit. For example,

// unsigned right shift of 8 8 = 1000 8 >>> 2 = 0010 // unsigned right shift of -8 -8 = 1000 (see calculation above) -8 >>> 2 = 0010

Example 7: UnSigned Right Shift

class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < int number1 = 8; int number2 = -8; // 2 bit signed right shift System.out.println(number1 >>> 2); // prints 2 System.out.println(number2 >>> 2); // prints 1073741822 > >

As we can see the signed and unsigned right shift operator returns different results for negative bits. To learn more visit the Difference between >> and >>>.

Table of Contents


Bit and operation in java

  • Binary representation of a given number
  • Count set bits in an integer
  • Add two bit strings
  • Turn off the rightmost set bit
  • Rotate bits of a number
  • Compute modulus division by a power-of-2-number
  • Find the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times
  • Program to find whether a given number is power of 2
  • Find position of the only set bit
  • Check for Integer Overflow
  • Find XOR of two number without using XOR operator
  • Check if two numbers are equal without using arithmetic and comparison operators
  • Detect if two integers have opposite signs
  • How to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable?
  • Russian Peasant (Multiply two numbers using bitwise operators)
  • Swap bits in a given number
  • Smallest of three integers without comparison operators
  • Compute the minimum or maximum of two integers without branching
  • Smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to n
  • Program to find parity
  • Check if binary representation of a number is palindrome
  • Generate n-bit Gray Codes
  • Check if a given number is sparse or not
  • Euclid’s Algorithm when % and / operations are costly
  • Calculate square of a number without using *, / and pow()
  • Copy set bits in a range
  • Check if a number is Bleak
  • Gray to Binary and Binary to Gray conversion
  • Next higher number with same number of set bits
  • Find the maximum subarray XOR in a given array
  • Find longest sequence of 1’s in binary representation with one flip
  • Closest (or Next) smaller and greater numbers with same number of set bits
  • Bitmasking and Dynamic Programming | Travelling Salesman Problem
  • Compute the parity of a number using XOR and table look-up
  • XOR Encryption by Shifting Plaintext
  • Count pairs in an array which have at least one digit common
  • Python program to convert floating to binary
  • Booth’s Multiplication Algorithm
  • Number of pairs with Pandigital Concatenation
  • Find the n-th number whose binary representation is a palindrome
  • Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements/ Unique Numbers 2
  • Write an Interview Experience
  • Share Your Campus Experience
  • Bitwise Algorithms
  • Introduction to Bitwise Algorithms – Data Structures and Algorithms Tutorial
  • Bitwise Operators in C/C++
  • Bitwise Operators in Java
  • Python Bitwise Operators
  • JavaScript Bitwise Operators
  • All about Bit Manipulation
  • Little and Big Endian Mystery
  • Bits manipulation (Important tactics)
  • Binary representation of a given number
  • Count set bits in an integer
  • Add two bit strings
  • Turn off the rightmost set bit
  • Rotate bits of a number
  • Compute modulus division by a power-of-2-number
  • Find the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times
  • Program to find whether a given number is power of 2
  • Find position of the only set bit
  • Check for Integer Overflow
  • Find XOR of two number without using XOR operator
  • Check if two numbers are equal without using arithmetic and comparison operators
  • Detect if two integers have opposite signs
  • How to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable?
  • Russian Peasant (Multiply two numbers using bitwise operators)
  • Swap bits in a given number
  • Smallest of three integers without comparison operators
  • Compute the minimum or maximum of two integers without branching
  • Smallest power of 2 greater than or equal to n
  • Program to find parity
  • Check if binary representation of a number is palindrome
  • Generate n-bit Gray Codes
  • Check if a given number is sparse or not
  • Euclid’s Algorithm when % and / operations are costly
  • Calculate square of a number without using *, / and pow()
  • Copy set bits in a range
  • Check if a number is Bleak
  • Gray to Binary and Binary to Gray conversion
  • Next higher number with same number of set bits
  • Find the maximum subarray XOR in a given array
  • Find longest sequence of 1’s in binary representation with one flip
  • Closest (or Next) smaller and greater numbers with same number of set bits
  • Bitmasking and Dynamic Programming | Travelling Salesman Problem
  • Compute the parity of a number using XOR and table look-up
  • XOR Encryption by Shifting Plaintext
  • Count pairs in an array which have at least one digit common
  • Python program to convert floating to binary
  • Booth’s Multiplication Algorithm
  • Number of pairs with Pandigital Concatenation
  • Find the n-th number whose binary representation is a palindrome
  • Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements/ Unique Numbers 2
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Bit and operation in java

«Очень интересно» . Только НЕПОНЯТНО. Зачем это нужно? Хорошо, что у нас есть Гугл, который говорит: Побитовые операции пременяются для быстрого выполнения вычислений и меньшего потребления ресурсов, связанных с этими вычислениями. Если б с этих слов начиналась статья, дальше уже хоть 100 страниц текста, читались бы на релаксе. вот в этой лекции из квеста javarush сказано, что не все операции выполняются с лева на право, а например унарные операции выполняются с права на лево, а тут пишут — «Все операции выполняются слева направо, однако с учетом своего приоритета.» кто ошибается, подскажите пожалуйста))

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