Add image to pdf python

Python add image to pdf using python

Solution: Step 1: convert mypdf.pdf to full_page_image.jpg Step 2: overlay image_to_be_added onto full_page_image Step3: convert final_image.jpg to final_pdf.pdfSolution: You can’t just do a with a filepath. This is so when you call something like , it will build the PDF at that point from the text, images, etc.

Insert Image into a pdf at a specified location

Step 1: convert mypdf.pdf to full_page_image.jpg

from pdf2image import convert_from_path pages = convert_from_path('mypdf.pdf', 500) pages[x].save('full_page_image.jpg', 'JPEG') #where x is your page number minus one 

Step 2: overlay image_to_be_added onto full_page_image

import cv2 import numpy as np full_page_image = cv2.imread('full_page_image.jpg') image_to_be_added = cv2.imread('image_to_be_added.jpg') final_image = full_page_image.copy() final_image[100:400,100:400,:] = image_to_be_added[100:400,100:400,:] #adjust the numbers according to the dimensions of the image_to_be_added cv2.imwrite(final_image.jpg, final_image) 

Step3: convert final_image.jpg to final_pdf.pdf

from PIL import Image final_image2 ='final_image.jpg') final_image3 = final_image2.convert('RGB')'final_pdf.pdf') 

How to Convert Image to PDF in Python?, Image can be converted into pdf bytes using img2pdf.convert() functions provided by img2pdf module, then the pdf file opened in wb mode and is

How to Attach Image to pdf using Python

In this video i will show you how to embed an image into pdf using python, we will firstly Duration: 4:11

How to add a WaterMark Image to PDF File in Python Using PyPDF2

How to add a WaterMark Image to PDF File in Python Using PyPDF2 LibraryWelcome Folks
Duration: 6:40

Python 3 FPDF Library Script to Add Text & Images to

Python 3 FPDF Library Script to Add Text & Images to PDF Document & Save it as Output
Duration: 10:58

Writing image into a PDF File

You can’t just do a drawImage with a filepath. Consider using an ImageReader :

from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader reader = ImageReader(imgPath) imgDoc.drawImage(reader, . ) 

How to add background image in pdf using Pymupdf module in python, First you need to convert pdf page to to RGBA image. Then, every white pixel will be converted to be transparent so as to make it disappear when

Adding jpg to a pdf, using fpdf

I don’t think so. In the fpdf image docs, it says for the name param in adding an image with fpdf.image(name, x = None, y = None, w = 0, h = 0, type = », link = ») :

name: Path or URL of the image. 

This implies that you’re not passing an object representing an image directly in as the parameter, but only the path to an image that is already saved to disk as a file. This is so when you call something like pdf.output(‘tuto1.pdf’, ‘F’) , it will build the PDF at that point from the text, images, etc.

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Insert image into pdf python Code Example, create pdf from images python · python save image to pdf · add image to pdf with python · Browse Python Answers by Framework.



When rendering an image, its size on the page can be specified in several ways:

  • explicit width and height (expressed in user units). The image is scaled to those dimensions, unless keep_aspect_ratio=True is specified.
  • one explicit dimension, the other being calculated automatically in order to keep the original proportions
  • no explicit dimension, in which case the image is put at 72 dpi

Note that if an image is displayed several times, only one copy is embedded in the file.

Simple example¶

By default an image is rendered with a resolution of 72 dpi, but you can control its dimension on the page using the w= & h= parameters of the image() method.

Alpha / transparency¶

fpdf2 allows to embed images with alpha pixels.

Technically, it is implemented by extracting an /SMask from images with transparency, and inserting it along with the image data in the PDF document. Related code is in the image_parsing module.

Assembling images¶

The following code snippets provide examples of some basic layouts for assembling images into PDF files.

Side by side images, full height, landscape page¶

Fitting an image inside a rectangle¶

When you want to scale an image to fill a rectangle, while keeping its aspect ratio, and ensuring it does not overflow the rectangle width nor height in the process, you can set w / h and also provide keep_aspect_ratio=True to the image() method.

The following unit tests illustrate that:

Blending images¶

You can control the color blending mode of overlapping images. Valid values for blend_mode are Normal , Multiply , Screen , Overlay , Darken , Lighten , ColorDodge , ColorBurn , HardLight , SoftLight , Difference , Exclusion , Hue , Saturation , Color and Luminosity .

Demo of all color blend modes: blending_images.pdf

Image clipping¶

You can select only a portion of the image to render using clipping methods:

Alternative description¶

A textual description of the image can be provided, for accessibility purposes:

Usage with Pillow¶

You can perform image manipulations using the Pillow library, and easily embed the result:

SVG images¶

SVG images passed to the image() method will be embedded as PDF paths:

Retrieve images from URLs¶

URLs to images can be directly passed to the image() method:

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Image compression¶

By default, fpdf2 will avoid altering or recompressing your images: when possible, the original bytes from the JPG or TIFF file will be used directly. Bitonal images are by default compressed as TIFF Group4.

However, you can easily tell fpdf2 to embed all images as JPEGs in order to reduce your PDF size, using set_image_filter() :

Beware that «flattening» images into JPEGs this way will fill transparent areas of your images with color (usually black).

The allowed image_filter values are listed in the image_parsing module and are currently: FlateDecode (lossless zlib/deflate compression), DCTDecode (lossy compression with JPEG) and JPXDecode (lossy compression with JPEG2000).

ICC Profiles¶

The ICC profile of the included images are read through the PIL function«icc_profile)» and are included in the PDF as objects.

Oversized images detection & downscaling¶

If the resulting PDF size is a concern, you may want to check if some inserted images are oversized, meaning their resolution is unnecessarily high given the size they are displayed.

There is how to enable this detection mechanism with fpdf2 :

After setting this property, a WARNING log will be displayed whenever an oversized image is inserted.

fpdf2 is also able to automatically downscale such oversized images:

After this, oversized images will be automatically resized, generating DEBUG logs like this:

OVERSIZED: Generated new low-res image with name=lowres-test.png dims=(319, 451) >

For finer control, you can set pdf.oversized_images_ratio to set the threshold determining if an image is oversized.

If the concepts of «image compression» or «image resolution» are a bit obscure for you, this article is a recommended reading: The 5 minute guide to image quality

Disabling transparency¶

By default images transparency is preserved: alpha channels are extracted and converted to an embedded SMask . This can be disabled by setting .allow_images_transparency , e.g. to allow compliance with PDF/A-1:

This will fill transparent areas of your images with color (usually black).

Page background¶

Sharing the image cache among FPDF instances¶

Image parsing is often the most CPU & memory intensive step when inserting pictures in a PDF.

If you create several PDF files that use the same illustrations, you can share the images cache among FPDF instances:

This recipe is valid for fpdf2 v2.5.7+. For previous versions of fpdf2 , a deepcopy of .images must be made, (cf. issue #501).


Python Add Images To PDF Documents

In this example I am going to show you how to add images to PDF documents or files. you may need to add or include images into pdf files along with text information. There are a number of advantages while using pdf as a document for various purposes, such as:

  • PDF format reports allows professionals to edit, share, collaborate and ensure the security of the content within digital documents.
  • Reports are mostly generated in PDF format because a PDF file is a “read only” document that cannot be altered without leaving an electronic footprint whereas other formats like image, word, excel etc. can easily be altered without leaving an electronic footprint.
  • PDF files are compatible across multiple platforms whereas a word document may not be viewable easily in Mac system.
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Python 3.9.1, fpdf (pip install fpdf), Pillow (pip install pillow)

Add Images to PDF

Here I am going to show you how to add images to pdf file. Here I am going to show how to add a single image as well as multiple images to pdf files.

The function which is used to add an image to pdf document is given below:

fpdf.image(name, x = None, y = None, w = 0, h = 0, type = '', link = '')

Abscissa of the upper-left corner. If not specified or equal to None, the current abscissa is used (version 1.7.1 and up).

Ordinate of the upper-left corner. If not specified or equal to None, the current ordinate is used; moreover, a page break is triggered first if necessary (in case automatic page breaking is enabled) and, after the call, the current ordinate is moved to the bottom of the image (version 1.7.1 and up).

Width of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.

Height of the image in the page. If not specified or equal to zero, it is automatically calculated.

Image format. Possible values are (case insensitive): JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF. If not specified, the type is inferred from the file extension.

URL or identifier returned by add_link.

In the following Python program I am reading images from the current directory and adding image to the pdf file.

As a first step you need to add a page to the pdf document before you add any text or image to the pdf document.

If you want to add each image to a single pdf page then for each image you need to add a new page otherwise the pdf page will be automatically added while images are being added one by one.

While I am reading files from the current directory I am also validating the image files by their extension (.png or .jpg or .jpeg).

import os from fpdf import FPDF #from PIL import Image #pdf = FPDF(orientation = 'L') pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() #add a page first #i ='flower.png') #i_name = os.path.basename('flower.png') #w, h = i.size pdf.image('flower.png') pdf.output("image.pdf", "F") dirs = os.listdir('.') pdf1 = FPDF() #pdf1.add_page() for img in dirs: if os.path.isfile(img) and os.path.splitext(img)[1].lower() in ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png'): #print(img) pdf1.add_page() pdf1.image(img) pdf1.output("images.pdf", "F")

Test adding Images to PDF

Once you execute the above python script, the images will be added to your PDF document:


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