Background footer color css

Then my content is in separate classes on top. How do I make that content sit on top and only the footer background / footer wrapper is tinted?

The content of the footer is part of the footer. You’re in search for transparency, whether rgba() or formats of image like PNG-24 with transparency (so called PNG-32 but that’s really PNG-24 with a transparency channel)

1 Answer 1

Your best bet would be to use a transparent background, e.g.

Also, to maintain IE support, you would have to put something like this in your tag

Where #3C000000 is in the form aRGB, with opacity in hexadecimal (i.e. 3C is 60%). See csstricks for more details.

It’s just a decimal to hexadecimal conversion. Just google «(your number) in hexadecimal», and it will come out with 0x##, where ## is what you want.

I can’t figure out what you mean, I have added the microsoft thingy above but how do I work out the startColorstr number? I can see the last 6 are the hex code, but how do I figure out the first two for each shade of opacity?

The first two numbers of the startColorstr represent the opacity in hexadecimal format. With a standard opacity: ##% the ## is in decimal format. So, to convert a number from decimal to hexadecimal, a converter has to be used. Thus, to convert 90% to hexadecimal, I put into Google: «90 in hexadecimal» which gives 0x5A . The 0x is informing me that the following number is in hexadecimal format, and the 5A is the number I put at the start of the startColorstr value. ( startColorstr=#5A. )


Example of changing a hyperlink underline and anchor text color: Try it Yourself » Example of styling links with the mentioned methods: Try it Yourself » You can style links differently with CSS properties.

I am having trouble changing the footer background colour in my CSS doc .

I also can’t change the aside background color.

I would really appreciate the help.

You can use a div inside the footer. See bellow fiddle:

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Following code is work for FREE THEMES specifically.

If you want to change the background color of footer text area as well, you can add following code with the first one ine the customize>Additionial CSS are:

Hope this will work for everyone, specially those who are using any free wordpress theme .

Above script is perfect working on my blogger site on «Add custom CSS editing theme code»

Thank you ever much I was searching such type of script.

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You can style links differently with CSS properties . In general, the properties used to style links are color, font-family and background-color .

There are three ways of changing the link color : inline , internal and external .

Inline method

Add the style attribute directly to the hyperlink code and specify the color property through the style attribute, then give a color value to it.

Example of changing a link color with the inline method:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> p>Visit our a href="" style="color: #8ebf42">website a>. p> body> html>

Internal method

Internal method requires you to use the tag within the section of your HTML document. In the tag, we set the color of our link.

Example of changing the link color with the internal method:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> a < color: #8ebf42; > style> head> body> p>Visit our a href="">website a>. p> body> html>

There are 4 link states that links can be styled depending on what state they are in:

  • a:link — a normal, unvisited link ,
  • a:visited — a link the user has visited,
  • a:hover — a link when a user mouses over it,
  • a:active — the moment a link is clicked.

When setting the style for several link states, follow these rules:

Example of using different link states:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> /* unvisited link */ a:link < color: #ccc; > /* visited link */ a:visited < color: #095484; > /* mouse over link */ a:hover < color: #8ebf42; > /* selected link */ a:active < color: #800000; > style> head> body> p>Visit our a href="">website a>. p> body> html>

To change the underline color, first of all, you need to remove it with the «none» value of the text-decoration property and set the «none» value, then add the border-bottom property with the width (in this case, used as a hyperlink underline width) and border-style (solid, dotted, or dashed) properties . For the anchor text color, use the color property.

Example of changing a hyperlink underline and anchor text color:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> a < text-decoration: none; > a:link < color: #000; border-bottom: 1px solid #ff0000; > a:visited < color: #e600e6; border-bottom: 1px solid #b3b3b3; > a:hover < color: #2d8653; border-bottom: 1px solid #000099; > style> head> body> p>Visit our a href="">website a>. p> body> html>
Example of styling links with the mentioned methods:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> < color: #ccc; > < color: #095484; > < color: #8ebf42; > a.two:link < color: #ccc; > a.two:visited < color: #095484; > a.two:hover < font-size: 150%; > a.three:link < color: #ccc; > a.three:visited < color: #095484; > a.three:hover < background: #8ebf42; > a.four:link < color: #ccc; > a.four:visited < color: #095484; > a.four:hover < font-family: monospace; > a.five:link < color: #095484; text-decoration: none; > a.five:visited < color: #095484; text-decoration: none; > a.five:hover < text-decoration: overline underline; > style> head> body> p>Mouse over the links and watch how they will be changed: p> p> a class="one" href="#">This link changes color a> p> p> a class="two" href="#">This link changes font-size a> p> p> a class="three" href="#">This link changes background-color a> p> p> a class="four" href="#">This link changes font-family a> p> p> a class="five" href="#">This link changes text-decoration a> p> body> html>

Now, we’ll demonstrate another example, where we use the color property with its «inherit» value. This will make the element take the color of its parent.

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Example of changing the link color with the «inherit» value of the color property:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> p < color: green; > p a < color: inherit; > style> head> body> h1>Example h1> a href=""> a> p>Visit our a href=""> a> website. p> body> html>
Example of styling links with the CSS text-decoration-color property:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> a < text-decoration-color: grey; > a:link < color: #777777; > a:hover < color: #2d8653; > style> head> body> p>Visit our a href="">website a>. p> body> html>

External method

Using external stylesheets you can take control of all the hyperlinks of your site. With external stylesheets, many attractive hyperlink effects can be created to develop the look of your website.

With the external method, you’ll link your web pages to an external .css file that can be created by any text editor in your device. This is a more efficient method, especially when you need to style a large website. You can change your whole site at once by editing one .css file.

Learn more about CSS links.

How to Change Capctha Text Color in DIVI Theme, To change text color in Divi Capctha is very easu , you do not need to write the code from the scratch. Just go to DIVI Panel General setting .The Code :.et_

How TO — Change Bullet Color of Lists

Learn how to change bullet colors for lists with CSS.

Change Bullet Color

Step 1) Add HTML:
Step 2) Add CSS:

By default, it is not possible to change the Bullet Color of a list item. However, you can do some CSS tricks to make it possible. Note that you might have to tweak it a bit differently if you’re using a CSS framework or a special stylesheet:


ul <
list-style: none; /* Remove default bullets */

ul li::before <
content: «\2022»; /* Add content: \2022 is the CSS Code /unicode for a bullet */
color: red; /* Change the color */
font-weight: bold; /* If you want it to be bold */
display: inline-block; /* Needed to add space between the bullet and the text */
width: 1em; /* Also needed for space (tweak if needed) */
margin-left: -1em; /* Also needed for space (tweak if needed) */

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How To Change Bullet Color of a List, By default, it is not possible to change the bullet color of a list item. However, you can do some CSS tricks to make it possible. Note that you might have to tweak it a bit differently if you’re using a CSS framework or a special stylesheet: Example. ul < list-style: none; /* Remove default bullets */ >ul li::before < content: "\2022"; /* Add …


I have a very simple predicament that I’ve never know the best answer to in all my years of developing: There is a fixed-height container div, which also contains the footer (so no sticky footer) with a background color of white. The footer is also a fixed height. The body contains a background image that fades to a color, lets say orange. On tall browsers, there will be space below the footer, which will also be the orange body color. How do I make just that space below the footer white, without affecting the body color above the footer? Here’s some example HTML:

Container Content
Footer Content

enter image description here

Example image (main content blurred per client request): See the orange stripe below the white footer? I’d like that to be white. We never know what the height of that space is. Any suggestions? CSS solutions preferred, but jQuery might work too.

You can take the footer out of the container and set the container’s background colour as orange. Remove orange from body

Please clarify why you are determined to keep the body orange instead of using an orange container. You seem to be stuck with the idea that the footer is a ‘floating’ or nested object, rather than the linear conclusion of the document. It makes far more sense as a white document with an orange top. Making an orange document with a white bottom invokes too many issues. HTML was not designed to be rigid. Fixed and absolute positioning are compromises that come with risks. Trying to fill 100% of the remaining space requires JavaScript, CSS hacks for different browsers and other ugliness.

7 Answers 7

There’s no consistent way to guarantee that every browser will fill the remaining background space to your satisfaction if you choose to go down the path of trying to use a new object of any sort to fill the space.

The only way to really guarantee the expanded section is the color you want is to set the background of body.

It’s a bit like painting a wall — body’s background is usually the first coat. (Unless you specify a background on html as per Carlo Cannas’s answer below.)

The orange section is logically the ‘second layer’ it’s a bit like a concert poster pasted on the wall around a building site. So if you want the orange to be full width, but have fixed width content within it, you need two containers, one at 100% width, and one within it at your chosen fixed width.

Trying to dance around the logic of layers and nesting won’t help — it’s like trying to create a Möbius strip. Following strict logic will give you much more confidence in different browsers.


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