Align image center in div html

CSS Image Centering – How to Center an Image in a Div

Joel Olawanle

Joel Olawanle

CSS Image Centering – How to Center an Image in a Div

When you’re working on the front-end of a web page, you sometimes need to center an image within a div (container).

This can become tricky at times. And based on certain conditions, a particular method may not work at some point, leaving you searching for alternatives.

In this article, you will learn how to center an image in a div with CSS.

How to Center a div using CSS

You center an image in a div in two ways: horizontally and vertically. When you put these two methods together, you will have an entirely centered image:


By default, web content always begins from the top-left corner of the screen and moves from ltr (left to right) – except for certain languages like Arabic, which goes from rtl (right to left).

Let’s start by seeing how to center an image within a div horizontally. Then we’ll see how to center vertically. Finally, we’ll see how you can do both together.


How to Center an Image in a Div Horizontally with Text-align

Suppose you have a div in which you place your image this way:

And apply basic CSS styling so your image is visible:

The text-align method won’t work in all cases, as you typically use it to center text. But when you have your images within a block level container like a div , then this method will work:

This works by adding the text-align property alongside its value of center to the container and not the image itself.

How to Center an Image in a Div Horizontally with Margin-auto

Another method that you can use to horizontally center an image within a div (container) is the margin property with the value of auto .

The element will then take up the specified width , and the remaining space will be split equally between the left and right margins.

You would usually apply this method to the image itself and not the container. But unfortunately, this property alone doesn’t work. You also need to specify the width the image will take first. This lets the margin know the remaining width the container has so that it can be split equally.

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Secondly, img is an inline element, and the margin-auto property set does not affect inline-level elements. This means you must first convert it to a block-level element with display property set as block .

How to Center an Image in a Div Horizontally with the Position and Transform Properties

Another method you can use to position an image horizontally is the position property alongside the transform property.

This method can be very tricky, but it works. You must first set the container’s position to relative , then the image to absolute .

Once you do this, you can now move the image to whichever position you wish using either the left , top , bottom , or right properties on the image.

In this case, you only want to move the image to the center horizontally. This means you would move the image via the left to 50% or right to -50%:

But when you check your image, you will notice that the image is still not perfectly placed in the center. This is because it started from the 50% mark, which is the center position.

In this case, you need to use the transform-translateX property to adjust it to get the perfect center horizontally:

How to Center an Image in a Div Horizontally with Display-Flex

CSS flexbox makes it easier for you to design flexible, responsive layout structures without using float or positioning. We can also use this to place an image in the center horizontally of a container using the display property with flex as its value.

But this alone doesn’t work. You also need to define the position where you want your image. This could be center, left or maybe right :

Note: The display: flex property is not supported in older versions of browsers. You can read more here. You’ll also notice that the width and height of the image are defined to ensure the image doesn’t shrink.

Let’s now learn how to center an image in a div vertically. Later we’ll see how to center an image in a div horizontally and vertically together, making it a perfect center.


How to Center an Image in a Div Vertically with Display-Flex

Just like how you were able to center the image horizontally with the display-flex method, you can also do the same vertically.

But this time around, you won’t need to use the justify-content property. Rather you’ll use the align-items property:

For this method to work, the container must have a specified height which you will use to calculate the height and know where the center is located.

How to Center an Image in a Div Vertically with the Position and Transform Properties

Similar to how you used the position and transform properties earlier to place your image in the center horizontally, you can also do the same vertically.

But this time around, you won’t use left or right, . Instead you will use top or bottom alongside translateY rather than translateX :

You have learned how to center an image within a div horizontally and vertically using all possible methods. Let’s now learn how to center both horizontally and vertically.


How to Center an Image in a Div Horizontally and Vertically with Display-Flex

The display-flex property is a combination of how you’d center the image vertically and horizontally.

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For the flex method, this means you will use both the justify-content and align-items properties set to center :

How to Center an Image in a Div Horizontally and Vertically with the Position and Transform Properties

This is also very similar, as all you have to do is combine both ways you were able to center vertically and horizontally:

You can also combine the translateX and translateY by using translate(x,y) :

Wrapping Up

In this article, you have learned how to center an image in a div vertically, horizontally, or both.

You will often use the Flexbox method when moving an image to the center because the position method can distort your web page and works very trickily.

You can learn more about the CSS position method here and then more about the flexbox method here.


How to Center an Image Vertically and Horizontally with CSS

Cem Eygi

Cem Eygi

How to Center an Image Vertically and Horizontally with CSS

Many developers struggle while working with images. Handling responsiveness and alignment is particularly tough, especially centering an image in the middle of the page.

So in this post, I will be showing some of the most common ways to center an image both vertically and horizontally using different CSS properties.

Here’s an interactive scrim about how to center an image vertically and horizontally:

I’ve gone over the CSS Position and Display properties in my previous post. If you’re not familiar with those properties, I recommend checking out those posts before reading this article.

Here’s a video version if you want to check it out:

Centering an Image Horizontally

Let’s begin with centering an image horizontally by using 3 different CSS properties.


The first way to center an image horizontally is using the text-align property. However, this method only works if the image is inside a block-level container such as a :

Margin: Auto

Another way to center an image is by using the margin: auto property (for left-margin and right-margin).

However, using margin: auto alone will not work for images. If you need to use margin: auto , there are 2 additional properties you must use as well.

The margin-auto property does not have any effects on inline-level elements. Since the tag is an inline element, we need to convert it to a block-level element first:

Secondly, we also need to define a width. So the left and right margins can take the rest of the empty space and auto-align themselves, which does the trick (unless we give it a width of 100%):

Display: Flex

The third way to center an image horizontally is by using display: flex . Just like we used the text-align property for a container, we use display: flex for a container as well.

However, using display: flex alone will not be enough. The container must also have an additional property called justify-content :

The justify-content property works together with display: flex , which we can use to center the image horizontally.

Finally, the width of the image must be smaller than the width of the container, otherwise, it takes 100% of the space and then we can’t center it.

Important: The display: flex property is not supported in older versions of browsers. See here for more details.

Centering an Image Vertically

Display: Flex

For vertical alignment, using display: flex is again really helpful.

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Consider a case where our container has a height of 800px, but the height of the image is only 500px:

Now, in this case, adding a single line of code to the container, align-items: center , does the trick:

The align-items property can position elements vertically if used together with display: flex .

Position: Absolute & Transform Properties

Another method for vertical alignment is by using the position and transform properties together. This one is a bit complicated, so let’s do it step by step.

Step 1: Define Position Absolute

Firstly, we change the positioning behavior of the image from static to absolute :

Also, it should be inside a relatively positioned container, so we add position: relative to its container div.

Step 2: Define Top & Left Properties

Secondly, we define the top and left properties for the image, and set them to 50%. This will move the starting point(top-left) of the image to the center of the container:

Step 3: Define the Transform Property

But the second step has moved the image partially outside of its container. So we need to bring it back inside.

Defining a transform property and adding -50% to its X and Y axis does the trick:

There are other ways to center things horizontally and vertically, but I’ve explained the most common ones. I hope this post helped you understand how to align your images in the center of the page.

If you want to learn more about Web Development, feel free to visit my Youtube Channel for more.


How to Center Align Image inside Div Using HTML and CSS

In this tutorial, learn how to center align image inside div using HTML and CSS. The short answer is: use the CSS text-align property to center align single or multiple images in the div element.

Let’s find out with the examples given below.

How to Center Align Image inside Div Using HTML and CSS

To center align the single image inside the div element, you have to mention a class name for the div element. After that, apply the CSS text-align property with center as its value to the element as given below:

Center align image inside div using html and css

Center align image inside div using html and css

The above example contains a single image to make it center align. This is the simple yet efficient method to center align any image you want inside the div element. If you want to center align multiple images, you have to keep reading and check the below given example for the same.

Center Alignment of Multiple Images

To center align multiple images inside the div element, you need to place all the images inside the div element. After that, apply the CSS property text-align and apply center as its value to the element as given below:

Center align image inside div using html and css

Center align image inside div using html and css

Center align image inside div using html and css

Image 1Image 2 Image 3

The above example contains the three center-aligned images. However, you can add more multiple images inside the div element.

Place any minimal size image inside the div element and apply the CSS text-align:center for the div element. Center alignment of images is the required task while designing any website or theme for any client. Whether you have a single image or multiple images, you can make the alignment of all of them sequentially using this method.

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I hope you like this post of aligning images to the center position.


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