Abstract method return java

Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java

Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java

In this article, I am going to discuss Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java with Examples. Please read our previous where we discussed Abstraction in Java with Examples. At the end of this article, you will understand what are Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods and its need as well as when and how to implement this in Java Applications with Examples.

Note: A method that does not have a body is called an abstract method and the class that is declared by using the abstract keyword is called an abstract class. If a class contains an abstract method, then it must be declared as abstract.

What is the abstract class in java?

A class that is declared by using the abstract keyword is called an abstract class in java. It is a partially implemented class used for developing some of the operations of an object which are common for all next level subclasses. So it contains both abstract methods, concrete methods including variables, blocks, and constructors.

It is always created as a superclass next to the interface in the object inheritance hierarchy for implementing common operations from the interface. An abstract class may or may not have abstract methods. But if a class contains an abstract method then it must be declared as abstract.

What is Abstract Method in Java?

A method that does not have a body is called an abstract method in Java. It is declared with the modifier abstract. The following are the properties of the java abstract method,

  • It can only be used in an abstract class, and it does not have a body.
  • An abstract method contains a method signature, but no method body.
  • An abstract method is a method that is declared without implementation.
  • Instead of curly braces, an abstract method will have a semicolon (;) at the end.
  • A method-defined abstract must always be redefined in the subclass, thus making overriding compulsory OR either making the subclass itself abstract.
Why method should have an abstract keyword if it does not have a body?

In a class, we are allowed only to define a class with a body. Since we are changing its default behavior (which means removing its body) it must have an abstract keyword in its prototype.

When a class should be declared abstract in Java?
  1. If it has any abstract methods
  2. If it does not provide implementation to any of the abstract methods it inherited
  3. If it does not provide implementation to any of the methods of an interface.
When to use Abstract Methods in Java?

Abstract methods are usually declared where two or more subclasses are expected to fulfill a similar role in different ways. Often the subclasses are required to fulfill an interface, so the abstract superclass might provide several of the interface methods, but leave the subclasses to implement their own variations of the abstract methods. Abstract classes can be thought of as part-complete templates that make it easier to write a series of subclasses.

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Rules of Abstract Class and Abstract Methods in Java:

If the method does not have a body it should be declared as abstract using the abstract modifier else it leads to CE: “ missing method body or declared abstract

CE: missing method body or declared abstract


If a class has an abstract method it should be declared as abstract by using the keyword abstract else it leads to CE: class is not abstract and does not override the abstract method in the class.

CE: Example is not abstract and does not override abstract method m1() in Example. The correct syntax is given below.


If a class is declared as abstract it cannot be instantiated violation leads to compile-time Error.

CE: Example is abstract, cannot be instantiated

Why abstract class cannot be instantiated?

Because it is not a fully implemented class so its abstract methods cannot be executed. If the compiler allows us to create an object for an abstract class we can invoke the abstract method using that object which cannot be executed by JVM at runtime. Hence to restrict calling abstract methods, the compiler does not allow us to instantiate an abstract class.

Who will provide implementation (body) for abstract methods?

Sub-class developers provide the body for abstract methods according to their business requirements. Basically in projects, abstract methods (method prototypes) are defined by superclass developers and they are implemented by sub-class developers. Implemented means providing the method body with logic.


The subclass of an abstract class should override all abstract methods or it should be declared as abstract else it leads to CE:

abstract class Example < abstract void m1(); abstract void m2(); >class Sample extends Example < void m1() < System.out.println("m1 method"); >>

Declare the class as abstract

abstract class Sample extends Example < void m1 () < System.out.println ("m1 method"); >>

Override both abstract methods

abstract class Sample extends Example < void m1() < System.out.println("m1 method"); >void m2() < System.out.println("m2 method"); >>
Can we declare an abstract method as static?

No, we are not allowed to declare an abstract method as static. It leads to CE: illegal combination of modifier abstract and static . If the compiler allows us to declare it as static, it can be invoked directly which cannot be executed by JVM at runtime. Hence to restrict calling abstract methods compiler does not allow us to declare an abstract method as static. For example

Can we declare an abstract method as final?

No, because it should be allowed to override in subclasses. It leads to CE: illegal combination of modifier abstract and final . For example:

Can we declare an abstract method as private?

No, because it should be inherited by subclasses. It leads to CE: illegal combination of modifier abstract and private. For example:

Can we declare a concrete class as abstract in Java?

Yes, it is allowed. Defining a class as abstract is a way of preventing someone from instantiating a class that is supposed to be extended first. To ensure our class non-static members are only accessible via sub-class objects we should declare the concrete class as abstract.

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let us see an example for a better understanding

A concrete class declared as abstract in Java
abstract class Example < static void m1() < System.out.println("Example m1 method"); >void m2() < System.out.println("Example m2 method"); >>

Calling concrete abstract members from normal class

Calling concrete abstract class members from sub-classes

class Sample extends Example < public static void main(String args[]) < Example.m1(); Sample e = new Sample(); e.m2(); >>

Example m1 method
Example m2 method

Difference Between Abstract class and Concrete class in Java:

Abstract Class in Java

When to use Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java?

There are situations in which we will want to define a superclass that declares the structure of a given abstraction without providing a complete implementation of every method. That is, sometimes we want to create a superclass that only defines a generalization form that will be shared by all of its subclasses, leaving it to each subclass to fill in the details.

Consider a classic “Bank”, the base type is “Bank” and each bank has a Rate Of Interest, etc. From this, specific types of banks are derived (inherited)-SBI, HDFC, PNB, etc. – each of which may have additional characteristics and behaviors. For example, all banks may have different Rates of Interest. The type hierarchy embodies both the similarities and differences between the banks.

When to use Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java

Sample Program for Abstract classes and Abstract Methods:
public class Main < public static void main (String[]args) < Bank b; b = new SBI (); System.out.println ("SBI Rate of Interest is: " + b.getRateOfInterest () + " %"); b = new PNB (); System.out.println ("PNB Rate of Interest is: " + b.getRateOfInterest () +" %"); >> abstract class Bank < abstract int getRateOfInterest (); >class SBI extends Bank < int getRateOfInterest () < return 7; >> class PNB extends Bank < int getRateOfInterest () < return 8; >>

Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java

What type of members we can define in an abstract class?

We can define all static and non-static members including constructors and also abstract methods.

Will abstract class members are created when a subclass object is created?

Yes, its non-static members get memory when its concrete sub-class object is created.

In the next article, I am going to discuss the Interface in Java with Examples. Here, in this article, I try to explain Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java with Examples. I hope you enjoy this Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in Java with Examples article. I would like to have your feedback. Please post your feedback, question, or comments on Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods in the Java article.


Abstract method return java

Class declarations define new reference types and describe how they are implemented (§8.1).

A top level class is a class that is not a nested class.

A nested class is any class whose declaration occurs within the body of another class or interface.

This chapter discusses the common semantics of all classes — top level (§7.6) and nested (including member classes (§8.5, §9.5), local classes (§14.3) and anonymous classes (§15.9.5)). Details that are specific to particular kinds of classes are discussed in the sections dedicated to these constructs.

A named class may be declared abstract (§ and must be declared abstract if it is incompletely implemented; such a class cannot be instantiated, but can be extended by subclasses. A class may be declared final (§, in which case it cannot have subclasses. If a class is declared public , then it can be referred to from other packages. Each class except Object is an extension of (that is, a subclass of) a single existing class (§8.1.4) and may implement interfaces (§8.1.5). Classes may be generic (§8.1.2), that is, they may declare type variables whose bindings may differ among different instances of the class.

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Classes may be decorated with annotations (§9.7) just like any other kind of declaration.

The body of a class declares members (fields and methods and nested classes and interfaces), instance and static initializers, and constructors (§8.1.6). The scope (§6.3) of a member (§8.2) is the entire body of the declaration of the class to which the member belongs. Field, method, member class, member interface, and constructor declarations may include the access modifiers (§6.6) public , protected , or private . The members of a class include both declared and inherited members (§8.2). Newly declared fields can hide fields declared in a superclass or superinterface. Newly declared class members and interface members can hide class or interface members declared in a superclass or superinterface. Newly declared methods can hide, implement, or override methods declared in a superclass or superinterface.

Field declarations (§8.3) describe class variables, which are incarnated once, and instance variables, which are freshly incarnated for each instance of the class. A field may be declared final (§, in which case it can be assigned to only once. Any field declaration may include an initializer.

Member class declarations (§8.5) describe nested classes that are members of the surrounding class. Member classes may be static , in which case they have no access to the instance variables of the surrounding class; or they may be inner classes (§8.1.3).

Member interface declarations (§8.5) describe nested interfaces that are members of the surrounding class.

Method declarations (§8.4) describe code that may be invoked by method invocation expressions (§15.12). A class method is invoked relative to the class type; an instance method is invoked with respect to some particular object that is an instance of a class type. A method whose declaration does not indicate how it is implemented must be declared abstract . A method may be declared final (§, in which case it cannot be hidden or overridden. A method may be implemented by platform-dependent native code (§ A synchronized method (§ automatically locks an object before executing its body and automatically unlocks the object on return, as if by use of a synchronized statement (§14.19), thus allowing its activities to be synchronized with those of other threads (§17 (Threads and Locks)).

Method names may be overloaded (§8.4.9).

Instance initializers (§8.6) are blocks of executable code that may be used to help initialize an instance when it is created (§15.9).

Static initializers (§8.7) are blocks of executable code that may be used to help initialize a class.

Constructors (§8.8) are similar to methods, but cannot be invoked directly by a method call; they are used to initialize new class instances. Like methods, they may be overloaded (§8.8.8).


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