Asp or php or cgi

CGI, ASP, PHP, JSP, ASP. NET Web site development language comparison

I. Introduction and advantages and disadvantages of the mainstream website development language.

Now the mainstream web development language mainly includes CGI, ASP, PHP, ASP, JSP and so on.

HTML: Of course, this is the most basic language of the Web, and every server language needs its support.

(i) ASP of website development language:

ASP (Active Server pages) is a Dynamic Web page technology under the Microsoft platform. The ASP concept proposed by Microsoft has made great strides in the technology of designing interactive Web pages. It employs a three-tier computing structure that separates the Web server (the logical layer), the client browser (presentation layer), and the database server (the data tier) with good extensibility.

When ASP executes, it is called by IIS to execute the ASP code embedded in HTML, and the result is sent to the client together with the original HTML.

The ASP is related to the peace platform and can only be run on Windows platforms. While the robustness of Unix and the open source of Linux are widely used in the Web server, in contrast, the platform correlation of ASP greatly restricts its application.

(ii) The main web development language PHP:

PHP (Personal Home Pages) is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language that can run on multiple platforms. Borrowed from the C language, Java language and Perl language syntax, but also has its own unique syntax.

Because PHP uses open source mode, its source code is completely public, so that it can constantly have new things to add in, to form a large library of functions, even more functions. PHP is doing very well in database support, and it can support almost all of the databases now.

The disadvantage of PHP is that there is no support for components like JSP and ASP, which is poor in extensibility. Personal Home Pages, as the name implies, can only accommodate small and medium traffic sites.

(iii) JSP of mainstream web development language:

The full name of the JSP is Java Server pages, a Dynamic Web page technology standard that Sun has introduced. It joins the Java program fragment and JSP tag in the traditional static paging file (*.html,*.htm), and it forms the JSP page.

JSP supports most platforms, including now very popular Linux systems, the application of a very extensive Apache server also provides support for JSP services. The development and use of components is very convenient

ASP components are developed in languages such as C++,VB and require registration to be used, while JSP components are developed in Java and can be used directly. JavaBeans is also very convenient to use, and because of the cross-platform of Java, it makes the portability and reusability of JavaBeans very high.

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Write once, run everywhere (write Once,run everywhere)

As part of the Java development platform, JSPs have all the benefits of Java, including the write Once,run everywhere.

All of this shows the powerful features of the JSP. But because it appears relatively late, in some respects is not enough standard.

(iv) CGI of mainstream web development language:

CGI is the abbreviation for the Public Gateway Interface (Common Gateway Interface). It is the first background technology used to build dynamic websites. This technology can be used in a variety of languages to write background programs, such as C,c++,java,pascal, but the most widely used in CGI is the Perl language. Therefore, the narrow sense of the CGI program generally refers to the Perl program, the general CGI program suffix is. pl or. cgi.

When the CGI program is running, the client first sends a request to the CGI program on the server, and when the server receives the client’s request, a new process is opened to execute the CGI program to process the client’s request. The CGI program finally passes the results of the Execution (HTML page code) back to the customer.

Because the CGI program will open a new process every time a client responds, the server will open multiple processes when multiple users are simultaneously making CGI requests, thus increasing the burden on the server and making the server more inefficient. This is the reason why CGI applications are becoming less popular on the internet in recent years, with the advent of new background technologies. CGI mode is not suitable for applications with large traffic.

Second, compare the advantages and disadvantages of ASP, ASP, JSP and PHP:

Advantages: 1. No compilation required

5. Compatible with any ActiveX scripting language

6. Source code does not leak out

1, all the problems of Windows itself will be added to its body. Security, stability, and cross-platform are all manifested by the bundle with NT.

2, ASP because of the use of COM components so it will become very powerful, but such a strong due to the initial design problems of Windows NT system can cause a lot of security problems. As long as there is no notice in such a component or operation, the external attack can achieve a fairly high level of access to the site or data loss.

3, because ASP or a script language is not in addition to a large number of use of components, there is no way to improve its efficiency. It has to face the time test of Instant Yi, and we don’t know what the components behind it are going to be.

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4. It is not possible to implement cross-OS applications. Of course, this is one of Microsoft’s reasons, only in this way to play the best of ASP’s ability. But I think it is windows that restricts the concept of asp,asp. This is designed for a system that can operate in a large and diverse environment.

5, still can not fully realize some enterprise-level functions: Complete cluster, load is horizontal.

1, one place to write anywhere running.

2, the system of multiple flat support.

4, diversified and powerful development tools support.

1, as with ASP, Java has some of the advantages of its deadly problem lies.

2, lack of systematic information.

1. A development language capable of fast learning, cross-platform and good database interaction.

2, simple and light, easy to learn and easy to use.

3. Integrate with Apache and other extension libraries.

1, the database support a great change.

2, not suitable for large-scale e-commerce sites

4, lack of formal business support.

5, can not realize the development of commercialization applications.

1, it can be written in many languages, such as C,C++,VB and Perl language, in the choice of a lot of flexibility. Most of the time, CGI is used in Perl.

2, is the maintenance complex, the operation efficiency is low, mainly manifests in the following several aspects:

(1) CGI programs run in a separate process, so that when the number of user visits increases, the system resources are severely depleted and the system performance is greatly reduced.

(2) CGI programs are not resident memory, so when a user accesses a CGI program frequently, it causes a lot of disk operation, which results in degraded system performance.

(3) The program to access the database is not easy to write.

Due to the shortcomings of the CGI program, and then the advent of fastcgi technology, it has been improved on the basis of CGI, the CGI program is resident in memory, the system performance improved, but when a large number of users access, it will still consume excessive memory resources.

Third, the mainstream web server software

Today, the mainstream Web server software is primarily made up of IIS or Apache. IIS supports ASP and only runs under the Windows platform, Apache supports php,cgi,jsp and can run on many platforms, although Apache is the world’s top-ranked Web server platform, but it is well known that Windows is famous for its ease of use. And therefore occupy a lot of server market.

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Our common development portfolio:

Asp,php,jsp, This is currently the more popular four web site programming languages, now do most of the Web site is the use of the first of these languages.

(a) ASP is a Windows-based platform, easy to use, because it is running on the Windows platform, so the portability is not good, can not run across platforms. But most of the sites in the country now use it to develop.

(b) PHP is currently the rise of a highly respected web programming language, open source and cross-platform, in Europe and the United States are relatively popular, recently in the country is also very popular with many web developers. High efficiency and low cost!

(c) JSP is a sun company launched a network programming language, more difficult to learn (is recognized on the Internet), cross-platform operation. The security is relatively high, the operation efficiency also compares fast. It is used by enterprise-class companies and bank financial institutions.

The main web development language of the ASP. NET in a sense should be an ASP version of the upgrade, but it is not entirely from (four) ASP upgrade, ASP. NET is the launch of Microsoft in order to with the Sun’s JSP in the rapid development of the network resistance,. NET architecture Now there are many people learning, mainly the efficiency of development is relatively high. But it is still based on the win platform and cannot cross the platform.

It can be said that the ASP is really out of date, in the future JSP and ASP will have great potential, but PHP with its open source features will also occupy a certain share, and now the majority of domestic and foreign sites are using PHP, indicating its superiority has been a considerable test.

VB generally refers to vb6.0, is the traditional Win32 programming. and ASP. NET are language based on the Microsoft.

Say Java is good mainly because Java EE part do enterprise-level development is very strong, and cross-platform.

C # is the best language on the. NET platform and can now only run on Windows systems.

The competition for web development. NET and Java EE is fierce and hard to winner.

Now do most of the site is ASP. NET or JSP, ASP. Easy to get started, more popular, but a single platform, JSP although difficult to get started, but cross-platform, security high

Large Web sites are rarely useful for Windows systems.

Table 8-1 Performance Comparisons of four background languages


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