550 php ini permission denied

550 Operation not permitted when deleting file through FTP

ftp settings for WD MyBookWorld: Solution 1: My solution to fix this ftplib.error_perm: 550 issue is to cwd to root directory of FTP server, and delete files by their full path as below. Here’s the log when trying to delete one of the files: Solution 1: To delete a file, you need to have write permissions to the parent directory, not to the file itself.

550 Operation not permitted when deleting file through FTP

I am deleting a Drupal installation from a server I just got access to. Most of the files deleted just fine, but for some of the files, FileZilla gives

Initially I thought maybe root is owner of these files or something like that, but It turns out that I can chmod them to 777 through FileZilla, but still not delete them.

So, I can chmod the files, but not delete them through FileZilla. I don’t have shell access, and there is nothing like cPanel. Furthermore I can’t find any information about the OS or anything. It’s a weird host.

Any ideas as to what may be wrong here?

Here’s the log when trying to delete one of the files:

Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message. Status: Insecure server, it does not support FTP over TLS. Status: Server does not support non-ASCII characters. Status: Connected Status: Deleting "/sites/default/default.settings.php" Command: CWD /sites/default Response: 250 CWD command successful Command: DELE default.settings.php Response: 550 default.settings.php: Operation not permitted 

To delete a file, you need to have write permissions to the parent directory, not to the file itself.

In my case, I have a «limit» in my proftpd.conf by extension files.

 Order deny, allow AllowFilter ^[a-zA-Z0-9-_].*\.(xml|XML|txt|TXT)$ 

VSFTPD does not work correctly, EDIT: If i try to delete a folder or a file i get this error: 550 Remove directory operation failed. linux ftp · Share.

How to fix FTP Server (Ubuntu) — 550 Permission denied, cannot put

error message :ftp$ put local_to_server.txt local: local_to_server.txt remote: local_to_server Duration: 5:38

FTP: How to Delete Remote Folders Using FileZilla

In this HostPapa tutorial, we show you how to delete remote folders using FileZilla.FileZilla is a Duration: 0:54

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How To Change Permissions Of Files And Folders In WordPress

All of WordPress website has the same structure for files and folders. After all, our website runs Duration: 4:25

FTP.delete(filename) from ftplib error

When I try to use ftp.delete() from ftplib, it raises error_perm , resp:

>>> from ftplib import FTP >>> ftp = FTP("") >>> ftp.login("user", "password") '230 Login successful.' >>> ftp.cwd("/Public/test/hello/will_i_be_deleted/") '250 Directory successfully changed.' >>> ftp.delete("/Public/test/hello/will_i_be_deleted/") . Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/ftplib.py", line 520, in delete resp = self.sendcmd('DELE ' + filename) File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/ftplib.py", line 243, in sendcmd return self.getresp() File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/ftplib.py", line 218, in getresp raise error_perm, resp ftplib.error_perm: 550 Delete operation failed. 

The directory exists, and «user» has sufficient permissions to delete the folder.

The site is actually a NAS (WD MyBookWorld) that supports ftp.

Changing to parent directory and using command ftp.delete(«will_i_be_deleted») does not work either.

«will_i_be_deleted» is an empty directory.

ftp settings for WD MyBookWorld:

Service - Enable; Enable Anonymous - No; Port (Default 21) - Default 

My solution to fix this ftplib.error_perm: 550 issue is to cwd to root directory of FTP server, and delete files by their full path as below.

ftp.cwd(‘.’) directory = '/Public/test/hello/will_i_be_deleted/' # delete files in dir files = list(ftp.nlst(directory)) for f in files: if f[-3:] == "/.." or f[-2:] == '/.': continue ftp.delete(f) # delete this dir ftp.rmd(directory) 

You need to use the rmd command, i.e

rmd is for removing directories, delete is for removing files.

The only method that works for me is that I can rename with the ftp.rename() command:

ftp.mkd("/Public/Trash/") ftp.rename("/Public/test/hello/will_i_be_deleted","/Public/Trash/will_i_be_deleted") 

and then to manually delete the contents of Trash from time to time.

I do not know if this is an exclusive problem for the WD MyBookWorld ftp capabilities or not, but at least I got a workaround.

Fixing permission errors with vsftpd on Ubuntu

I’ve followed the steps to setup vsftpd on my Ubuntu 12.04 VPS and I can connect to the server with my specially-created FTP user. My issue is that I want that user to have access to /var/www/ (where I keep all my nginx sites). I can browse to that directory but can’t modify anything there – I see things like “550 Delete operation failed” when I try.

I think I could fix this by chown’ing the www directory for my FTP user, but is this a bad idea? I don’t know what permissions nginx expects on that folder – would this break things? Is there a better solution? I just want to be able to upload large files (MP3s etc) via FTP which can then be served on the web.

nginx needs read access only, so you can safely chown the directory to your FTP user. However, that won’t be as secure because your password is sent as plaintext over the internet when you use FTP – consider using SFTP instead :).

sudo chown -R youruser:youruser /var/www 

If you’re running a web application that needs write access to a specific directory, you will need to change the said directory’s group ownership to www-data and set group write permissions:

sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/directory sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/directory 

Holy moly… This is what I needed.

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Error_perm: 550 Permission denied, With FTP is not sufficient be owner of files and directories. The service and daemon FTP must be correctly configured in order to write and


Как исправить ошибку доступа файла 550?

Дело в том, что в менеджере FileZilla, случайно изменил доступ к файлу wp-config.php сайта системы WordPress, значение было 600, решил полностью дать временный доступ и поставил 000, то есть отключил все галочки, сайт перестал работать. Выдает:
Warning: require_once(/home/u925687505/public_html/wp-config.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/u925687505/public_html/wp-load.php on line 37
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/u925687505/public_html/wp-config.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/php-5.5/pear’) in /home/u925687505/public_html/wp-load.php on line 37
Попытался восстановить значение, менеджер выдает зеленную надпись «550 Could not change perms on wp-config.php: Permission denied».
Резервной копии сайта и баз данных нет, не делал. И как быть теперь, с этим файлом не могу ничего поделать, утратил к нему доступ. Как это можно исправить?

У тебя админка на фтп не полная, по этому не можешь выставить обратно. Нужно залогиниться не пользователем с ограниченными правами а главным админом, тогда сможешь выставить права обратно. Хостер должен помочь

решил полностью дать временный доступ и поставил 000
000 — это полный запрет всех прав; все права — это 777.
Я бы попытался подключиться к консоли сайта по telnet или ssh и ввести команду
chmod 777 wp-config.php.
Если откажет, поискать команду для добавления текущего пользователя в список root.
Как-то grep -P root


FileZilla Forums

550 Permission denied

Need help with FileZilla Server? Something does not work as expected? In this forum you may find an answer.

550 Permission denied

#1 Post by simitar » 2012-03-12 11:59

Where can I modify my rights on accessing folders, files?

I’m using wampp, filezilla server 0.9.41 and client 3.5.3. Need to transfer a build site published to disk folder to the wamp server, or directly from the web builder to the local server (remote server isn’t a prob at all) but a 550 Permission denied and Critical file transfer error don’t let me write a single file to the folder, nor even can’t create folders. I found no answer here at the forum related to this issue that could give some clue. Really need assistance.

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botg Site Admin Posts: 35011 Joined: 2004-02-23 20:49 First name: Tim Last name: Kosse Contact:

Re: 550 Permission denied

#2 Post by botg » 2012-03-12 20:37

Re: 550 Permission denied

#3 Post by simitar » 2012-03-12 22:11

boco Contributor Posts: 26642 Joined: 2006-05-01 03:28 Location: Germany

Re: 550 Permission denied

#4 Post by boco » 2012-03-12 23:44

For the Home directory of the FTP user account you created, did you set the correct permissions (in FileZilla Server user configuration)? As it currently is, it doesn’t let you create directories.

No support requests per PM! You will NOT get any reply.
FTP connection problems? Please do yourself a favor and read Network Configuration.
FileZilla connection test: https://filezilla-project.org/conntest.php

Re: 550 Permission denied

#5 Post by simitar » 2012-03-13 00:09

Forgot something very elementar, see below


Re: 550 Permission denied

#6 Post by M.T.2688 » 2016-03-10 10:26

Same problem with the 550 permission denied.

Using filezilla as a scanner importer from the network. I have 2 users that get connected with all the same parameters as working users and receive this message.

I allowed it on windows firewall and even added firewall rules for FTP-21, just like on the working users.
I checked if there was another firewall blocking, there is not.

here is the log: if i see properly, it is trying through port 4 and 50 on the address

Attachments ftp issue.txt here is the log: if i see properly, it is trying through port 4 and 50 on the address (1.13 KiB) Downloaded 2530 times


Debian / Proftp 550 Permission denied

How to fix FTP Server (Ubuntu) - 550 Permission denied, cannot put file to server

I’ve recently installed proftp on my debian squeeze linode. It works so far but I’m facing several issues now. In an FTP client such as FileZilla, I am able to access the server and download files without problems, but upload isn’t prossible. Trying results in 550 test.txt: Permission denied . I’m also trying to download/upload directly from NetBeans, but NetBeans reports a 550 permission denied message in both cases. See below the result when downloading a file. Connection can be established successfully unless sub directories are specified in the settings.

220 ProFTPD 1.3.3a Server (Debian) [::ffff:] USER userftp 331 Password required for userftp PASS ****** 230 User userftp logged in TYPE I 200 Type set to I CWD /site.co.uk/public_html 550 /site.co.uk/public_html: No such file or directory CWD / 250 CWD command successful CWD site.co.uk 550 site.co.uk: No such file or directory MKD site.co.uk 550 gwerks.vegetav.co.uk: Permission denied QUIT 221 Goodbye. 
#VALID LOGINS AllowUser userftp DenyALL Umask 022 022 AllowOverwrite on AllowAll  


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