404 Not Found

Errors in chrome console

Carl Solution 1: No Content-Type is set in the Response and Chrome defaults it to text while Firefox and IE render it as HTML. I’m trying to use something like this: It works well under IE 8 and Firefox 3.6, but fails under Google Chrome 7.

ASP.NET customErrors show as pure HTML in Google Chrome

I’m trying to use something like this:

It works well under IE 8 and Firefox 3.6, but fails under Google Chrome 7.

You can test with this link: http://www.buzzmath.com/this_page_does_not_exist.aspx

No Content-Type is set in the Response and Chrome defaults it to text while Firefox and IE render it as HTML.

Try setting the Content-Type to text/html.

Also you should validate your page, it seems to have quite a few problems which results in this «wierd» behavior.

I am also facing this issue. resolved by change redirectMode=»ResponseRewrite» to redirectMode=»ResponseRedirect»

How to View the HTML Source in Google Chrome, Open Chrome and head to the page you want to inspect; then press Ctrl + Shift + i. A docked pane will open alongside the webpage you’re viewing. Click on the little gray arrow next to an element to expand it even further.

Show HTML errors in Google Chrome

Show HTML errors in Google Chrome — HTML [ Ext for Developers : https://www.hows.tech/p/recommended. html ] Show HTML errors in Google Chrome — HTML Note: Th

HTML : Show HTML errors in Google Chrome?

HTML : Show HTML errors in Google Chrome ? [ Gift : Animated Search Engine : https://bit.ly/AnimSearch ] HTML : Show HTML errors in …

Errors in chrome console

I’m creating a website and it works fine. I cannot find any issues on html or javascript and dreamweaver is not showing errors either. But in chrome console there is about 71 errors.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.gstatic.com/mapspro/_/js/k=mapspro.gmeviewer.en.YzFInGpetnI.O/m=ws9Tlc/rt=j/rs=AItRSTMqeQtfsBrXsETZv9SFkl2pukGigw. No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://www.google.com’ is therefore not allowed access.

GET https://khms1.googleapis.com/kh?v=178&hl=en&x=3034197&y=2015537&z=22&token=111350 404 (OK)

these two errors keep repeating.

This is my header HTML. Can anyone help me to understand this I really appreciate help.

Is a header tag that you can set server side, to allow the webpage to fetch content from a different server (its a security issue to prevent cross site scripting).

See this SO question for how to settAccess-Control-Allow-Origin Multiple Origin Domains?

GET https://khms1.googleapis.com/kh?v=178&hl=en&x=3034197&y=2015537&z=22&token=111350 404 (OK)

Just means that the URL provided is not found HTTP 404 means NOT FOUND

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Copying HTML as shown from Inspect Element in, 1 What you should do is right click and click «View Page Source» or hit control + u And you can just copy and paste from there Share answered Mar 14, 2017 at 14:17 Mystic Coding 17 6 What if the HTML I see is dynamically generated? For example, if I do that on the Google’s page, that part of HTML does not exist (it …

Webdings not showing correctly in google chrome after update 52

i have a webpage that uses webdings extensively to show downward arrow. Following code demonstrates how it is achieved.

  The webding font below should render to a downward arrow. 


But after recently updating chrome, i see the number 6 instead of the expected downward arrow symbol.

Before update 52 (tested on update 49)

before update

after update

Webdings is a web safe font hence i believe it must be rendered uniformly across all browsers.

Are there any settings in chrome to get back the required behavior? Let me know alternate solutions if not.

I am having the same problem. Tried the beta of Chrome 53 and its still broken but it appears to be fixed in the Dev version of Chrome 54. Not sure how long it takes for these versions to get released so looks like our site will stay messed up for now.

JQuery — Double Click Google chrome to errors div appear, Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives

JQuery — Double Click Google chrome to errors div appear



when i run this code on google chrome, first time i put wrong credentials, the error div appears and disappears automatically. Second time error div appears and stay. Why is it happening only on google chrome. Firefox works well.

First of all you need to add some css to hide or show a div like one below:

Then show or hide it with 5 seconds delay or whatever time you want as below:

Unable to render MathML content in Google Chrome, I have some MathML contents in HTML page and the page needs to be rendered in Google Chrome over HTTPS connection. So i tried to follow the approach said in the below link. Displaying Mathml equations. but it did not work (I copied the script in my HTML page). Then I tried to install the MathJax plugin for …


Chrome error page html

Can Google Chrome show HTML errors (e.g. unclosed tags)?

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10.6k 4 gold badges 58 silver badges 82 bronze badges

Brian M. Hunt Brian M. Hunt

79.9k 74 gold badges 230 silver badges 342 bronze badges

I’m not sure it can do exactly what you’re after without an extension. You can use the developer tools to explore the HTML to see if it is what you expect/intend, but I don’t think it will tell you where there are errors.

HTML browsers are designed to be able to taken invalid markup and render it as best they can. It will have a very high tolerance for errors.

You may want to try an extension like one of these.

answered Feb 8, 2010 at 18:56

2,730 3 gold badges 27 silver badges 41 bronze badges

I prefer Validity as it shows errors in the devtools console. It also lets you set up a list of hostnames where it should run on each page load which has been super useful for me during development.

answered Feb 11, 2014 at 13:16

5,779 4 gold badges 42 silver badges 38 bronze badges

How can I get Chrome to display the HTTP error returned by the server rather than the «friendly» error:

Page could not be loaded
The link you specified does not work. This may either be the result of temporary maintenance or an incorrect link.

asked Oct 22, 2010 at 10:30

Searching for the text of the error message suggests it may be an EPiServer error page, not a Chrome friendly error message. (There are many matches from episerver.com with that exact phrase.)

In the version of Chrome I have installed (Chrome 4.0), the friendly error begins with «Oops! This link appears to be broken» and contains alternative links, a Google search box, and the Google logo on the right side. You can turn it on or off by going to the wrench menu → OptionsUnder the hood, then check or clear Show suggestions for navigation errors.

answered Oct 24, 2010 at 1:39

6,570 26 silver badges 27 bronze badges

This «feature» in Chrome is designed to replace 404 errors by a «friendly» error page
for server error pages that do not exceed 512 bytes in size, so were taken by the Chrome
developers to be «uninformative».
Only from 513 bytes and up is the error page displayed exactly as sent by the server.

The «friendly» 404 error page is also disabled for https.

The problem exists since 2008, when the issue was started in
Issue 1695: Chrome needs option to turn off «Friendly 404» displays,
but was never fixed.

If you control the 404 page returned by the http server, just fill it up with comments
so it exceeds 512 bytes, or you can use https. Otherwise, I don’t know of a solution.

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answered Aug 4, 2013 at 14:34

439k 30 gold badges 506 silver badges 884 bronze badges

The friendly errors disappear when using the the developer console open with Ctrl + Shift + I ( CMD + Option + I ) and then reload the error page to see the error properly.

488 4 silver badges 18 bronze badges

answered Sep 4, 2013 at 14:53

There are Chrome extensions available, such as HTTP Headers, which will show the details of the response headers — including the Status code (which you can see at the top of the box in the below screenshot).

enter image description here

answered Jun 8, 2018 at 10:00

7,002 5 gold badges 25 silver badges 34 bronze badges

You don’t like the friendly error page of MSIE or Chrome?

It is believed to be the length of the 404 html code which decided whether Google auto-changes the error page («I believe if Google Chrome sees a very short, stock 404 page (less than 512 bytes), it talks to Google in order to try to suggest other possible pages and options» – Source).


Google’s modified 404 style


The plain 404 style (or any own layout for that matter)

A simple trick

This trick is from nginx – quite handy, isn’t it?

404 Not Found


You only need to add those comments to your error layouts. Now the browsers can’t transform them into their own style anymore.
As a result the 404 is displayed as it is supposed to 🙂

A few last words

Some go even that far and call it «hijacking». But nonetheless it might be helpful for some unskilled web users to have this hijacking google keyword search in 404s 🙂
But with the above approach a web developer can decide for himself.

4.57 avg. rating (90% score) — 7 votes


Давным-давно написал скрипт авторизации с одним сайтом и все работало как надо.
А теперь оно сломалось. Сам ничего не менял.
Вот код:

$post_data = json_encode(["email" => $mail,"password" => 'password123456']); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, [ CURLOPT_URL => "https://lampyre.io/api/1.5/accounts", CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $post_data ]); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl);

В переменной $mail находится почта для регистрации.


403 Forbidden


В интернете не нашел решения моей проблемы.
Помогите пожалуйста.

Повторюсь, все раньше работало.

Апи вытащил через Burp с сайта, на сайте все работает, а тут нет.

Делал даже запрос CURL через командную строку, аналогичный запросу из браузера (генерировал бурп), но выдает такую же ошибку.


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