Abstract data type python

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Abstract Data Types Implemented in Python



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Abstract Data Types in Python

Basic Python implementation for several Abstract data types. Just a learning exercise.

A one-dimensional array is a sequence of items stored in contiguous memory locations. They allow random access to the individual items. They must contain data of the same type and have a fixed size that can’t vary during the array lifetime.

This implementation uses a ctypes.py_object to store and manage the data. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
array = Array(size) Build an array that can hold size items.
array[index] Retrieve the item at index .
array[index] = value Assign value to the item at index .
array.clear() Remove all the items form the array .
len(array) Return the length of the array .
item in array Return True if item exists in array , False otherwise.

It also supports iteration and reverse iteration.

A map, also known as associative array or dictionary, is a collection that stores key-value pairs. It maps each key to a corresponding value, making it straightforward to search for values using keys. Keys should be unique. They’re commonly hashable objects.

This implementation uses two lists to store and manage the data. One for the keys and another for the values. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
map = Map() Build an empty map .
map = Map(mapping) Build a map with key-value pairs from mapping .
map = Map(kwargs) Build a map from keywork arguments.
map.keys() Return an iterator over the keys of map .
map.values() Return an iterator over the values of map .
map.items() Return an iterator that yields key-value tuples from map .
map.update(other) Update map with items from other .
map.set_default(key[, default]) Insert a key-default pair into map if key doesn’t exist. Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
map.pop(key) Remove a key-value pair from map and return the value.
map.popitem() Remove a key-value pair form map and return it as a 2-tuple.
map.clear() Remove all the items from map .
Map.fromkeys(iterable[, value]) Return a new map with keys from iterable and the values set to value .
mapAbstract data type python Retrieve the value at key .
mapAbstract data type python = value Assign value to key .
map == other Return True if map has the same items as other .
len(map) Return the number of items (key-value pairs) in map .
key in map Return True if key is in map , False otherwise.
del mapAbstract data type python Delete the key-value pair at key .
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It supports direct iteration, iteration over the keys, values and items. It also support reverse iteration over the keys.

Sets are containers that stores a collection of unique values with no particular order. They typically implement the same operations as their equivalent mathematical sets. Sets are quite useful for mebership tests in which you need to know if a particular value is in the container.

Sets are commonly mutable data types. However, sometimes you’ll find static or frozen sets that don’t change during their lifetime.

This implementation uses a list to store and manage the data. It only accept hashable values. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
set = Set() Build an empty set .
set = Set(iterable) Build a set with items form iterable .
set.add(element) Add element to set .
set.remove(element) Remove element from set . Raise KeyError if element doesn’t exist.
set.discard(element) Remove element from set if present.
set.pop() Pop an element from set .
set.clear() Remove all the elements from set .
set.update(other) Update set with elements from other .
set.is_subset(other) Return True if set is subset of other , False otherwise.
set.is_superset(other) Return True if set is superset of other , False otherwise.
set.is_disjoint(other) Return True if set has no elements in common with other .
set.union(other) Return a new set that is the union of set and other .
set.intersection(other) Return a new set that is the intersection of set with other .
set.difference(other) Return a new set with the difference between set and other .
set == other Return True if both sets contain the same elements, False otherwise.
len(set) Return the number of elements in set .
element in set Return True if element is in set , False otherwise.

It also supports iteration. However, since ordering is not important in sets, this implementation doesn’t support reverse iteration.

A bag, also known as multiset, is a container like a shopping bag. It’s a set-like container that allows multiple instances of a given value. You can use a bag to store a collection of items. Bags restrict access to individual items.

This implementation uses a list to store and manage the data. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
bag = Bag() Build an empty bag .
bag = Bag(iterable) Build a bag with items from iterable.
bag.add(item) Add item the to bag .
bag.remove(item) Remove item from bag .
bag.pop() Pop an item from the right end of bag .
bag.clear() Remove all the items from bag .
len(bag) Return the length of the bag .
item in bag Return True if item exists in bag , False otherwise.
bag.count(item) Count the frequency of item in the bag .
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It also supports iteration and reverse iteration.

A matrix is a collection of numbers arranged in rows and columns as a rectangular grid of a fixed size. Matrices are quite useful in several areas, such as linear algebra and computer graphics. You can use matrices for representing and solving systems of linear equations, for example.

This implementation uses a list to store and manage the data. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
matrix = Matrix(rows, cols) Build a matrix of size rows x cols .
matrix = Matrix(rows, cols, default) Build a matrix of size rows x cols , which values default to default .
matrix.rows Return the number of rows in matrix .
matrix.cols Return the number of columns in matrix .
matrix.size Return the size of matrix as a tuple of cols and rows .
matrix.scale_by(scalar) Scale the whole matrix by scalar .
matrix.transpose() Return a new matrix, which is the transpose of matrix .
matrix.add(other) Return a new matrix, which is the addition of matrix and other .
matrix + other Return a new matrix, which is the addition of matrix and other .
matrix.subtract(other) Return a new matrix, which is the subtraction of matrix and other .
matrix — other Return a new matrix, which is the subtraction of matrix and other .
matrix.multiply(other) Return a new matrix, which is the multiplication of matrix and other .
matrix * other Return a new matrix, which is the multiplication of matrix and other .
matrix[i, j] Retrieve the value at cell (i, j) from matrix .
matrix[i, j] = value Assign value to the cell (i, j) of matrix .
Matrix.from_list_of_lists(iterable) Build a new matrix from a list of lists. It’s a class method.

It doesn’t support direct iteration.

A stack is a data structure where access is only at one end of the sequence. New values are pushed onto the stack to add them to the sequence and popped off the stack to remove them from the sequence. Stacks are used in many algorithms in computer science. They’re useful when parsing information. Stacks are called last in, first out (LIFO) data structures. The last item pushed is the first item popped.

This implementation uses a collections.deque to store and manage the data. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
stack = Stack() Build an empty stack .
stack = Stack(iterable) Build a stack with items from iterable .
stack.push(item) Push item onto the top of the stack .
stack.pop() Pop the item at the top of the stack .
stack.top() Return the item at the top of the stack without popping it.
stack.is_empty() Return True if the stack is empty, False otherwise.
len(stack) Return the length of the stack .
item in stack Return True if item exists in stack , False otherwise.

It also supports iteration and reverse iteration.

A queue is a collection of items. You can modify queues by adding items at one end and removing items from the opposite end.

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Queues manage their items in a first in, first out (FIFO) fashion. They work as a pipe where you push in new items at one end of the pipe and pop old items out from the other end. Adding an item to one end of a queue is known as an enqueue operation. Removing an item from the other end is called dequeue.

This implementation uses a collections.deque to store and manage the data. It defines the following operations:

Operation Description
queue = Queue() Build an empty queue .
queue = Queue(iterable) Build a queue with items from iterable .
queue.enqueue(item) Add item to the right end of the queue .
queue.dequeue() Pop the item at the left end of the queue .
queue.remove(item) Remove item from the queue .
queue.is_empty() Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise.
queue.front() Return the item at the left end of the queue without popping it.
len(queue) Return the length of the queue .
item in queue Return True if item exists in queue , False otherwise.

It also supports iteration and reverse iteration.

A linked list is a linear collection of data where each item in the list is stored in a separate node. A node stores two pieces of information: a data item and a reference to the next node in the linked list, often called .next .

The order of nodes doesn’t follow a sequence of contiguous physical memory locations. Nodes are linked in a chain, in which each node holds a reference to the next one.

This implementation defines the following operations:

Operation Description
llist = LinkedList() Create and empty linked list.
llist = DoblyLinkedList(iterable) Create a linked list with items from iterable .
llist.append_left(value) Add a node holding value to the left end of llist .
llist.append(value) Add a node holding value to the right end of llist .
llist.insert(index, value) Insert a node holding value at index .
llist.remove(value) Remove the node holding value from llist .
llist.reverse() Reverse the llist in place.
len(llist) Return the number of nodes in llist .

It also supports iteration.

A doubly linked list is a linear collection of data where each item in the list is stored in a separate node. Every node stores three pieces of information: a data item, a reference to the next node in the list ( .next ), and a reference to the previous node in the list ( .previous ). The order of nodes doesn’t follow a sequence of contiguous physical memory locations.

The list also holds a reference to the first node ( .head ) and to the last node ( .tail ). This make it possible to traverse the list in both directions, forward and backward.

This implementation defines the following operations:

Operation Description
dllist = DoublyLinkedList() Create and empty doubly linked list.
dllist = DoblyLinkedList(iterable) Create a doubly linked list with items from iterable .
dllist.append_left(value) Add a node holding value to the left end of dllist .
dllist.append(value) Add a node holding value to the right end of dllist .
dllist.insert(index, value) Insert a node holding value at index .
dllist.remove(value) Remove the node holding value from dllist .
len(llist) Return the number of nodes in llist .

It also supports iteration and reverse iteration.


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