Alpine install php fpm

How to Install PHP7 fpm in Alpine Linux

install php7 fpm in alpine linux1

To install PHP7 fpm on your Alpine Linux, and you need to use the following apk command:

# apk add php7 php7-fpm php7-opcache
/ # apk add php7 php7-fpm php7-opcache fetch fetch (1/8) Installing php7-common (7.3.9-r0) (2/8) Installing argon2-libs (20171227-r2) (3/8) Installing libedit (20190324.3.1-r0) (4/8) Installing pcre2 (10.33-r0) (5/8) Installing libxml2 (2.9.9-r2) (6/8) Installing php7 (7.3.9-r0) (7/8) Installing php7-fpm (7.3.9-r0) (8/8) Installing php7-opcache (7.3.9-r0) Executing busybox-1.30.1-r2.trigger OK: 35 MiB in 36 packages

Once php7-fpm is installed on your system, and you need to restart Nginx and php7-fpm service with the following command:

# rc-service nginx restart # rc-service php-fpm7 start

Installing PHP7 modules

If you want to install other php7 modules on your Alpine Linux, such as: php7-gd, php7-mysqli, php7-zlib or php7-curl, just issuing the following command:

# apk add php7-gd php7-mysqli php7-zlib php7-curl
/ # apk add php7-gd php7-mysqli php7-zlib php7-curl (1/24) Installing ca-certificates (20190108-r0) (2/24) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.39.2-r0) (3/24) Installing libcurl (7.66.0-r0) (4/24) Installing php7-curl (7.3.9-r0) (5/24) Installing libxau (1.0.9-r0) (6/24) Installing libbsd (0.9.1-r0) (7/24) Installing libxdmcp (1.1.3-r0) (8/24) Installing libxcb (1.13.1-r0) (9/24) Installing libx11 (1.6.8-r1) (10/24) Installing libxext (1.3.4-r0) (11/24) Installing libice (1.0.9-r3) (12/24) Installing libuuid (2.33.2-r0) (13/24) Installing libsm (1.2.3-r0) (14/24) Installing libxt (1.1.5-r2) (15/24) Installing libxpm (3.5.12-r0) (16/24) Installing libbz2 (1.0.6-r7) (17/24) Installing libpng (1.6.37-r1) (18/24) Installing freetype (2.10.0-r0) (19/24) Installing libjpeg-turbo (2.0.2-r0) (20/24) Installing libwebp (1.0.2-r0) (21/24) Installing php7-gd (7.3.9-r0) (22/24) Installing php7-openssl (7.3.9-r0) (23/24) Installing php7-mysqlnd (7.3.9-r0) (24/24) Installing php7-mysqli (7.3.9-r0) Executing busybox-1.30.1-r2.trigger Executing ca-certificates-20190108-r0.trigger OK: 45 MiB in 60 packages

Searching All Available PHP7 Modules

If you want to search all available php7 moduels in your Alpine Linux, you can use apk search command with a pattern, such as: php7. type:

/ # apk search php7 php7-intl-7.3.9-r0 php7-openssl-7.3.9-r0 php7-dba-7.3.9-r0 php7-sqlite3-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-7.3.9-r0 php7-tokenizer-7.3.9-r0 php7-phpdbg-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-imagick-dev-3.4.4-r1 cacti-php7-1.2.3-r0 php7-pecl-protobuf-3.8.0-r1 xapian-bindings-php7-1.4.11-r2 php7-litespeed-7.3.9-r0 php7-gmp-7.3.9-r0 php7-phalcon-3.4.3-r2 php7-pdo_mysql-7.3.9-r0 php7-sodium-7.3.9-r0 php7-pcntl-7.3.9-r0 php7-common-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-oauth-2.0.3-r2 php7-xsl-7.3.9-r0 php7-7.3.9-r0 php7-fpm-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-mailparse-3.0.3-r1 php7-pecl-gmagick-2.0.5_rc1-r5 php7-pecl-imagick-3.4.4-r1 php7-mysqlnd-7.3.9-r0 php7-enchant-7.3.9-r0 php7-pspell-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-ast-1.0.1-r1 php7-pecl-redis-4.3.0-r2 php7-snmp-7.3.9-r0 php7-doc-7.3.9-r0 php7-fileinfo-7.3.9-r0 php7-mbstring-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-lzf-1.6.7-r1 php7-pecl-amqp-1.9.4-r1 php7-pecl-yaml-2.0.4-r1 php7-pecl-timezonedb-2019.1-r3 php7-dev-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-mail_mime-1.10.2-r1 php7-xmlrpc-7.3.9-r0 php7-embed-7.3.9-r0 php7-xmlreader-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-mdb2_driver_mysql-1.5.0b4-r0 php7-pdo_sqlite-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-auth_sasl2-0.2.0-r1 php7-exif-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-msgpack-2.0.3-r2 php7-recode-7.3.9-r0 php7-opcache-7.3.9-r0 php7-ldap-7.3.9-r0 php7-posix-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-net_socket-1.2.2-r0 php7-session-7.3.9-r0 php7-gd-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-xdebug-2.7.2-r1 php7-gettext-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-couchbase-2.6.1-r1 php7-json-7.3.9-r0 php7-xml-7.3.9-r0 php7-iconv-7.3.9-r0 php7-sysvshm-7.3.9-r0 php7-curl-7.3.9-r0 php7-shmop-7.3.9-r0 php7-odbc-7.3.9-r0 php7-phar-7.3.9-r0 php7-pdo_pgsql-7.3.9-r0 php7-imap-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-apcu-5.1.17-r1 php7-pear-mdb2_driver_pgsql-1.5.0b4-r0 php7-pdo_dblib-7.3.9-r0 php7-pgsql-7.3.9-r0 php7-pdo_odbc-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-igbinary-3.0.1-r1 php7-zip-7.3.9-r0 php7-apache2-7.3.9-r0 php7-cgi-7.3.9-r0 php7-ctype-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-mcrypt-1.0.2-r1 php7-wddx-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-net_smtp-1.8.1-r0 php7-bcmath-7.3.9-r0 php7-calendar-7.3.9-r0 php7-tidy-7.3.9-r0 php7-dom-7.3.9-r0 php7-sockets-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-zmq-1.1.3-r6 php7-pecl-event-2.5.3-r0 php7-pecl-vips-1.0.9-r2 php7-pecl-memcached-3.1.3-r2 php7-brotli-0.7.0-r1 unit-php7-1.8.0-r3 php7-soap-7.3.9-r0 php7-sysvmsg-7.3.9-r0 php7-pecl-ssh2-1.1.2-r5 php7-ftp-7.3.9-r0 php7-sysvsem-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-net_idna2-0.2.0-r1 php7-pdo-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-auth_sasl-1.1.0-r1 php7-bz2-7.3.9-r0 php7-mysqli-7.3.9-r0 php7-pear-net_smtp-doc-1.8.1-r0 php7-pear-net_sieve-1.4.4-r0 php7-simplexml-7.3.9-r0 php7-xmlwriter-7.3.9-r0 / #


You should know that how to install php7 fpm and other php7 modules in your Alpine Linux.

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How to install PHP, PHP-FPM in Alpine Linux?

PHP is a general purpose scripting language that is used mainly for web development, it is pragmatic, easy to learn and use, it is constantly evolving with a wide community of developers who are in charge of enriching this popular programming language with new features, therefore it is constantly evolving.

PHP 8.0 introduced modern features such as: Union Types, Named arguments, Match expressions, Just In Time Compilation.

PHP-FPM should be integrated with a web server such as Apache or NGINX, PHP-FPM serves dynamic content while the web server takes care of static content also acts as reverse proxy for PHP-FPM service.

Today we are going to install PHP 8.0 on Alpine Linux.


PHP-FPM introduces the concept of pools, each pool can receive connections on a TPC/IP socket (IP:Port) or UNIX socket, and can run under a different user and group. Each pool has its configuration file.

Verify you have the community repository active. 

Proceed with the installation:

# apk add php8 php8-fpm fetch fetch (1/3) Installing php8-common (8.0.9-r0) (2/3) Installing php8 (8.0.9-r0) (3/3) Installing php8-fpm (8.0.9-r0) Executing busybox-1.33.1-r3.trigger OK: 303 MiB in 77 packages 

Once the process is finished you can explore the default settings, here is a sample of the directory structure:

# tree /etc/php8/ /etc/php8/ ├── conf.d ├── php-fpm.conf ├── php-fpm.d │ └── www.conf └── php.ini 2 directories, 3 files 

You can find out the value of the listen directive by running the command:

# grep 'listen =' -R /etc/php8/ /etc/php8/php-fpm.d/www.conf:listen = 

The community repository provides 2 versions of PHP: 7.4, 8.0 so we must create a symbolic link to the corresponding version

# ln -s /usr/bin/php8 /usr/bin/php 

Show installed version

php -v PHP 8.0.9 (cli) (built: Jul 30 2021 03:43:07) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.0.9, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies 

Show installed modules

php -m [PHP Modules] Core date filter hash json libxml pcre readline Reflection SPL standard zlib [Zend Modules] 

You can lists all modules available for installing with:

# apk search php8 php8-imap-8.0.9-r0 php8-ftp-8.0.9-r0 php8-pspell-8.0.9-r0 php8-phar-8.0.9-r0 . 

To install additional modules, for example curl and mysqli run:

# apk add php8-curl php8-mysqli (1/4) Installing php8-curl (8.0.9-r0) (2/4) Installing php8-openssl (8.0.9-r0) (3/4) Installing php8-mysqlnd (8.0.9-r0) (4/4) Installing php8-mysqli (8.0.9-r0) OK: 304 MiB in 81 packages 

Manage the php-fpm8 service

In this part we will learn how to start, stop or restart the php-fpm8 service, using the OpenRC initialization system. OpenRC is the default init system in distributions like Gentoo and Alpine Linux.

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Check status

# rc-service php-fpm8 status * status: stopped 


# rc-service php-fpm8 start * Caching service dependencies . [ ok ] * Checking /etc/php8/php-fpm.conf . * /run/php-fpm8: creating directory * Starting PHP FastCGI Process Manager . [ ok ] 

Now you can check if the service started successfully:

rc-service php-fpm8 status * status: started 

Start with the Operating System

Start automatically after a system reboot with:

# rc-update add php-fpm8 default * service php-fpm8 added to runlevel default 

Reload the configurations

Every time you make a change to the configuration files, first verify the changes with:

# php-fpm8 -t [31-Jul-2021 23:17:01] NOTICE: configuration file /etc/php8/php-fpm.conf test is successful 

the reload the configurations:

# rc-service php-fpm8 reload * Reloading PHP FastCGI Process Manager . [ ok ] 


# rc-service php-fpm8 restart * Stopping PHP FastCGI Process Manager . [ ok ] * Checking /etc/php8/php-fpm.conf . * Starting PHP FastCGI Process Manager . [ ok ] 


# rc-service php-fpm8 stop * Stopping PHP FastCGI Process Manager . [ ok ] 


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