Best practice css react

Mastering CSS Styling in React Components: Best Practices and Tools

Learn how to style React components using CSS-in-JS, external stylesheets, inline styling, CSS modules, and third-party libraries like styled-components and JSS. Discover best practices and tools for easier maintenance, better performance, and more dynamic styles.

  • CSS-in-JS
  • External Stylesheets
  • How to Style React Components with CSS?
  • Inline Styling
  • CSS Modules
  • Third-party Libraries
  • Other CSS styling examples for React components
  • Conclusion
  • How to style React components with CSS?
  • Can you add CSS to React component?
  • How do you style custom React components?
  • What is the best way to style components in React?

React is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies the process of building web applications. CSS styling is an essential aspect of React development as it enhances the look and feel of the application. As a React developer, you have multiple ways of styling your components using CSS. In this article, we will explore the best practices and tools that you can use to master CSS styling in React components.


CSS-in-JS is a pattern where CSS is composed using JavaScript instead of defined in external files. It enables developers to write CSS styles in JavaScript code, which is more dynamic and easier to maintain. One of the primary advantages of CSS-in-JS is that it allows the use of JavaScript variables for more dynamic styles. This means that you can easily create responsive styles that adjust to different screen sizes.

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Another advantage of CSS-in-JS is better performance. Unlike external stylesheets, CSS -in-JS styles are generated on the fly during runtime, reducing the number of HTTP requests made by the application. However, there is a steeper learning curve for CSS-in-JS, and it may be challenging to implement on the server-side.

Some of the popular CSS-in-JS libraries include styled-components, Emotion, and Glamorous. These libraries provide a wide range of utilities that allow you to write CSS styles in JavaScript code.

External Stylesheets

External CSS stylesheets can also be used to style React components . This method involves defining CSS styles in an external file and importing it into the component file. Best practices for using external stylesheets include avoiding conflicts with other stylesheets and organizing styles by component.

One of the main dis advantages of using external stylesheets is slower performance. The browser has to download and parse the external stylesheet, which can increase the loading time of the application. Additionally, external stylesheets offer less flexibility when it comes to dynamic styles.

How to Style React Components with CSS?

Inline Styling

React favors inline styling, but it should be used sparingly for practical CSS styles . Inline styling involves defining CSS styles directly in the HTML elements using the style attribute. The style attribute is commonly used for inline styling in React applications.

One of the common issues with inline styling is specificity conflicts. Inline styles have higher specificity, which can lead to styling conflicts when trying to override styles defined in external stylesheets or CSS-in-JS. Inline styling can also impact the performance of the application, especially when applied to multiple elements.

CSS Modules

CSS modules are a way of encapsulating CSS styles by component. This method involves importing the CSS file directly into the component file. CSS modules are convenient for components that are placed in separate files, and they avoid naming conflicts.

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One of the advantages of CSS modules is that they allow for scoped styles, which means that the styles defined in one module do not affect other modules. This makes it easier to maintain and organize the CSS codebase. Additionally, CSS modules can be used with any CSS preprocessor, including Sass, Less, and Stylus.

Third-party Libraries

There are several third-party libraries that simplify the process of styling React components . These libraries provide declarative ways of writing CSS styles using JavaScript. Two popular libraries are styled-components and JSS.

Styled-components is a library that allows you to write CSS styles using JavaScript variables. It provides a wide range of utilities that enable you to create dynamic and responsive styles. One of the advantages of styled-components is that it generates unique class names for each component, which eliminates naming conflicts.

JSS (JavaScript Style Sheets) is another library that allows for declarative CSS styling using JavaScript. It is lightweight and flexible, and it supports all CSS features, including media queries and pseudo-selectors. JSS also offers server-side rendering support, making it an excellent option for universal applications.

Other CSS styling examples for React components

In Javascript case in point, inline styling react code sample

//double brackets, quotations around both key and value in css >>React Inline Styling 

In Javascript case in point, jsx style styling

In Javascript , for example, css react code sample

import "./FileName.css"; // import your css file// or css inside your react file //for example: const MyDiv = React.createClass(< render: function() < const style = < color: 'white', fontSize: 200 >; return 
> Have a good and productive day!
; > >);
//Use backgroundColor instead of background-color: const Header = () => < return ( <>

>>Hello Style!

Add a little style!

); >

In Javascript case in point, inline styling react code sample

// Change the background color to red = "red"; 

In Html , for example, css in reactjs code sample

Assuming you have 2 separate files: Example.css and Example.jsUse the '.' to reference a className that you'll use later .primary< color: red; > 

Hello, World

In this case "primary" in the className is referencing .primary in the CSS file


In conclusion, there are multiple ways to Style React Components using CSS, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. When styling React components, it’s essential to follow best practices such as using external stylesheets, avoiding inline styles when possible, and using CSS modules or libraries like styled-components or JSS for more complex styling needs.

Additionally, the latest advancements in react styling include the use of CSS grid and Flexbox for more responsive layouts. By following these best practices and using the right tools, you can master CSS styling in React components and build stunning web applications.


The Ultimate Guide to Styling React Components with CSS: Best Practices and Tips

Learn the best practices for styling React components with CSS. Explore different methods such as inline styles, CSS classes, CSS modules, and CSS-in-JS tools. Improve performance and maintainability of your React applications now.

  • Inline Styles vs CSS Classes
  • CSS Modules
  • How to Style React Components with CSS?
  • CSS-in-JS Tools — Styled-components
  • CSS-in-JS Tools — JSS
  • Pre-processors
  • Additional code examples for styling React components with CSS
  • Conclusion
  • How to style React components with CSS?
  • Can I use CSS with styled-components?
  • What is the best way to style React components?
  • Can you add CSS to React component?

When it comes to building user interfaces with React, styling components can be just as important as the functionality of the application. In this guide, we’ll explore the different methods of styling React components and provide best practices for each approach. By the end of this article, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the different options available to you and how to choose the best approach for your use case.

Inline Styles vs CSS Classes

One way to Style React Components is by using inline styles. This involves adding styles directly to the component using the style attribute. While inline styles are convenient, they are less performant than CSS classes as they do not allow for caching and require more processing power.

CSS classes are a more efficient way to style components and allow for reusability across multiple components. By defining CSS classes in separate files, you can easily apply the same styles to multiple components. This approach also allows for better organization of your CSS styles.

Best practice: Use CSS classes over inline styles for better performance and maintainability.

CSS Modules

CSS modules are a convenient way to scope CSS styles to a specific component. They allow for component-specific styles to be defined in separate files and imported into the component file. This approach helps to avoid style conflicts and maintain a consistent naming convention .

By using CSS modules, you can also take advantage of the benefits of CSS classes while still maintaining the benefits of inline styles. This approach allows you to write styles that are scoped to the component and avoid any possible conflicts with other components.

Best practice: Use CSS modules for components placed in separate files.

How to Style React Components with CSS?

CSS-in-JS Tools — Styled-components

Styled-components is a popular CSS-in-JS tool that allows writing actual CSS in JavaScript. It bridges the gap between components and styling, offering numerous features such as theming, adapting based on props, and custom components.

Styled-components can improve performance by reducing HTTP requests and improve code maintainability by keeping styles and components together. This approach also allows for better organization of your CSS styles.

Best practice: Use styled-components for a powerful and flexible styling solution.

CSS-in-JS Tools — JSS

JSS is another CSS-in-JS tool that uses JavaScript to describe styles. It is an authoring tool for CSS and offers similar features to styled-components. JSS can also improve performance and code maintainability.

One advantage of JSS over styled-components is that it can generate CSS classes at runtime, which can improve performance by reducing the number of CSS rules generated. This approach also allows for better organization of your CSS styles.

Best practice: Use JSS for a powerful and flexible styling solution.


Sass, SCSS, Less, and Stylable are pre-processors that can be used to write CSS. They offer advanced features such as variables, nesting, and mixins to make writing and organizing CSS easier. Pre-processors can also help to avoid style conflicts and maintain a consistent naming convention.

By using a pre-processor like Sass or Less, you can improve the organization and maintainability of your CSS. This approach allows you to write CSS code that is more modular and easier to maintain.

Best practice: Use a pre-processor like Sass or Less to improve CSS organization and maintainability.

Additional code examples for styling React components with CSS

In Javascript as proof, inline style jsx code sample

//Multiple inline styles 

In Javascript , in particular, inline styling react code sample

//double brackets, quotations around both key and value in css >>React Inline Styling 

In Javascript as proof, jsx style styling code example

import "./FileName.css"; // import your css file// or css inside your react file //for example: const MyDiv = React.createClass(< render: function() < const style = < color: 'white', fontSize: 200 >; return 
> Have a good and productive day!
; > >);

In Javascript as proof, styling react using css code example

//Use backgroundColor instead of background-color: const Header = () => < return ( <>

>>Hello Style!

Add a little style!

); >

In Html , for example, css in reactjs code sample

Assuming you have 2 separate files: Example.css and Example.jsUse the '.' to reference a className that you'll use later .primary< color: red; > 

Hello, World

In this case "primary" in the className is referencing .primary in the CSS file

In Javascript , for example, inline style react code sample


Styling React components can be achieved through various methods such as inline styles, CSS classes, CSS modules, and CSS-in-JS tools. Each method has its advantages and best practices that should be considered when choosing a styling solution.

By following the best practices outlined in this blog post, you can create visually appealing and maintainable React applications. Whether you choose to use CSS classes, CSS modules, or CSS-in-JS tools, the key is to choose a solution that best fits your needs and supports the goals of your project. With the right approach, you can build beautiful, responsive, and scalable user interfaces with React.


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